EDD Nov 2012 mummies here


i have always thought that you should start your massage after a day you discharged from hospital so as to prevent air from going into your body? not to sure, but thats what i thought.
my massage lady told me to give her a call once i deliver, rest a day at home and start massage the next day.

Have you started on your malay massage? Me can't wait! My feet is swollen from the epidural.



can you feel the stitches when they stitched u down there?
is it painful? and can you walk as per normal? what abt peeing? oh dear, im so scared abt the pain down there.....
Next wk. Cos my wound is still painful underneath. Think becos I sit too much to breastfeed n I having diarrhea these two days. Dunno is it becos of the constipation medication. Try the lift ur legs up. Dun drink water while standing.


congrats joasiss!!!!
more and more mummies are giving birth....

oh btw, i will be working till week 39. but of course, will regularly check with gynae if im dilated. if im already 1-2 cm dilated, might move my ML slightly earlier. all in all, i am depending on my dilation and my gynae's accuracy on my EDD..

I just delivered my baby boy at 10 pm last night. Hes 3 weeks early at 36+5. Bit too light at 2.7kg i think. Wound/ hemorrhoids down there starting to hurt...


I didn't take epidural coz I thought 5 cm already.. I thought Should be quite fast.. I dun wan later when the doc came then i cannot take the epidural anymore but still need to pay..my show and water bag only burst at 9cm loh... But also good in a way coz doc not arrived yet. Scare I delivery without doc..

I can feel the stitches which is quite painful even though it should be numb..

I believe all mummy can do it.. Jia you for those mummy that have not give birth yet.

I latched twice already. Hopefully got enough milk for my baby. =)


Same thinking. But my friend told me the body needed a few days to heal, best is to start on the 5th - 7th day after delivery.

EYA:712186 said:
i have always thought that you should start your massage after a day you discharged from hospital so as to prevent air from going into your body? not to sure, but thats what i thought.
my massage lady told me to give her a call once i deliver, rest a day at home and start massage the next day.
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Thanks EYA, but today see an improvement in my milk supply. Feel very satisfied for the first time finally!

EYA:712177 said:
Hi teriwinkle

Maybe you can try the supplement - Fenugreek for breastfeeding moms. u can find it in GNC. hope it helps! :)


Won't feel the pain when they are stitching you if you are on epidural. Subsequently, they will also give painkillers for when the epidural subsides. For peeing, bend body forward so it will not be painful. Walking is perfectly fine.

EYA:712191 said:

can you feel the stitches when they stitched u down there?
is it painful? and can you walk as per normal? what abt peeing? oh dear, im so scared abt the pain down there.....
Congrats Shirix
Thanks Mreow Mreow..

It's really in labour. When I reached TMC, I'm already 5cm dilated! Luckily I went to hospital and not thinking its a false alarm.. But think I gave my doc too little time to reach hospital.. So I was not allowed to push as doc is not there yet.. Quite uncomfortable. But once you see the
baby out and crying, everything is good. :)

My baby also very light, only 2.66kg at 38weeks+5days.

Mreow Mreow

Everytime after Pee is it we have to wash below as well?
Does it sting when water Kenna the Episiotomy stitches?

I dun feel anything after the epidural being injected. Even the pushing part I dun feel much. But I feel my boy coming out. That's the most important thingie. I can still walk per normal . I only manage to per on the third day cos I hav no sensation so a urine bag was attached. The pain after that wasn't as bad. I only feel pain when I pass motion.


can you feel the stitches when they stitched u down there?
is it painful? and can you walk as per normal? what abt peeing? oh dear, im so scared abt the pain down there.....
Next wk. Cos my wound is still painful underneath. Think becos I sit too much to breastfeed n I having diarrhea these two days. Dunno is it becos of the constipation medication. Try the lift ur legs up. Dun drink water while standing.


Yup, gotta wash with cold water and dab the area dry. Use water with less force doesn't sting much. I was given cold pack that also acts as pads to reduce the swell.

Mreow Mreow:712248 said:
Everytime after Pee is it we have to wash below as well?
Does it sting when water Kenna the Episiotomy stitches?



thats a relief. i really pray for a smooth delivery.. having the jitters already.....

I dun feel anything after the epidural being injected. Even the pushing part I dun feel much. But I feel my boy coming out. That's the most important thingie. I can still walk per normal . I only manage to per on the third day cos I hav no sensation so a urine bag was attached. The pain after that wasn't as bad. I only feel pain when I pass motion.