EDD Jan 2014


went on to read up ... and read about miscarriages and stuffs during first trimester ... now im stressed..... and scared


Active Member
Gabrielle86:794158 said:
went on to read up ... and read about miscarriages and stuffs during first trimester ... now im stressed..... and scared
Gabrielle - you should be reading hoe to take care of yourself during first tri instead, dont read anything on miscarriage...... its not healthy.....

If you really want this baby, dont think negatively.. lil'one follow our thoughts......

My friends cousin told everyone when she's preggy, then she starts to look around for babysit..... as she want to only have 2 months maternity then go back to work.... she lost her baby after that.... my friend felt that she got the baby just for the sake of having the baby.... bcos even before birth she was already thinking how to settle her baby....


Hello mummies, I tested positive, this is my second. Will see my gynae on this Sat. :D can't wait to see my baby first heartbeat.


Active Member
Vivic:794249 said:
Hello mummies, I tested positive, this is my second. Will see my gynae on this Sat. :D can't wait to see my baby first heartbeat.
Welcome.... so early to see heartbeat?
hi, do you have any suggestions for gynae in Mt. A? My first gynae is in Raffles but it's too expensive and she doesn't have any package. Plus i'm planning to give birth in Mt. A anyway? So i'm still looking for 1 now. Tomorrow will be my 8th week. Thank you.


Congratulations to all new mummies who've just tested positive.

Gabrielle, yes I agree with missy10, please stay positive and happy and baby will be healthy and happy too. Don't scare yourself unnecessarily please.
Take care everyone, eat and rest well (if you can!)

2 nights ago I puked so badly that I pee in my pants loh...so ultimately paiseh. Quickly run back home to change. Luckily I was just at the lift lobby below my block. :(


Active Member
Rzena:794390 said:
Congratulations to all new mummies who've just tested positive.

Gabrielle, yes I agree with missy10, please stay positive and happy and baby will be healthy and happy too. Don't scare yourself unnecessarily please.
Take care everyone, eat and rest well (if you can!)

2 nights ago I puked so badly that I pee in my pants loh...so ultimately paiseh. Quickly run back home to change. Luckily I was just at the lift lobby below my block. :(
Oh gosh... maybe try wearing panty liner... i heard as baby grow, cannot control urine.... mayb pee abit even when sneeze.....

I start feeling nauseous since Sat, was woken by the feeling sudden in sleep, even in midnight, as i dun have habit eating breakfast, morning the feeling was worse.....


Gabrielle86:794266 said:
Im on the way to clinic to make appt... haha...usually which week to scan for heartbeat ?
Hi Gabrielle, I heard and saw heartbeat at my first scan (7 weeks)


Missy10:794419 said:
Rzena:794390 said:
Congratulations to all new mummies who've just tested positive.

Gabrielle, yes I agree with missy10, please stay positive and happy and baby will be healthy and happy too. Don't scare yourself unnecessarily please.
Take care everyone, eat and rest well (if you can!)

2 nights ago I puked so badly that I pee in my pants loh...so ultimately paiseh. Quickly run back home to change. Luckily I was just at the lift lobby below my block. :(
Oh gosh... maybe try wearing panty liner... i heard as baby grow, cannot control urine.... mayb pee abit even when sneeze.....

I start feeling nauseous since Sat, was woken by the feeling sudden in sleep, even in midnight, as i dun have habit eating breakfast, morning the feeling was worse.....
Hope you're feeling less nauseous... just to share, I find that I feel nauseous when my tummy is empty.. so now I just eat a little at regular intervals whether hungry or not and it has helped.. I do try to eat healthy stuff where possible so mainly snack on fruits..


Active Member
ajcy:794491 said:
Missy10:794419 said:
Rzena:794390 said:
Congratulations to all new mummies who've just tested positive.

Gabrielle, yes I agree with missy10, please stay positive and happy and baby will be healthy and happy too. Don't scare yourself unnecessarily please.
Take care everyone, eat and rest well (if you can!)

2 nights ago I puked so badly that I pee in my pants loh...so ultimately paiseh. Quickly run back home to change. Luckily I was just at the lift lobby below my block. :(
Oh gosh... maybe try wearing panty liner... i heard as baby grow, cannot control urine.... mayb pee abit even when sneeze.....

I start feeling nauseous since Sat, was woken by the feeling sudden in sleep, even in midnight, as i dun have habit eating breakfast, morning the feeling was worse.....
Hope you're feeling less nauseous... just to share, I find that I feel nauseous when my tummy is empty.. so now I just eat a little at regular intervals whether hungry or not and it has helped.. I do try to eat healthy stuff where possible so mainly snack on fruits..
I do try to snack, thanks.....


New Member
hi all, i'm about 9weeks now. Feeling so bloated everyday, especially at night, since all the food seemed to jam up in the digestive track


Hi jellybean, me too.. In fact I'm feeling terrible now. I don't have MS, I have night sickness!