EDD Oct 2013


Do u mummies hv extreme fatigue?? I am abt 3 mths le.. but super tired all the time,cant sleep enough and i cant go out cos as long as i use abit of energy im worn out..sob..wonder if its a common prob? Mine seems to be so extreme...


Do you mummies have extreme fatigue?? I am about 3 mths .. but super tired all the time,cant sleep enough and i cant go out cos as long as i use abit of energy im worn out..sob..wonder if its a common prob? Mine seems to be so extreme...
Hi Joyfulmum,

I think it is normal. I also feeling tired easily. EVeryday After work i would i lie on the bed after bathing and dinner (by 8.30 - 9pm i am on my bed). During weekends, i no longer can bring my kids out. I need to take a nap, only accompany them during dinner time as i will bring them out for compensation. Try to rest more . :)


Hi Joyfulmum,

I feel tired since 2nd month onwards. Can doze off after dinner ard 8+.. then just go bathe n sleep laio. Is normal cos our body is working hard to accommodate bb needs.

I treat these fatigue as a good sign, cos is telling our body to rest and save the energy for the little one. Dont get too worried, I read that we should get better as we go into 2nd tri (even though i still feel tired in 2nd tri)

3rd tri the fatigue will come back again


Active Member
on the ring above tummy thing, my colleague did for me but on my palm. her reading is 1st son (true), 2nd daughter (i cannot confirm unti my next scan, hope i see wrongly and my pimple is nothing), no 3rd child.
Dear Mummies,

Do you all have slping problem? I cant seem to sleep well at nights... I usually used to sleep once i hit the bed. But nowadays i keep lying awake as well as keep waking up at night. Is it normal?

Bcoz of this.. Every morning, i find it so hard to wake up in the morning for work and I feel so tired.. :(


Hi Princess,
i dont have sleeping problem. Too tired, i can knock out in bus in train, immed after dinner.

is there a reason to ur sleeping problem, like too stress at work, or something bothering u. try talking it to ur hubby to ease ur pressure?
or drink warm milk before u sleep.


Active Member
i will only have problem going back to sleep when my son wakes up around 3+ for his milk, other than that, i will sleep once i hit my pillow.
Hi Princess,
i dont have sleeping problem. Too tired, i can knock out in bus in train, immed after dinner.

is there a reason to ur sleeping problem, like too stress at work, or something bothering u. try talking it to ur hubby to ease ur pressure?
or drink warm milk before u sleep.
Oh i do knock out in bus n train on the way back.. but once past dinner gg to bed to sleep.. i realise i cannot sleep. My eyes n mind feels so tired.. but i just cant seem to put myself to sleep.. at times even if i sleep i tend to get up almost hourly..

eventually i start havg headaches or i feel super tired.. Like now itself.. i drag sitting at work... :(


hmm if u can sleep in bus n train, sounds ok le. sometime i oso got problem sleeping back if i wake up ard 5am. I just tell myself to close eyes rest, cannot sleep but at least rest my eyes. Then eventually i fall asleep b4 i know it.

My ms like getting bad. Just throw up and there is trace of blood in my saliva. More blood than last week. Throat feels painful and Now can taste my own blood when drinking water... gross
hmm if u can sleep in bus n train, sounds ok le. sometime i oso got problem sleeping back if i wake up ard 5am. I just tell myself to close eyes rest, cannot sleep but at least rest my eyes. Then eventually i fall asleep b4 i know it.

My ms like getting bad. Just throw up and there is trace of blood in my saliva. More blood than last week. Throat feels painful and Now can taste my own blood when drinking water... gross
I used to have blood whenever i puked as well. They say its coz of the pressure in the stomach that caused the throat to bleed when we flush out.
Try eating a small pinch of salt after puking and rinsing ur mouth. It will make u feel beta and also ease the pain.

I even tried talking to baby to sleep. And tried talking to myself to sleep but realise still the same. Been suffering like this since i was 5weeks preggy. Now I am 15 weeks. And i still have the same problem.. :(


ya, i asked my gynac abt it. he also explain is not uncommon n is the vomit n gastric juice tt cause the throat to bleed. Just feel painful n uncomfy. Will try the salt method next time, now in office dun haf salt hahaa

did u tell ur dr about ur sleeping problem? 10weeks is pretty long..
ya, i asked my gynac abt it. he also explain is not uncommon n is the vomit n gastric juice tt cause the throat to bleed. Just feel painful n uncomfy. Will try the salt method next time, now in office dun haf salt hahaa

did u tell ur dr about ur sleeping problem? 10weeks is pretty long..
Juz went to see my doc yest for my 15wks at KKH.. but forgot about it.. I told them abt my freq occuring migraine.. (W) Will do so on my nxt check up.. Yes it has been going on for pretty long.. Told my wkg coll abt it.. They said its common coz its more like the body is preparing itself for night feeds. But i juz find it too tiring and it makes me very short tempered. Every nite my hubby even tries to "pat pat" me n baby to sleep.. It still doesnt help. Usually he will be the one snoring first.. (W)

Yup do try the salt method. It shoud help.. Its mummy's remedy.. Juz a pinch of salt ok... try to put it deeper to ur throat and swallow saliva.. Not on the tongue coz it will dissolve before it goes down ur throat.. ntg more.. if not u will end up puking more.. Hehehz.. :p


Juz went to see my doc yest for my 15wks at KKH.. but forgot about it.. I told them abt my freq occuring migraine.. (W) Will do so on my nxt check up.. Yes it has been going on for pretty long.. Told my wkg coll abt it.. They said its common coz its more like the body is preparing itself for night feeds. But i juz find it too tiring and it makes me very short tempered. Every nite my hubby even tries to "pat pat" me n baby to sleep.. It still doesnt help. Usually he will be the one snoring first.. (W)

Yup do try the salt method. It shoud help.. Its mummy's remedy.. Juz a pinch of salt ok... try to put it deeper to ur throat and swallow saliva.. Not on the tongue coz it will dissolve before it goes down ur throat.. ntg more.. if not u will end up puking more.. Hehehz.. :p
I do have sleeping problems, eyes very tired but awake, also sometimes after I get up yo use the loo, difficult to get back to sleep.
Maybe too stress, i always watch tv till im very tired then i will get to bed.


Hello mummies... At this stage (week 14 & above), is your Lil stomach showing? I read a book that says around week 13, stomach will grow but seems like not much diff. But I had viral infection these 2 days. Maybe that caused my stomach smaller? Worried about the little baby in me...

Any one has similar problem?


I'm not really showing yet, but last night when I lay flat on the bed and touch my tummy, I can actually feel a bump that is a bit hardened


weeeii:779435 said:
I'm not really showing yet, but last night when I lay flat on the bed and touch my tummy, I can actually feel a bump that is a bit hardened
When I lie down I feel like its flat entirely. Maybe I am just thinking too much.


Active Member
Hi sbc - there is an alternative to amnio. It's called materni t21. You can do a google search. My gynae told me about it, and he strongly encouraged mothers above 35 or higher risks to go for this. It works by analyzing the DNA of the mother's blood so it is just a blood test, no risk to the baby. Results are 99.8% accurate. The thing is, it is expensive cuz it is still new and the sample needs to be flown to USA for analysis. It costs sgd3800. Anyway, just thought I let you know if you want a more conclusive test and an alternative to amnio. My gynae did say scans are not as conclusive as an amnio or materni t21.

Hope this helps :)


Active Member
Hi faithmummy - are u having a boy or girl?

Anyway story if pimples = girl = bluff. Me got pimples and me having a boy.

Hmm. I was quite surprised to know the gender cuz wasn't expecting it. Just found out yesterday at 16 weeks. In fact, my gynae didn't even pre-empt me - he just said matter-of-factly, "your baby is a boy" and wave the pointer at the kkj. :p


oh littlej, i hope my next scan in 2 weeks, i would be able to find out gender too....i'll be 16 weeks then...i now talk to my baby everyday to ask him/her to open legs...maybe i should stop doing that...sounds like quite wrong... -__-

i'm also not showing yet...when i lie down, my stomach is flat too....i find it quite frustrating at times because i so want to feel pregnant........and i so want a seat on the train !!

The fact that I'm still not showing always makes me paranoid if my little one is still well inside me...
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Active Member
Hahaha tvh - u ask ur little one to "ka kui kui" ah. Girl how - cannot say this!!!

be patient. Happily go dress up now. Now I look like an in between. Between looking fat and preggers. My hubby said certain angle I just look fat like I went for a huge buffet, certain angle I can pass of as preggers. So I am dressing deceptively - dun want ppl to think of me as fat!!!