EDD Oct 2013


I checked with my doc that day, she still wants me to take because of my on-off spotting. The difference between Duphaston and Uterogestan is Duphaston help to support baby before placenta forms, and Uterogestan is about the same but less potent, and it also helps reduce uterine contractions(cramps)..she keep saying will do more good than harm and might reduce the spotting. I did ask another gynae as well who said the same thing.. just take.. *shrugs*

If you have spotting then its a different case, i took cos I had MC last year, and slowly reduce as the pregnancy progress.
Actually Uterogestan i heard is to be inserted in to the virginal, but can be taken orally also. Everytime i take it i feel weird, maybe tats why is less potent.
Heard the placenta will be fully develop after 4 months, after that it will fully take over, so you might be off the pill then, hang on girl :biggrin:


Meowmummy:779225 said:
Congrats to meowmummy. I did my oscar test last Thurs but my gynae have yet to call me re my result. I'm still waiting n waiting...hoping for the best.
Thanks yenleesk, do update when ur gynae clinic calls u.
I just received calls from gynae clinic. My blood test n oscar test result is good, low risk of DS. God bless! I'm happy to hear it.


I have a friend whos super skinny and even at 5 months, she just look strange with fats on her tummy.
The method she use when shes in Mrt to get a seat is :
Step one : Use your hands to touch your belly telling people that you are preggy
if this fails, Step two: Pretend that you are going to puke on them !!! She says it works every time haha


I have a friend whos super skinny and even at 5 months, she just look strange with fats on her tummy.
The method she use when shes in Mrt to get a seat is :
Step one : Use your hands to touch your belly telling people that you are preggy
if this fails, Step two: Pretend that you are going to puke on them !!! She says it works every time haha
lol....interesting way to get a seat!


I also put my hands on tummy to make ppl know I'm preggie. Then I saw a few look at me n faster look away. Pretend didn't see or look at hp.. I was quite pissed actually. So far, only Malay n Indian will give up seat for me. One Indian lady even more power, ask another Chinese give up seat for me! I was so shock n touch byher nice gesture . At the same time, feel ashame of my own race who pretend n look away..
My hubby tell me just ask for seat. If they refuse, they are the one been embrassed. Not us!


june83:779577 said:
Hello mummies... At this stage (week 14 & above), is your Lil stomach showing? I read a book that says around week 13, stomach will grow but seems like not much diff. But I had viral infection these 2 days. Maybe that caused my stomach smaller? Worried about the little baby in me...

Any one has similar problem?
I think diff people/ preganancy will reach differently. I got a friend only shows on 6th month, while some shows on early stage (3mths). It's really depends. And most importantly ur baby is growing inside, so if u doesn't shows is ok.
That's quite true but I have the tendency to forget that I am actually pregnant. When I turn my body, i will forget I am preg and just turn like that till my hubby told me off, u know u preg, cannot turn like that... I just hope the Lil baby is growing well and happily moving inside now :D


karelia:779697 said:
any mummies here start wearing maternity bra?

i read that it is better to wear maternity bra, but unsure what is the difference between maternity bra and the normal one. i am still wearing the normal one, with underwire.

maybe anyone can share? thanks!!
Hello karelia, I am currently wearing nursing bra alr. My friend recommended to me and I am using that now. Wearing normal bra makes me feel v uncomfortable. But it might also be because of the sizes grown. It depends whether u comfortable or not. Cos some don't wear wired bras and they are v comfortable but not for me... :)


Xtinee:779739 said:
I have a friend whos super skinny and even at 5 months, she just look strange with fats on her tummy.
The method she use when shes in Mrt to get a seat is :
Step one : Use your hands to touch your belly telling people that you are preggy
if this fails, Step two: Pretend that you are going to puke on them !!! She says it works every time haha
Thats nice but I think I only used step one and everyone just looked and nv really gives up their seat. But I nv try step 2, maybe I shld. This is interesting... :)


huiqin83:779772 said:
I also put my hands on tummy to make ppl know I'm preggie. Then I saw a few look at me n faster look away. Pretend didn't see or look at hp.. I was quite pissed actually. So far, only Malay n Indian will give up seat for me. One Indian lady even more power, ask another Chinese give up seat for me! I was so shock n touch byher nice gesture . At the same time, feel ashame of my own race who pretend n look away..
My hubby tell me just ask for seat. If they refuse, they are the one been embrassed. Not us!
I totally agree with u... I did the same as u too, no one gives up their seats. But of cos, no other races ppl gave up their seats to me too cos it's not that obvious afterall. So my colleagues actu suggest to me that I shld just wear tighter. And even request for the seat because if anything happens, they won't feel guilty. Is we parents feel guilty. If they don't give up their seats, the more others will just point and say them.. so I think your hubby is right, they will be embarrassed not us... :D


Hi joymummy, my tummy is only obvious with certain clothing. Mine is not that big too, they may think we just fat or act blur. I wear clothes where there is rubber or smaller under the breastfeeding area. So the tummy is more obvious. U can try different type to see which one bring out the bump. And yes, anything happen they won't feel bad. Cos they just think, so many ppl don't give up seat. Not just me. If u not well u take cab lor..
Yes i think asking is fine, i've seen a few times. of course be polite and say please.. coz noone owes us the seat but more of safety for baby.. another method is approach the smrt 'wardens'who jaga the platform. they will scream and wave their batons for ppl to give way to u!


Active Member
Hey tvh

Me also stopped seeing Tcm when I bfp. My gynae then said not necessary (he said ok to Tcm whilst ttc-ing though). Anyway my hubby never supported Tcm as he finds it dubious that one is taking powder with no exact ingredients. So hubby said no to Tcm after bfp...

I am thinking of seeing my Tcm soon and perhaps give her something to thank her for helping. Just a small gesture and appreciation of thanks.


Active Member
Oh oh... I realized the answer to sleeping issues is exercise!

I went for a 20min swim yesterday and I slept like a baby last night... And woke up feeling super refreshed and awake (it was the stupid traffic jams that spoilt my morning).



erh, gals, i make a wrong decision, i took a cab to office today, don't wana squeeze Mrt. In the end, the cab keep overtaking and step hard on brakes and accelerator.
Once i reach office I pour out....... what a morning. i now sitting in office looking blur and tired...hope u gals have a better day than me.


New Member
I get the same problems with Mrt too. That time was in train that was stuck at station and in between station for 20 min. Very tired but still paiseh to ask the two ladies in front of me playing candy crush. Sometimes I wish pregnant ladies were given as special ez link card so we can wave at people to give up seat


I also put my hands on tummy to make ppl know I'm preggie. Then I saw a few look at me n faster look away. Pretend didn't see or look at hp.. I was quite pissed actually. So far, only Malay n Indian will give up seat for me. One Indian lady even more power, ask another Chinese give up seat for me! I was so shock n touch byher nice gesture . At the same time, feel ashame of my own race who pretend n look away..
My hubby tell me just ask for seat. If they refuse, they are the one been embrassed. Not us!
Agree with huiqin83, every morning i take train no one give up their seats for me. even now my tummy shows abit. As so far for me only guys gave up seat for me (regardless of race). Those young OL, pretend nv see me. I also felt very diappointed as one day they too will get pregnant and need ppl to give up seat for them, y cant they 将心比心。 Mostly after work i will take train to Marina south station to avoid the crowds, because at raffles place MRT, no matter u r pregnant anot they just push and squeeze, worst, snatch the seat...
Agree with huiqin83, every morning i take train no one give up their seats for me. even now my tummy shows abit. As so far for me only guys gave up seat for me (regardless of race). Those young OL, pretend nv see me. I also felt very diappointed as one day they too will get pregnant and need ppl to give up seat for them, y cant they 将心比心。 Mostly after work i will take train to Marina south station to avoid the crowds, because at raffles place MRT, no matter u r pregnant anot they just push and squeeze, worst, snatch the seat...
Hi June,

You also take train at Raffles? Hehehz.. Same for me too. I too take train to Marina and wait in it to u-turn back to raffles to travel north. There is no point of rubbing ur tummy. No matter what these ppl will always act blur n pretend to see us n straight away sleep.

Haizzz.. I juz hope KARMA does not give them what they do to us!! Every women has to go thru the phase of motherhood rite?


PrincessIrsh:779957 said:
Agree with huiqin83, every morning i take train no one give up their seats for me. even now my tummy shows abit. As so far for me only guys gave up seat for me (regardless of race). Those young OL, pretend nv see me. I also felt very diappointed as one day they too will get pregnant and need ppl to give up seat for them, y cant they 将心比心。 Mostly after work i will take train to Marina south station to avoid the crowds, because at raffles place MRT, no matter u r pregnant anot they just push and squeeze, worst, snatch the seat...
Hi June,

You also take train at Raffles? Hehehz.. Same for me too. I too take train to Marina and wait in it to u-turn back to raffles to travel north. There is no point of rubbing ur tummy. No matter what these ppl will always act blur n pretend to see us n straight away sleep.

Haizzz.. I juz hope KARMA does not give them what they do to us!! Every women has to go thru the phase of motherhood rite?
I also take train to marina n U turn back to North:)
Oh oh... I realized the answer to sleeping issues is exercise!

I went for a 20min swim yesterday and I slept like a baby last night... And woke up feeling super refreshed and awake (it was the stupid traffic jams that spoilt my morning).

Wow! Swim?? Can we do tat? Well in fact only yesterday i was complaining to my mum. I was telling her.. last time.. whenever i feel tired, lethargic or fatigue, i will usually go home, change n go for a short jog/run n come back have a cold shower n slp peacefully.. But now in this condition i cant do much.. It makes me feel double lazy and at times due to this i cant sleep or i keep waking up at night causing disturbed sleep and headaches in the morning..

Any remedy/exercise for us?? :err::embarrassed::eek:10: