EDD Nov 2012 mummies here


Thanks Mreow Mreow..

It's really in labour. When I reached TMC, I'm already 5cm dilated! Luckily I went to hospital and not thinking its a false alarm.. But think I gave my doc too little time to reach hospital.. So I was not allowed to push as doc is not there yet.. Quite uncomfortable. But once you see the
baby out and crying, everything is good. :)

My baby also very light, only 2.66kg at 38weeks+5days.
Congrats Shirix on your smooth delivery :)
Have u call the labour ward or Dr first before u go TMC??


Thanks Mreow Mreow..

It's really in labour. When I reached TMC, I'm already 5cm dilated! Luckily I went to hospital and not thinking its a false alarm.. But think I gave my doc too little time to reach hospital.. So I was not allowed to push as doc is not there yet.. Quite uncomfortable. But once you see the
baby out and crying, everything is good. :)

My baby also very light, only 2.66kg at 38weeks+5days.
Congrats Shirix!


Btw,when do u all start maternity leave? I start on my 38th week..3 more days to go..and I had been telling bb to at least wait till I'm on leave and at home. Hope my waters don't break on my way to work!! ^.^
U still can work till wks 38?!! I'm 37+5 now...I start to clear my leave when I'm wks 37. Cos my tummy is heavy & low quite difficult to walk & i also worried water bag burst inside train. Haha!!
This two days i feel my below part pain when I'm walk. Don't know whether is it
the symptoms for labour??!
I'm still working too. I'm 38+2. Wanted to spend more time with bb when he's out..
Are you mummies looking forward to the 4 months break from work as well?
Wow nature, when do u plan to start ML? If your work place is close to home then still ok I guess..I'm travelling from east to sembawang so I rather not risk it..hehe..I'm definitely looking forward to the 4mths leave with bb cos after that bb will be in Msia with MIL while me n hubby can only go back to see her weekly or fortnightly.


Wow nature, when do u plan to start ML? If your work place is close to home then still ok I guess..I'm travelling from east to sembawang so I rather not risk it..hehe..I'm definitely looking forward to the 4mths leave with bb cos after that bb will be in Msia with MIL while me n hubby can only go back to see her weekly or fortnightly.
I'm actually thinking of as late as possible.. hahah dont think my waterbag will break in the office! Yours a really far journey!
I'm ok! 20mins away only by train.
Congrats Shirix & joasis for your smooth delivery. :D

Wow Shirix, luckily u check out...sound exciting as we all don't know if sometimes its false or real contractions. :)

All of u are so brave! :)

Mreow Mreow

Shirix, glad that ur baby is healthy and well!! :)
U must be so happy... :D

Hmm, but was quite difficult to guess also right?
Since your cobtractions are every half hr.
They are supposed to get more frequent and longer in duration right?

But it's great that u were already 5cm when u got to TMC.
U can tahan pain!!!! :D
No epidural?


I didn't call the doc first coz I scare is false alarm.. :( should be more kiasu and call doc first right?
My Dr told me if pain, bloody show, waterbag burst can straight away go to labour ward don't need to call him wor. But my friend told me if not confirm the contraction then can call the labour ward first.


Wow~ more babies were born! Congrats to all new mummies !! :) Happy~
Duno which day my baby chooses lei..... I'm just step into 37 weeks^^


Omg no wonder! I am only pumping twice and latch on a day and my 2 whole breast feel so tired! Will rest in bed today!

wobblymummy:712049 said:
Teriwinkle , is not gd to walk or stand too much. They said will affect breastfeeding . N really hav to listen . Tired body can't produce milk.


Thanks apricotgem! I was really energetic for the past few days after I discharged but started to get really tired and crossed yesterday. It must be low milk supply + fatigue that caused it so.

apricotgem:712073 said:
Teriwinkle,think u should really rest more like what wobblymmmy says! One of my gf who just delivered and finished her confinement warned me to be good and rest as much as possible when CL is around,otherwise will feel lots of aches n milk supply is also affected. Up till now she still can't generate a good amount and needs to supplement with formula milk.


I haven't went on ML yet and already waters broke. Shared the same sentiments as you then lol.

nature59:712125 said:
I'm actually thinking of as late as possible.. hahah dont think my waterbag will break in the office! Yours a really far journey!
I'm ok! 20mins away only by train.


Hi teriwinkle

Maybe you can try the supplement - Fenugreek for breastfeeding moms. u can find it in GNC. hope it helps! :)

I started out latching most of the time but my girl just falls asleep probably because I have no milk. Subsequently she also wailed loudly for milk even though I'm breastfeeding her.


Congrats momtobe2012 / wobblymummy/ teriwinkle!!!!!

im so excited to see my precious. but at the same time scared.
i am having the cramps at night though. strong enough to keep me awake. but when i woke up the next mrg, i dont feel it anymore.....

Just delivered baby boy 10 days before EDD :) he was only 3.2 kg. i was having period like cramps and lower back pain for 2 nights and 1 day.. Then saw bright red blood and rushed to hospital and cervix was already dilated to 3 cm.. Did check up with gynae 2 days ago but at that time cervix was closed.. So mommies, pls do not upset if your cervix is still close, it can dialate any time and not to overlook your "show" symptoms.. I also really didnt expect to deliver so early since my cervix was closed and People said period like cramps and back pain is quite normal.