EDD Oct 2013


Hi june83, yes! i also dont understand why they obviously know and refuse to give way. I always try to give seats to needy ppl before preggie cos i believe what goes round will come back. Next time i will also grow old, i will need help too..

Raffles place, cityhall & t.pagar is a killer. I take bus home and the bus is always FULL n crowded. So what I do is, I will use at least one hand to protect my tummy. anyone push back or squeeze me, i will push n block the fellow! stop him or her from touching my tummy.

I ever saw a preggie got frustrated, she just tell the guys off " stop pushing my tummy, im pregnant. Thank you" then everyone look and really back off a little.

If ppl get on my nerve, i will just say it out too. Always tell ourselves, we are the only one who will protect our little one. No stranger is responsible for our safety. As long as we not hurting anyone, we do what's right !


Hi June,

You also take train at Raffles? Hehehz.. Same for me too. I too take train to Marina and wait in it to u-turn back to raffles to travel north. There is no point of rubbing ur tummy. No matter what these ppl will always act blur n pretend to see us n straight away sleep.

Haizzz.. I juz hope KARMA does not give them what they do to us!! Every women has to go thru the phase of motherhood rite?
HAha... ya.. same same here. U turn back to the north side. Sometimes i saw women tummy bigger then me, and yet no 1 give up seat for them. Got a few times i feel like giving up for them, but i too tired also. Feel sorry for those pregnant lady without seat.


Wow! Swim?? Can we do tat? Well in fact only yesterday i was complaining to my mum. I was telling her.. last time.. whenever i feel tired, lethargic or fatigue, i will usually go home, change n go for a short jog/run n come back have a cold shower n slp peacefully.. But now in this condition i cant do much.. It makes me feel double lazy and at times due to this i cant sleep or i keep waking up at night causing disturbed sleep and headaches in the morning..

Any remedy/exercise for us?? :err::embarrassed::eek:10:
Swimming is a very good exercise for preganancy. So u should go swim. As for jogging, i read from soemwhere it is good to slow jog for preganancy, but i am too lazy to do that, amd also haven get premission from gynae to do that also.


Active Member
Hey princess - I'm in my second trim so gynae has given me the go ahead to swim, pre natal Pilates and yoga and slow walk. No jogging, or heavy exercises for me though.

And it is gentle swim not competitive swim.

I wasn't allowed to exercise in first trim so I relied on relaxing music to get me to zzz. But I did do some walking like erm walking my dog?!? :)


Hi October mummies..
Sorry to intrude. I gave birth in Feb and I have the belly belt to let go. Ideal for using with your jeans,work pants,skirts etc. See picture attached.

Letting it go at $20 (rp$29.90)

It has served me well that I could still wear my jeans till full term. Hee hee..

even until now, i still didn't dare to do any exercise.
my gynae actually ask me to do nothing.
but i still continue with my morning brisk walking to take in Vit D




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Active Member
Hi faithmummy - if that's the advice from your gynae then better follow. Maybe your next visit you can ask your doc if can do mild stuff like swimming, pre natal yoga, pre natal Pilates, slow walking. Maybe he misinterpreted your "exercise" as the heavy duty stuff?!? My gynae said I can do the above mentioned cuz I asked specifically...

I've read mummies are encouraged to do some form of mild exercise during trim 2 and 3. Yoga helps in the breathing, Pilates helps in the kegel and muscle and back pains, swimming helps to expand / loosen hip joints. And exercise in general will help to alleviate water retention, cramps and swollen ankles. But of course - all subjected to doc's approval.


huiqin83:779787 said:
Hi joymummy, my tummy is only obvious with certain clothing. Mine is not that big too, they may think we just fat or act blur. I wear clothes where there is rubber or smaller under the breastfeeding area. So the tummy is more obvious. U can try different type to see which one bring out the bump. And yes, anything happen they won't feel bad. Cos they just think, so many ppl don't give up seat. Not just me. If u not well u take cab lor..
Yup I wore clothes that bring out the bump but ppl still might think I am jus fat. Hahaha. Hmm my bosses also think my bump is not v obvious. Actu Ytd I was buying fruits at the fruits stall and one of the PRC just pushed me from my back. Luckily it was not a big push but I jus told her, can she don't push ppl?? Then she apologized. I'm not targeting any PRCs but jus happened that this is the case. Even when I was on train today and it was already v crowded and a PRC just pushed in even though my boss told her that I was pregnant, and she just literally ignored. Haha... This is what happened.

I think bump not too obvious also can't say much things. Just try our luck to ask for seats then... :)


For the first trimester I took cabs to work... And of cos to beat the crowd, it is so much better. I can have better breathe of air, and I don't feel faint. But it's better to let the cab drivers know that u are pregnant as some drivers just drive v quickly. So I learnt from a v nice cab driver that we shld tell them that we are pregnant. Then they will drive steadily, and even there's hump, they will slow down for us. But rem to wear the seat belt even if u feel uncomfortable at your tummy... :)
PrinceIrsh, u may wana consider signing up for this swimming course at KKH. my friend went and said it was good! the swimming pool is indoor and has heater. So mummies wont feel cold. Instructor will correct u if u do wrong also.
interesting! erm.. dun mean to sound silly...can just wear t shirt and tights? cant fit into swimming costume alrdy and my belly too unsightly for bikini/tankini!! (got a dark line down the middle and got more hair :'( )

ok i read more closely attire is swimming costume. haha.
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Active Member
I got more hair on my belly too!!! Is it because of pregnancy?? I thought only I had that issue...
Was still thinking if can wax it off...


Huh...I thought I was the only one with the problem too...the hair ard my belly button seems to have grown more....initially I thought I was imagining things but the more I observed, the more I am convinced the hairs wasn't there before!!
haha yes it's a pregnancy quirk. we're not alone!! im convinced those nice belly pix we see in magazines are photoshopped!

how to wax belly? must pull the skin tight... i think will hurt! plus skin more sensitive now also, i dun dare.. haha..my hubby say shave but i dun wanna end up with a belly stubble!
i think can deal with it after baby is born. endure!!


I dont have the hair problem but i have alot pimples on the side of my back instead. is like many small red dots n is very itchy...

PrincessIrsh, im not sure about the swimming attire for the class, didnt ask my friend. Think u gota call KKH to ask if they allow t-shirt or not.