EDD Oct 2013


Mine is boy.
My tummy is pointed. And i don't have pimples.
In fact , one month ago, even before my gynae can see the gender. Dr su already feel my pulse and told me i am expecting a boy :)


Wow Dr su is good!! Haven't seen her since I got BFP...feeling guilty....seems as if I used her to get pregnant...haha


faithmummy:779502 said:
You didn't get an tai yao from her ah?
In fact, i feel that her medicine help me to reduce MS.
I only went to see her once after I got BFP...since then, have not gone becos the queuing is v tiring...


Dear mummies, I now at 2nd tri. I started to drink similac milk powder morning n night. But my stomach not feeling well after taken it. Run toilet middle of the night n the output is watery type. Did you encounter this before? Can anyone give some advice? Thanks


TVH:779483 said:
oh littlej, i hope my next scan in 2 weeks, i would be able to find out gender too....i'll be 16 weeks then...i now talk to my baby everyday to ask him/her to open legs...maybe i should stop doing that...sounds like quite wrong... -__-

i'm also not showing yet...when i lie down, my stomach is flat too....i find it quite frustrating at times because i so want to feel pregnant........and i so want a seat on the train !!

The fact that I'm still not showing always makes me paranoid if my little one is still well inside me...
I am also worried Abt my little baby whether well inside me or not and I will also keep asking my hubby about it. My hubby even jokes Abt buying the scan machine home I can get to scan everytime. Hahaha.
But I just hope everything goes well.. same goes to u..

My colleagues told me that even if your stomach not showing u have the right to request for the seat in train cos they won't be liable for u if sth really happened. So jus ask for the seat than wait for them to give up the seat...

There is a doppler handheld machine which i saw june mummies in the other forum also buy. Its to scan bb heartbeat. But i think with bb kicks in the near future to remind you. You probably won't need it. and if we buy, we will not be able to resist the temptation to scan everyday... too much scanning is not good too.
And if we scan wrongly, we scare ourselves only hahaha

I also drink similac milk but i find that it make me very bloated.
Ya i agree that the queuing at dr su is very tiring. The travelling journey too. I have to travel from bedok to bukit batok every two weeks.


New Member
Hi sbc - there is an alternative to amnio. It's called materni t21. You can do a google search. My gynae told me about it, and he strongly encouraged mothers above 35 or higher risks to go for this. It works by analyzing the DNA of the mother's blood so it is just a blood test, no risk to the baby. Results are 99.8% accurate. The thing is, it is expensive cuz it is still new and the sample needs to be flown to USA for analysis. It costs sgd3800. Anyway, just thought I let you know if you want a more conclusive test and an alternative to amnio. My gynae did say scans are not as conclusive as an amnio or materni t21.

Hope this helps :)

Hi Littlej,
May i know which gynae/hospital offer this Materni21?


New Member
Hi mummies

i feel it is very common to 'forget' the baby is there once we hit trimester 2. do still take care of yourself and top up on vitamins and supplements even if your nauseous stops. do treasure this time to take care of yourself because we still wake up nightly. i used to wake up 4am for #1. now with #2, it just isn't that un-usual anymore and i can get back to sleep very fast after a trip to the loo. (maybe too tired from taking care of #1). once your #1 comes out, you will be so occupied with your baby that you will probably don't feel as tired as now.

for mummies still having nauseous (like me and my nauseous started only this 2 weeks and i am at week 14 now) do try to eat small frequent meals and avoid spicy and food that are too heaty or too cooling. i find exercise helps, such as walking at least 15mins a day (can do it before or after dinner) and remember to drink lots of water in the day. the water will help to flush out toxics and is needed to build the placenta too. try to eat more fruits and vegetables if possible.

i find it is good to start to apply lotions at the tummy and thigh area because now is the time when the tummy starts to expand. it helped me for #1 but then my weight gain was very slow so it helped too that my skin was stretched very slowly.

do not be shy to ask for seats because you need it! nobody will know you are preg or not and even if you are not, if you are feeling faint, you need to sit down!

jiayou mummies!


Hello mummies... At this stage (week 14 & above), is your Lil stomach showing? I read a book that says around week 13, stomach will grow but seems like not much diff. But I had viral infection these 2 days. Maybe that caused my stomach smaller? Worried about the little baby in me...

Any one has similar problem?
I think diff people/ preganancy will reach differently. I got a friend only shows on 6th month, while some shows on early stage (3mths). It's really depends. And most importantly ur baby is growing inside, so if u doesn't shows is ok.


I read first pregnancy usually takes longer to show. Second and subsequent pregnancies will show much earlier as ab muscles were already stretched by the first pregnancy.


Active Member
my 1st show the tummy at 3mth... this wan is before 3mth already show. but it only bloated tummy le, i feel that the hard bum is still below...
Hi mummies

i feel it is very common to 'forget' the baby is there once we hit trimester 2. do still take care of yourself and top up on vitamins and supplements even if your nauseous stops. do treasure this time to take care of yourself because we still wake up nightly. i used to wake up 4am for #1. now with #2, it just isn't that un-usual anymore and i can get back to sleep very fast after a trip to the loo. (maybe too tired from taking care of #1). once your #1 comes out, you will be so occupied with your baby that you will probably don't feel as tired as now.

for mummies still having nauseous (like me and my nauseous started only this 2 weeks and i am at week 14 now) do try to eat small frequent meals and avoid spicy and food that are too heaty or too cooling. i find exercise helps, such as walking at least 15mins a day (can do it before or after dinner) and remember to drink lots of water in the day. the water will help to flush out toxics and is needed to build the placenta too. try to eat more fruits and vegetables if possible.

i find it is good to start to apply lotions at the tummy and thigh area because now is the time when the tummy starts to expand. it helped me for #1 but then my weight gain was very slow so it helped too that my skin was stretched very slowly.

do not be shy to ask for seats because you need it! nobody will know you are preg or not and even if you are not, if you are feeling faint, you need to sit down!

jiayou mummies!
Vitamin B complex can ease your nausea and vomiting according to the pregnancy book. Not all doctors are aware this. Enjoy your pregnancy. For those who are worry about whether your baby is growing well, as long as you take good care of yourself, you are taking care of your baby.
Maybe you would like to check, cos i read that the placenta takes over partial of the hormones production starting from week 10, and most people stopped after first tri.
Do check cos its not cheap, my fees without the pills and folic is $90, with both pills is $120, and the pills is for two weeks.

I checked with my doc that day, she still wants me to take because of my on-off spotting. The difference between Duphaston and Uterogestan is Duphaston help to support baby before placenta forms, and Uterogestan is about the same but less potent, and it also helps reduce uterine contractions(cramps)..she keep saying will do more good than harm and might reduce the spotting. I did ask another gynae as well who said the same thing.. just take.. *shrugs*

Ya it's ex almost $2 a pill, and i've to take 1 a day. but i've also read that some people take it the whole pregnancy.. i hope i don't have to!


faithmummy:779557 said:
Ya i agree that the queuing at dr su is very tiring. The travelling journey too. I have to travel from bedok to bukit batok every two weeks.
Wow I admire your spirit! I live in the west but I too lazy to go
No harm trying, just for the fun of it. Then share the result here.
Haa seems like at this stage everyone is keen to know the gender. I have 1-2 pimples around the chin but I have a strong feeling that mine is a girl, well shall Wait till doc confirm.

I heard another old wives tale from a friend that hook your wedding band to a necklace and put in front of your tummy (with all windows closed), if the ring swings front and backwards means is a boy, circular means girl. Hmmm, I guess this is the most not logical that over heard so far. Haa


XiangXiangMama:779638 said:
No harm trying, just for the fun of it. Then share the result here.
Haa seems like at this stage everyone is keen to know the gender. I have 1-2 pimples around the chin but I have a strong feeling that mine is a girl, well shall Wait till doc confirm.

I heard another old wives tale from a friend that hook your wedding band to a necklace and put in front of your tummy (with all windows closed), if the ring swings front and backwards means is a boy, circular means girl. Hmmm, I guess this is the most not logical that over heard so far. Haa
Haha.. but I feel the chances of the ring swinging front back is so much higher than it swinging in circular. I shall Wait 2 more weeks till doc's appt, by then I'll be 18 weeks, should be able to see gender if baby is cooperative.

anyone keep having dreams lately? For the past week I've been having dreams every night and end up waking up like 5-6am to pee. Lol
Haha.. but I feel the chances of the ring swinging front back is so much higher than it swinging in circular. I shall Wait 2 more weeks till doc's appt, by then I'll be 18 weeks, should be able to see gender if baby is cooperative.

anyone keep having dreams lately? For the past week I've been having dreams every night and end up waking up like 5-6am to pee. Lol
That's more like the pendulum they use for answer question. Looks like you are already "know" the gender intuitively. I heard a lady who worked for a naturopathy doctor had not seen an OB and never done any scan during her pregnancy.


New Member
any mummies here start wearing maternity bra?

i read that it is better to wear maternity bra, but unsure what is the difference between maternity bra and the normal one. i am still wearing the normal one, with underwire.

maybe anyone can share? thanks!!