EDD Jan 2014


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I also told my parents, PIL, close friends, as Im the last one getting preggy, so sometimes I will have to ask them for suggestions....

Hubby also haven inform his boss, so he guessed abit
Yes I'm also suffering from night sickness...every evening I feel so drained and tired, and nausea is at its peak in the nights! sian...

fabmums, my cycle is also long... The last menstrual cycle I had was 37 days. My EDD was estimated based on my gynae's measurement of my baby. According to the baby's length and sac dimensions he said my EDD is 12 Jan 2014. My LMP was 5 April 2013.
oh about the same as me! lmp 8apr n cycle 35 days. initial edd based on sac was mid jan too! but 2nd scan says 21 jan.. so I'm puzzled.. afraid tt it's cos the sac did not grow as planned, so edd got delayed.. but considering the cycle, online calculator says edd shld b 20-ish Jan.. im going to scan again nxt wk!


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I always thought EDD is calculated based on LMP, then yesterd as i went for my first scan, they calculated my EDD on 26 Jan 2014, n gynae say not confirmed yet until next scan... to see whether baby growing anot


My gynae cross referenced size of our Little One from scan and my LMP to get edd ...

On a different topic, any moms here travelled with your infant on a plane? How young was your infant when you flew?


Active Member
I was home-caged by hubby, due to dark spot on my scan which dr suspect blood clot.. and i have light brown discharge since Mon....

Im nausea, having headache, hungry but cant eat...
Mayb due to the side effect of an tai yao prescribed by my gynae yesterday.....
My gynae cross referenced size of our Little One from scan and my LMP to get edd ...

On a different topic, any moms here travelled with your infant on a plane? How young was your infant when you flew?
Hi Ajcy, I have experienced travelling before with my nephew to go back home. As soon as we got the passport, he was able to travel. He was about I think 2-3 months old. My second nephew was brought back here when he was 3 months old.


Hi ajcy, I have never traveled with an infant on board before but have seen many that do. it's perfectly normal and fine to travel with your infant regardless of his or her age. some infants are really good. Not a single cry can be heard whereas some tends to cry alot and can tell how frustrated the parents are esp when they are first time parents to be. If there's a need to, I would advise not to travel by yourself with your infant. Get your husband, parent or maybe a maid to travel with you cuz of all the barang barang u will need to carry on board. it's not easy..

Missy10, pls rest well and take care!

Like some of you, I am also fearful that my gynae will not see anything whenever I go for the appointment. or afraid to hear that my baby is not growing or there's no heartbeat.. sigh.. there's always this fear of the M word..
Oh yeah, and also, if you are flying, try not to fly budget and fly using full service airlines. When we travel with infants, we always fly Singapore airlines, less hassle with regards to boarding, of course if your little one is not that fuzzy, you can put them in the bassinet provided by the airline and eat peacefully. But Fay85 is correct, never travel alone as it's going to be a big hassle.


Thanks chiching and Fay! Still have some time to plan how to travel :) feel more comfortable now to know that young infants travel fine!

Missy - take care!! Think positive... can be difficult but really helps..

We've been talking to our Little One and saying be strong, we can't wait for you to grow bigger etc.. we know baby still cannot "hear" at this stage but helps me be calmer and relax..


Active Member
ajcy:795212 said:
Thanks chiching and Fay! Still have some time to plan how to travel :) feel more comfortable now to know that young infants travel fine!

Missy - take care!! Think positive... can be difficult but really helps..

We've been talking to our Little One and saying be strong, we can't wait for you to grow bigger etc.. we know baby still cannot "hear" at this stage but helps me be calmer and relax..
Me too... i keep talking to my lil' one, i make hubby to have baby talk every night before sleep...
Then i joking told hubby, poor baby already so "busy" listening n growing inside my womb


Active Member
Any mummy's hubby done blood test on the first few visit?? For blood disorder test (Thalassaemia).
Morning Missy!

headache has been my constant companion every morning. Either that or I will have it sometime in the afternoon. I wish i can take powernap in the office. Drinking water is also a pain, it makes me want to throw up every time i drink water. Anyone of you experience that? My first visit with Dr. Ang is coming soon and we are quite anxious.

Travelling through bus every morning sometimes is trouble, talked to my baby last night and tell her to keep growing inside and don't think about mommy's figure...hahaha
hi missy10, didnt do any tests on hubby.. is it common?

anyways the first trimester is really a roller coaster ride huh.. the anxiety is killing me! lol.. frm looking forward to each gynae appt n to fearing the outcome of the scan, etc.. was reading about MTBs' experiences about baby not growing suddenly wif no signs or symptoms! -.- so scary! if only we can scan ourselves everyday! keke..


Active Member
fabmums2014:795496 said:
hi missy10, didnt do any tests on hubby.. is it common?

anyways the first trimester is really a roller coaster ride huh.. the anxiety is killing me! lol.. frm looking forward to each gynae appt n to fearing the outcome of the scan, etc.. was reading about MTBs' experiences about baby not growing suddenly wif no signs or symptoms! -.- so scary! if only we can scan ourselves everyday! keke..
Oh, i love that we can scan everyday, my next scan is on 18/6 to make sure blood clot is gone, and baby to grow till range of 8 weeks
hi missy10, didnt do any tests on hubby.. is it common?

anyways the first trimester is really a roller coaster ride huh.. the anxiety is killing me! lol.. frm looking forward to each gynae appt n to fearing the outcome of the scan, etc.. was reading about MTBs' experiences about baby not growing suddenly wif no signs or symptoms! -.- so scary! if only we can scan ourselves everyday! keke..
Would love to do this as well to make sure that my baby is growing. I feel anxious when I read others post that there's heartbeat in the previous scan then suddenly no scan on the next. What if it happens it me. So every time i pee, i check if i'm spotting or not, make sure there's no blood anywhere. 3 times it happened to me that in my dream that i bleed, the first time was when I found out i'm pregnant. My HTB is telling me not to read those posts anymore since it's just making me anxious... hehehehe.


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Chiching - we share our experience is not to make you worry and think about it.... dun think negatively, it affect baby growing inside....

Talk to your baby more often, i always talk to baby even im going out, will tell bb where im going, even when im cooking, will tell bb i cook for daddy, so bb must let me eat also...


Missy10, please rest well and try not to move around or carry heavy things. Hopefully the blood clot will go away and baby will be ok.

ajcy, I travelled with my boy when he was 10mths. He was ok during the flight...in fact he was rather excited as if he knows we are going somewhere. He did not nap during the 1hr flight to Penang but dozed off immediately as the plane touched down.


Missy10:795499 said:
fabmums2014:795496 said:
hi missy10, didnt do any tests on hubby.. is it common?

anyways the first trimester is really a roller coaster ride huh.. the anxiety is killing me! lol.. frm looking forward to each gynae appt n to fearing the outcome of the scan, etc.. was reading about MTBs' experiences about baby not growing suddenly wif no signs or symptoms! -.- so scary! if only we can scan ourselves everyday! keke..
Oh, i love that we can scan everyday, my next scan is on 18/6 to make sure blood clot is gone, and baby to grow till range of 8 weeks
We'll all be sending you positive-ness and blood clot will be gone at next scan + baby growing healthily!!

Mummies, have you started getting backaches? I know i should be thankful it's the *touchwood* only symptom that I'm having but I thought it's a little early...

Gynae said quite normal though .. so just kaypo if others also getting backache..


Rzena:795545 said:
Missy10, please rest well and try not to move around or carry heavy things. Hopefully the blood clot will go away and baby will be ok.

ajcy, I travelled with my boy when he was 10mths. He was ok during the flight...in fact he was rather excited as if he knows we are going somewhere. He did not nap during the 1hr flight to Penang but dozed off immediately as the plane touched down.
Thanks! We are probably going to plan to fly when baby is between 4-6 weeks depending on health..

And any one experienced flying for mummies during 2nd trimester?

Gynae said should be fine and told me not to travel now cos still not super stable..