Edd dec 2012


Cherry Blossom, TMC got gowns for mummies to wear... But there are mummies who bring their own pj :) buy those that has buttons in front so u can open easily to breast feed :)

Lizasaifi: 7 more weeks to go! Lol my soles are red, BH quite frequent, feel hungry easily... Lol and yes baby is still very actively kicking in tummy! :) wah think u need to prepare lotsa bottles!


MamaDT: wow! 7 weeks more! It will go by quickly without u knowing it. Hehehe then u will have ur baby in ur arms. :) ur BH quite frequent? If its painful when u get d BH u better tell ur gynae u noe. Cuz u mite not noe it dat it's actually contractions only without pain.

Let me tell u mummies my experience wif BH, tightenings n d ctg machine. When I was warded I was strapped on to d ctg machine like 3 times a day. It's to monitor baby's heartbeats n whether we have any contractions. D graph also can tell whether baby is under stress if u have a contraction. Whenever u have a tightening or BH d graph line dat monitors this will spike. Baby's heartbeats will usually increase when u get this. Dats wat I understand from d graphs n reading abt it online. So if u get it often if u r strapped to d ctg machine ur graph will have a lot of spikes on d line dat monitors ur contractions.

Now I'm glad dat I dun have to be 'tortured' strapped onto dat machine. Lolz d only consolation I had while strapped to it was hearing d assuring beats of my princess's heart. :D


Yup have been trying to monitor on the BH already noticed it was quite frequent these days... As in just beginning part of frequent... Will ask doc next week checkup :) thanks for your advise! ^^ appreciated and need the advice a lot! :)

Cherry Blossom: oh yah with regards to the flask, I agree with Momopeachgal that electric will be better :) either elephant or tiger brand is good and durable :) try see if Isetan got sale? I saw it on sale last week but not sure how long is the promotion :)
With regards to constipation, did u get fibregel or some medicine from gynae? :)

Momopeachgal: yup my hubby and I quite shocked that I drink so much water... Lol be prepared to go pee often if u really wanna drink so much water yah hahaha :)

Mreow Mreow: can't wait to hear ur update on next checkup... Let us know your latest EDD yah :)

Mreow Mreow

Happy 33weeks!!
Its tuesday today!
we turn a new week! Wahaha :)

MamaDt, yep, will update here when i go for my check up on the 3 Nov!! :)
wonder if she is still a fatty and must come out earlier... hahaha
Ya ya..
my BH is super frequent nowadays too...
Almost everytime i move I feel it harden...
Mamadt, when is your next checkup?

Lizasaifi, actually u can store milk in milk bags and freeze them!
when they cool, can be transferred to milk bottle...
There is even disposable milk bags that fit with certain bottle types so u just put the bag inside the bottle when baby is ready to drink.
when finished, just throw the bag. the bottle is clean with no milk residue...
Milk bags are invented for easy storage in freezer...
They are easy to date and can keep track when its being expressed...
Hmm, U mean the nurses say u cant keep your expressed Breast Milk in Milk bags??

I got a Mini bad newss..
my GF just bought me a Baby travel system which includes Stroller and baby car seat that can be attached to stroller..
Its actually awesome news butttttt
Problem is,
I already bought Capella stroller last month!!!
Sob sobb :(

Looks like i have no choice but to sell my Capella!
Have to open a new thread in this forum to sell my Brand new stroller...
haix :(
MamaDT, ok ya thanks, will keep a lookout for the sale! About my constipation, ya I mentioned to my gynae but he only said if it persist, he will give me medicine or maybe it's fibre gel toward my delivery. I think I will sure constipate de cos I have it since before preggy and now worst. Everytime after shit le will have a lump come out.. Sorry if it's sounds gross.. And gynae said yes, it will come out too during the pushing of baby.. Only way is to take fibre gel to make it less pain and smaller. This happened to my mum when she gave birth too.

Lizasaifi, thanks for sharing about the ctg! I still wondering what it means when I heard next visit may be monitored on ctg. hope I don't see my baby in distress otherwise heart pain!

Mreow mreow, since u bought le, just sell it. I'm sure u can find a seller. No worries! Or will your mother/ mil look after your baby next time? Perhaps can give it to them?


Hello mummies!!

Its sooo shiok that its been raining alot lately...
Reallllly helps to cool Singapore down..
And better for us, high-temperature Preggies... Hehhe :)

Allele, glad to hear that your princess is doing fine!! :)
2.1kg for 33weeks is good ya!

I think my girl will be quite heavy.. Cant wait for my appmt on 31st Oct where i'll be 33weeks!! :D

Allele, im shocked that your Doc isnt Pro-Natural Birth...
Who is He?
Normally Docs nowadays really are pro natural..
Maybe MOST women he delivered all ended up with Csec.
Really hope his badluck doesnt rub unto u!!
Do u go to TPS at KK too?
Wow, 5.7K is really quite steep..
I think we'd end up paying about 3K after all the Deductions maybe?

Initially I was lil worried that married life will change too....
But, my hubby thinks very differently regarding Married Life After childBirth...
He thinks that Our marriage will be even more fufilling and that There would be more love between Husband & wife...
He doesnt believe the "oh we have kids now so its difficult to be romantic or for us to do this or that"

Whenever I give him problem examples like travelling, going out, romance,
he will say "Why cant we still do that? We can still do that. Its a matter of choice whether partners wanna put in effort. Dont listen to what majority of the people say & assume it will happen to us. InFact it will be more Fun & loving with children"

I dunno, thats juz his opinion.
Maybe he's a kids-lover thats why..

Well, i just hope that he will be as Hands-on A dad as he said he will be... :)
Quite sad when Hubby don't help wifey wif baby stuff...

Dont think its your waterbag leaking..
If it is, by now, 2days later, u'd have felt contractions already...
Dont worry ya :)
YesYes, It is quite possible that it is Urine...
Bring some pantyliners out so U can change more often when it happens...
Maybe do More PelvicFloor/Kegel Exercises? :)

Ivyb, i went afew babymoons in 2ndTrimester alreadyy..
Maybe u can consider having a Staycation at Sentosa?
It is pretty nice to stay over in Sentosa and roam about!! :)
Hi Mreow Mreow,
so envy u that u had a few babymoons during ur pregnancy. :)
For us, no babymoon but we have decided to go for a maternity photo shoot instead....a 'replacement' for babymoon. hahaa

So which are the places u hv been to for babymoon?


Hi mummies! I'm on d way to see my princess! On d train now. Hehehe

Mreow Mreow: hmmm i will ask d nurse or doc if I can store n freeze my bm in d bags. I think dats more convenient n cheaper than using bottles. :) thanks for d info! Abt ur Capella stroller why not juz sell it away? Then d money u can buy other things for ur gal. Hee hee for me I dun need to get a rocker/bouncer already. My closest cousin already bought one for my princess. So one thing down. :D

Cherry blossom: hahaha dun worry abt d ctg. if ur pregnancy had been smooth sailing till now then u will not see ur baby in distress. U will only see d normal steady beats of ur baby's heart. :) u will be amazed d first time u are strapped on to d ctg machine. U mite want to ask ur gynae wat it all means like I did wif d nurse when I had it on d first time. Hehehe

Ok mummies! I'm reaching Kent ridge soon! Talk to u mummies again! Can't wait to see my princess. Miss her so much! See ya! :D


Ivyb, I'm also thinking about storing the baby's cord blood but with Stemcord. I heard the fees are really expensive and I'm not getting baby bonus as I'm only a PR here. If you are willing to share with me how much Cordlife charge please PM me! I just wanted to know how much roughly I need to fork out extra cash for...

Momopeachgal, my family and husband's family still follow old chinese tradition. They wanted to select good date for the baby, so I just follow lah.. no harm anyway and my gynae (Dr Henry Cheng) also OK with it.
Hi soymilk80, have u signed up with Stemcord? I do agree with u that it's not cheap at all for storing the stem cells even though i'm a s'porean myself.

For the 21-year plan package, amount quoted by cordlife during a seminar we attended in Sept was S$2,900. Considering that it's a one-time charge till our baby reach 21 yrs old, we think it's still quite reasonable. We take it like paying for her insurance premium till she take over after 21yo.

For PR, I'm not sure how much cash exactly u'll need to come out with. You may wana check it out with Stemcord by calling them up?


Hi Mummies!

Sze Sze: thanks for the info! I went down today coz I wanna buy a musical mobile and rocker... And most of the products are 20% off. I didn't regret gg down coz I also managed to buy a bath tub and stand too and some small items... Hohoho crowd wise is still ok and the cashier is quite fast.

Allele, IvyB, Luckystar, soymilk80: i intend to store cord blood from Cordlife. Price difference between stemcord and cordlife is not a lot... Few hundred diff for first year, then subsequent year about $25 diff - without packages. :) I wonder if they give any referral fee if let's say we refer one another then we can share out referral fee. :p cord life is more expensive by a bit... :)

Cherry Blossom: think if u wanna donate cord blood, u need to call SCBB and sign up a form...
MamaDT, have u signed up with cordlife? the only perk from Cordlife when u sign up for the 21-yr plan is a $100 cash voucher from capital land. You'll receive the same voucher when any of ur friends put ur name as referral....which i think it's not something very attractive lei....haahhaaa...but still better than nothing lah. :p


Hi Mummies!

I think I have overate my dinner last night.... Woke up to puke in the middle of the night... Now still feel nauseous... Sigh... Gg back to take more rest soon!

Mreow Mreow: happy selling ur stroller! Hope u find a good buyer :) my checkup is on 5/11... Next tues! Oh yah I bought coconut the hexagon kind one today... Have not drink coz abit unwell and scared to drink... Maybe I will drink three quarter glass later... :)
Yah!! BH very frequent I very scared leh haha coz my baby is also very active inside... Sometime I felt BH one side then the other side baby kicking (sthg like that)... it's a OMG feeling hahaha don't know wanna feel happy or scared! I just tell myself to breatheeeeeeeeeeeeee lol

Momopeachgal: cute la u... Haha try to slowly drink as much as u can... I understand how painful it is to wake up go pee... Lol I walk like old granny especially at night to pee... :p coz I felt my tummy quite heavy for my leg to move any faster... Seriously movement is slowing down gradually day by day... I don't even feel like getting off my bed. :p
As for shoes, I just wear flip flops hhaha coz I don't know how much my feet is gg to expand further... I did buy JWest covered pumps ( with rubber stretch at ankle there) but I felt the width of my first toe to tiny toe seem to have expanded abit and it hurts if I wear the shoes out for too long.. Haha
Read from a thread tt many mummies wear crocs :) u can consider that :)

Cherry Blossom: which gynae & clinic u see? Tell us how's ur CTG yah... When is it?

Lizasaifi: hope ur baby gains weight tdy ;)

IvyB: $2900 for 21 years plan? So cheap ah? This is cordlife? I tot it is $6k from their website leh... Serious ah? Very happy to hear that leh....
U signed already I guessed haha :)
Last edited:
Momopeachgal, there's so many Wendy boey. Is your profile pic s wedding pic? The big one is you in red in a vintage setting.

My feet already swollen since week 20 and I bought scholl which is very comfy but not cheap. $70+ per pair but hor after I wear this, I felt I've never wore such a comfortable shoe in my life. It's worth investing but since u left about one month, see if you want buy or not. :)

Those mummies who have taken maternity shot, how much is the package?


Haha, Thank all mummies for the name. i can consider.. As i cant think of any nice one... 1 more month going to due already haha So nervious.


Haha Momopeachgal, ask ur HR what shoes can u wear? Heeehee that's the best Liao they will understand u are preggy so comfy shoes are important. Flip flops is easiest but just ask them if can wear ^^
Yah lor, nowadays I like "Yao dio" (damn hungry) keep wanting to stuff snacks or food in my mouth every hour... Haha so not me! Lol my whole family all shocked when I can finish a bowl of wanton mee and I tell them I am still hungry.... I wonder how much weight I've gained ...
BH is the no baby movement, no pain, just hard hard feeling yah... U have tt as well? Haha don't scare the baby with your "Ahhh" yah... Haha
Have been wanting to tell u ur name Wendy Boey is same as a friend of mine! Lol

Ling.er: congrats! U are seeing bb soon!

U gals joined the FB that yingZy created? I am inside... :)


Momopeachgal: I know what u r talking about on the folding down back of the shoes part... Careful when u walk in that yah... Hmmm then ask ur boss lor :) I think flip flops in office for preggy is ok leh... Ask boss or Call HR? Haha I have not seen my HR faces before lor... Only through talking nia coz they are somewhere on different building, different road/place... Hahaha
Ya ya I felt my tummy like exploding at times haha I will just breathe harder and harder! Lol then after awhile try to calm down...
Yes the dec mummies 2012 group :) My name is Doris Tan in the fb :)

Mreow Mreow

Hope ur bosses will be nicer To u all.
They should understand preggies :)

I'm worst than u Ling.Er
I've not thought of names.
Can't believe I'm so slack. Haha. :p

Yes yes, ive already posted my stroller away lady night,
Hopefully got takers!! :)
I can't possibly let go my GF's one. Not nice.
We meet often Thn she's gonna wonder where's d BabyGift she Bought. Haha.

Guess sometimes its better if ppl ask u wad u need, instead right? :)

Ivyb, I went Bkk, parts of Malaysia, china & Copenhagen during BabyMoon.
Haiya, enjoyed but also never enjoyed as much as non-preggy....
Don't worry babe, u will have chance to go Holiday when baby is out!! :)
My hubby don't mind traveling with Baby.

Guess MOST impt Task For we mummies is that
We Muz spot our babies' patterns. So we know the remedy for each fuss they make.

Pray that ALLLL our babies here are Guai Guai, with gentle mouth that don't bite our nipples!!!!!
Wahahaha :D

Mreow Mreow

I have that mountain type lump on 1side too!!
But mine lasts for more than 2-3s.
Yes, I would presume that that is BH!! :)
I dun think it's baby.
Cuz when I touch the lump, there's no movement.
No movement for u also right? :)

Yes yes, thats another thing to pray for before delivery!! :D


Momopeachgal yes yes sure can add me :) yah wear flip flops, drink more water, eat less MSG food yah :)

Mreow Mreow: oh my checkup is on next tue 6/11 not 5/11 lost track of dates ever since I stay at home

Let's pray that all mummies' can dilate 10cm easily, push easily without difficulties :p

Argh I think I am having heartburn today.... Feeling soooo lousy....


New Member
hiring a maid

Hi can i check with any mummy to be here hire a maid to help look after the new born? And normally how much does it cost to cook dinner for 2 adult and 1 3 years old kids and the maid?


Hi Mummies!

I think I have overate my dinner last night.... Woke up to puke in the middle of the night... Now still feel nauseous... Sigh... Gg back to take more rest soon!

Mreow Mreow: happy selling ur stroller! Hope u find a good buyer :) my checkup is on 5/11... Next tues! Oh yah I bought coconut the hexagon kind one today... Have not drink coz abit unwell and scared to drink... Maybe I will drink three quarter glass later... :)
Yah!! BH very frequent I very scared leh haha coz my baby is also very active inside... Sometime I felt BH one side then the other side baby kicking (sthg like that)... it's a OMG feeling hahaha don't know wanna feel happy or scared! I just tell myself to breatheeeeeeeeeeeeee lol

Momopeachgal: cute la u... Haha try to slowly drink as much as u can... I understand how painful it is to wake up go pee... Lol I walk like old granny especially at night to pee... :p coz I felt my tummy quite heavy for my leg to move any faster... Seriously movement is slowing down gradually day by day... I don't even feel like getting off my bed. :p
As for shoes, I just wear flip flops hhaha coz I don't know how much my feet is gg to expand further... I did buy JWest covered pumps ( with rubber stretch at ankle there) but I felt the width of my first toe to tiny toe seem to have expanded abit and it hurts if I wear the shoes out for too long.. Haha
Read from a thread tt many mummies wear crocs :) u can consider that :)

Cherry Blossom: which gynae & clinic u see? Tell us how's ur CTG yah... When is it?

Lizasaifi: hope ur baby gains weight tdy ;)

IvyB: $2900 for 21 years plan? So cheap ah? This is cordlife? I tot it is $6k from their website leh... Serious ah? Very happy to hear that leh....
U signed already I guessed haha :)
Hi MamaDT, I hope u r not feeling nauseous anymore....i tend to overeat at times too especially when I get to eat my favourite food....and guess what? my latest craving is eating DURIANS!! hahaaa....i tell my hubby that I really don't mind if i get to eat durian everyday until i deliver...:p

Yes, $2900 after using baby bonus. $5k plus for non-singaporean i think.
We were quoted this price during the seminar so not sure if it's still so cheap or not. We haven't sign up yet cos at the point we don't really like the consultant who served us and also we wanted to compare with stemcord first before we commit and after some surveying around, I think we will sign up with Cordlife...soon. heee...

If u wana sign up I suggest u and ur hubby try to talk to any of the consultants to understand the package better before signing. :)


I think I might just wear flip flops tomorrow liao.. my feet is so swollen like pig again now lols
and Mreow Mreow, i wanna add 1 more prayer. Pray that our babies engaged with a good position so that we can have a smooth delivery!

Oh ya 1 more question. I experience something. On my tummy, a lump surface slowly.. den become like a mountain, and then subside by itself after maybe 2 - 3 sec. do u all tink its BH or is baby?
Hi momopeachgal, I think u should just wear flip flops or shoes that makes u feel comfortable. In case u r not aware...wearing shoes which are too tight can caused/worsened swelling to our feet....this is something u may wana highlight to ur co. if they disallow u to wear flip flops. :)