EDD Nov 2012 mummies here


no problem teriwinkle. i just went to buy 2 boxes of fenugreek. to keep stock during my confinement period. better get it now so that i wont need my hubby to run around looking for this when im having probs breastfeeding..... errkk
Thanks EYA, but today see an improvement in my milk supply. Feel very satisfied for the first time finally!


New Member
I like the Facebook idea!
Just had my check up.
Baby at 2.8KG.
I've lost 2KG though.
Must be the sleepless nights!
My doc would only be checking my cervix next week.
I don't really have any symptoms,
Does that mean I won't be having any surprises from now to next week?
Is this your first child?

Whats been advised to me is go to hospital for contractions every 5-10mins. If its second child, go to hospital as soon! as delivery is usually easier and faster

Hi all,
My contraction is every 30mins.. But it has been the whole day.. Am I in labour?? Should I go hospital?


Many thanks to Nature for creating the fb group, I have joined as well but still pending confirmation. Name: Jayson N Jeanette (joint fb account with my hubby if you wonder why lol).