Edd dec 2012


I almost teared when I read your post.
It was as detailed as it can be.
Just felt a lil emotional as I read it.
Dunno why...

Thanks for taking precious tym to type it out so detailedly and share wif us your story.... :)
And Nurin Salwani is a really nice name...
Congrats babe!!

I'm sure Baby Nurin Salwani will be discharged soon.
Make more Colostrum for her!! :D
Awwww Mreow Mreow....dats so sweet of u...thank u so much babe! :D

U will noe how I feel when it's ur turn to give birth n see ur lil girl. D first time I saw her yesterday afternoon I was over d moon n my heart juz expanded wif love for her. She looks so fragile n in my heart I made a promise to her dat I will take gd care of her no matter wat.

I guess dats wat mothers instinct is. I'm sure all of us have it inside of us no matter how d situation is. :)


Hi Mummies,
I went for my week 31-32 checkup today, baby is doing fine, weighing about 1.9 kg. only thing was my Blood pressure was very high 147/126. so the doc said there may be danger of preeclampsia. He's asked me to come in again next week. give me some BP reducing meds. so need to check my BP regularly now.
my best guess is i was gas the whole night before that, and couldnt sleep well, that may have conributed to the BP. hope it was just that and nothing else. :)

Btw are ther any home remedies to keep BP down ?


Congrats again Lizasaifi! I think you are really brave... i heard my friends said that during c-sect, it was scary cos being only half numb, they can feel the pulling and tugging of their operation. But you sound like everything's ok for you! Great mummy you are!

Mummies: Today I went for my growth scan... actually it's like normal scan but gynae this time round take all the measurement in detail and this scan cost $70 (not included in package). Feel like he's trying to make money out of it cos he can easily do this every visit. Haha anyway, everything's is going well for me.. baby's weight, placenta, cephilic position... only that when i told my gynae I experienced braxton hicks contraction quite often, he prescribed me progestrone to stabilise the uterus.. as he said if too frequent may lead to premature birth, though right now still no signs. He said my yeast infection may have cause my uterus to be more sensitive. Oh my... hopefully baby will not want to pop out too early! :001_07:

Oh i also intend to donate the cord blood. Any idea how's the procedure?
Cherry blossom: thank u so much babe! :) hahaha I had no choice but to go thru c-sect. My doc already told me before dat I mite have to go thru c-sect if I have to deliver my girl early. So I guess I was already mentally n physically prepared. Dats why I juz signed on d line n went thru it.

Oh yes! D pressure of feeling ur insides being pulled n tugged. Hahahaa it's like they wanna take out d contents. But it's juz pressure. Juz bear wif it. I kinda read up a lot too abt c-sect procedure n dat made me be prepared to wat to expect when I have to go thru it. It helped.

D only pain dat I felt during d op was on my left hand as d drip had made d top of my hand swollen. During d op they put d blood pressure cuff on my left arm n every time d cuff compress, only God knows how much it hurt! Lolz I've no choice but juz bear wif it. N now post op d pain I get from d wound is not too bad. Juz kinda feeling sore n d pain is manageable. I get painkillers too so it's bearable. Hahaha I supposed I was really prepared for it even though its a major surgery. Most important is dat my princess n me are safe n sound. :D


Hi Mummies!

Sze Sze: thanks for the info! I went down today coz I wanna buy a musical mobile and rocker... And most of the products are 20% off. I didn't regret gg down coz I also managed to buy a bath tub and stand too and some small items... Hohoho crowd wise is still ok and the cashier is quite fast.

Allele, IvyB, Luckystar, soymilk80: i intend to store cord blood from Cordlife. Price difference between stemcord and cordlife is not a lot... Few hundred diff for first year, then subsequent year about $25 diff - without packages. :) I wonder if they give any referral fee if let's say we refer one another then we can share out referral fee. :p cord life is more expensive by a bit... :)

Cherry Blossom: think if u wanna donate cord blood, u need to call SCBB and sign up a form...
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Mreow Mreow

Hi Mummies,
I went for my week 31-32 checkup today, baby is doing fine, weighing about 1.9 kg. only thing was my Blood pressure was very high 147/126. so the doc said there may be danger of preeclampsia. He's asked me to come in again next week. give me some BP reducing meds. so need to check my BP regularly now.
my best guess is i was gas the whole night before that, and couldnt sleep well, that may have conributed to the BP. hope it was just that and nothing else. :)

Btw are ther any home remedies to keep BP down ?

Luckstar, your heart is working a little too hard to pump blood around your body..
Hmm, have u been overly active or overly tiring yourself?
Take lesser Fried Food, drink more water and less sugary drinks...
Also, u can invest in a good pair of tight pressure stockings..
I used it all the time during my flying days as the plane's cabin environment is very pressurized.
The stockings help to stabilize BP by regulating blood flow throughout our body..
U can try it as a self-remedy!

Lizasaifi, yes..
I believe that is mother's instinct...
Like u said that no matter what, u will protect & take good care of your baby...
Kinda make me realize how much our own mums love us... Hehehe :)
Anyway, you rest well and update us whenever u are free my dear!! :D

Cherry Blossom, i will be donating baby's cordblood too..
I was approached by their representative at KKH TPS so they gave me a brief intro..
they do a mini survey & will Have to draw our blood sample as well, to make sure we are healthy mummies... :)

Oh man, i didnt know that Doc will prescribe Progesterone for frequent BH..
So u confirmed with him that the hardening but painless feeling at our tummy is indeed BH contractions?
Looks like i must ask my Doc as well...
Mine is very often too.. But painless..

Any mummies experience baby's hiccups?
My gal hiccups twice a day, lasting about 3mins each time!

Also, any mummies already bought baby carrier?
Anyone got Manduca carrier?
Im gonna get mine from Germany..
it costs much cheaper there and retail in Spore is $250!
So ex :(
Mreow Mreow,

Oh so if i wanna donate cord blood should also let them draw my blood sample as well? Hmm ok think i will call up and ask more.
Yah think is better that you ask your gynae. Gynae was still saying mine everything ok until i told him about my tight tummy and he said yes is braxton hicks and asked me how many times a day, does it exceed 5 times i said should have. So he said then he better prescribed me some medicine to relax the uterus. Yah mine was actually tightening without pain but do feel a bit of cramp (suan feeling) but not like menstrual cramps those s strong.. slight only. I felt the tightening occurs quite often but then again most of the time i felt my uterus is quite hard, not very soft de unless i lie down. Is it suppose to be like this? Anyway i will just take the pills and see how... no point worry. Hee.... Yah i also experience hiccups but i didnt take note when. SInce baby is head down already, when i feel rythmnic movement which is quite down at my lower tummy, i guess it's their hiccups!


Seems like you got good deals at the fair. But my hubby dont drive so we dont like to go down expo. Ialso wanna buy cot mobile for my baby.. will see if i can get it somewhere. :) I also wanna buy a baby sling... those cloth type..not carrier yet. Still looking at which type is good. :)


Mreow Mreow: my baby hiccup average twice a day... About 1-2mins hahha how much is the Manduca carrier in Germany? :)

Cherry Blossom: I was hesitating whether to go down too coz I am "waddling" and coz i get tired easily so I find it very inconvenient to go down and shop in crowded places. I took a look at their website and gave them a call before deciding to go down. There are baby carriers on offer as well but I didn't take note coz intend to buy when bb is in 2nd mth :) Strollers are on discount as well but I didn't take note of the brands too... Heehee I didn't see any sling there. But beautiful cot mobiles are 20% disc - tiny love and chicco brands... So can buy heehee :)

Mreow Mreow

My hubby will help me to chk price Tmr but it should cost about EU120 for the cheapest one.
So it's about less than $200.
Not very sure so will get him to check first!! :)
Have u heard about Manduca?
Any reviews?

So far I've only heard mummies saying it's the best as compared to Ergo & BabyBjorn.

I also dunno.... :(


Hi mummies! Hehehe it's 4.15am n I'm awake! Hahaha cuz slept kinda early. Woke up wif swollen breasts. Juz did some massaging n expressing n managed to produce a little bit more colostrum for my princess. So happy!

Mreow Mreow: Manduca carrier is really quite ex here! U r rite! But they are colourful n u can use for baby from newborn. Dats one thing gd abt it. For me I will juz use baby sling first since my princess is in d small size n I will be breastfeeding. Baby sling can double up as a breastfeed cover too since its made from cloth so convenient to use. :)

abt baby hiccuping, I had dat when my princess still inside. When she's head down can feel a soft rhythmic thump right at my pelvic joint dat last abt 2 mins or so. Dat shows ur baby is trying to breathe n her lungs are quite mature already. Look at my princess. She's only 34 weeks but can breathe on her own. Hehehe

Oh gosh! Someone's baby is crying. Made me miss my princess so much. Can't wait to see her again ltr n perhaps able to hold her in my arms if she's out of d light treatment. I hope she will be ltr.

Hmm...u mummies have Facebook Acc? I still can't seem to load my princess's pic here thru d iPhone app. :( perhaps if u do have a Facebook Acc do add me, Liza Saifi. My profile pic is of me n my hubby wearing green. :)

Alright! I'm gonna try to sleep again. Talk to u mummies again! M
Lizasaifi, I just sent you a friend request. Hope I got the right person. My Facebook name us Aimei Tan. :)

Oh I think you are also in the dec mummies 2012 page? Think I saw you there before but that page is not very active. I wanna see your princess picture. :)

Good morning mummies! :D have a great day!


Gooddddddd Sunday Morning Mummies!!!

I wake up every hour to peee and drink water.... Anyone like this as well? Hahaa

Lizasaifi, I saw u in dec mummies fb that yingzy has created :)

Mreow Mreow: I havent tried Manduca... But have let my hubby tried on Babybjorn. They are about the same price. Ergo, I heard cannot let baby face front so ergo won't be my choice. Babybjorn can. I haven't seen any samples of Manduca. Babybjorn synergy is good as it supports the back of the mummy/daddy. I guess Manduca will have one category that has back support as well? Also, like what Lizasaifi mummy said... Manduca is colorful. So Manduca did attract my attention to put it in my choice of carrier too. Overall, my conclusion is, I will buy either Babybjorn or Manduca as long as it is light... :)

Mreow Mreow

I Juz got back from baby Fair at Expo.
It wasn't crowded at all, surprisingly...
The place was quite empty. I think most shops already closed, cuz alot of area not occupied by stalls. perhaps they have sold out all their items... Haha.

MamaDT, I do wake up pretty often at night to pee too.
2-3h once :)

I heard reviews that Manduca is much less straining on our back & spine.
And that it supports Baby's weight by their butt and not their thighs...
Also, alot mummies said they have personally let their babies try both carriers at shops & their baby will cry when in Bjorn cuz feel uncomfortable due to weight distribution.
But when in Manduca, their baby always fall asleep.
Dunno how true. Haha!! :)

Guess everybaby different... :D

Lizasaifi, that time u tried to post a pic of Baby Nurin?
But can't see from here le
I think yours is not from the way u described. But I still feel tightness after taking the pills leh.. Or maybe I'm too sensitive?

Sure u can add me! My profile pic is in black and white, me and hubby wedding photo. :) other mummies also can add me if you like. :)

Monday again and i feel so tired to work but must endure cos I want baby to come out only in dec. Jia you mummies!

Mreow Mreow

BH contractions are when your tummy hardens but u don't feel any pain.
They will last only a short while and will disappear after you change your current activity...
So have u got that?
I'm sure u should have by now cuz i do & we are same EDD. Juz that u might not notice it as it's totally painless.
It doesn't cause any discomfort for me.
Only when feel tummy then realize it's hard.
Like touching abs! Haha :)

Oooh, all mummies here so petite! :)
Think I might be tallest here...

My GFs are alllll nagging me To get a name for my Babygal.
But seriously, I have no clue & no inkling till now!!!
Have u all decided on names alr?!? :D

Lizasaifi, hope everything is Gg ok wif U & baby Nurin?
How much more weight to go dear?

Mreow Mreow

Ooh Lizasaifi, finally can see baby Nurin on your profile pic.
The profile pic on mummysg cannot enlarge right?
She looks so adorable lying on her tummy :)
How much to go till 1.9kg?

Cherry blossom, the progesterone pills your doc gave u is it the small white ones called duphaston? :)
Mreow Mreow, ya my progesterone pills is the white round one very soft and spongy but I think the brand name is different. Ya u r tall! I'm 1.55m so I already look like I'm due anytime even though I'm still one months time away.. Haha.

Momopeachgal, I thought of name already. For Chinese name, I search Internet for auspicious names for dragon babies using yahoo.com/tw and i like one name but I dunno whether should I use it or should I still get someone to calculate leh. Heard that opposite Tmc there's this master who calculate but I find that many people who find master to calculate tend to have a common character in their name. They seem to like certain character.

Mreow Mreow

I have not thought of names!!
Abit difficult for my case cuz dunno wad race name to put...
Cham Cham.... Haha...... :)

What are your babies' names ?!! :D

Mreow Mreow

In my Close GFs group, I'm the tallest.
The rest of my GFs all cute, small and petite like u all :)

CherryBlossom, progesterone is good.
It helps to stabilize the uterus and prevent premature Labour.
Don't forget to take ur meds regularly!! :D
My gynae apptmt switched from 1nov to 3nov..
Arg... Can't wait!!!

Wonder when they will check our cervix.
Maybe at week 36 or 37...

Im very sure u should have BH already.
Like I said, think u Nv notice cuz it's painless.
Juz tummy harden only.
Perhaps your tummy is already very big n stretched so it's harder for u to feel it harden.... Hehe :)
Ya, maybe u try to feel ur tummy more often! :)


Mreow Mreow

There's a bulk purchase gg on for Manduca Carriers at the sg business/ bulk purchase thread in this forum! Hahhaa FYI :)