EDD September 2013 Mummies


Do anyone know how often is the motherhood sale?
shld start buying diapers/pampers now? Is it too early? Any more sale coming like in July or aug? Or too late to stock up then? Ha

A mummy

Do anyone know how often is the motherhood sale?
shld start buying diapers/pampers now? Is it too early? Any more sale coming like in July or aug? Or too late to stock up then? Ha
You can refer to the expo page. I just feel that by then I will have no more energy. Now already cannot walk(week 26). Baby is at the very bottom. So tired. I thought I purchase a couple and after giving birth I'll stock up the remaining=)

I actually settled everything except the breast pump,bottle and sterilizer and breast pads etc(all my stuffs not yet). Call me kan cheong but my body just give way already to shop.Thankfully I did all the shopping since 5mths=))
the cot's mattress and stuffs in it all not yet purchased. Everythg else seems settled.

But if you have the energy, shop in July.My due date probably will be in August.I think now is fine for me.=))


Sunbeams: I feel it's good to buy a few packs of diapers for the newborn even when I will be using napkin cloth and liners. You will need them when you bring them for checkups, or overnight sleep. But pick like 2 sizes since the newborn grown out very fast. :) Anyway, no expiry date for diapers.

I think the next motherhood sale won't be anymore before Sept, but may have the Takashimaya baby fair.

It's good to stock up some items when they are cheap. We won't know when will they be on saleby the time we need. Just my two cents.
I just came back from the motherhood fair.. Think this one is really gd compared to others I hav been to before.... Can buy practically everythg there! The pampers brand diapers for new born n small size v worth it ... At nearly 50% off retail price ! My friend say we need like 6-7 pcs per day so I actually bot enuff to last me 2 mths!


Active Member
Hello. A mummy - good idea on the observation suggestion. Hopefully I won't be too traumatized when I witnessed all the babies wailing =p

That said - at the infant care centre yesterday, I realized why some feedback that infants placed at infant care pick up faster and more independent. It's really to do with the socialization or perhaps, "monkey see monkey do". What I saw - one baby started crying when we walked in. Caregiver placed the crying baby to face other babies who weren't crying. Crying baby stopped crying immediately. Then another set of babies were prepping to be fed. One baby refused to hold the bottle but saw the other babies hold bottle then he held the bottle.

Oh ya. Caregivers - nothing against foreigners here. But the one with 10 - 19 infants, the caregivers were not Singaporean Chinese. The other place with 5 infants - caregivers were Singaporean Chinese. Anyway, I will be seeing more next week.

I would also prefer to place my baby at infant care after 6 months. I am now wondering if I should take 5 months maternity (using annual leave for one month - I have extra leave cuz carried forward)...

Hmm. The combi of baby sitter plus infant care might work too. I am just worried that baby sitter might not take good care too since it is non-company / licensed - you get what I mean? Unless I can find a babysitter who is recommended via word of mouth then I can trust more. Sigh. I saw the babysitter site - thanks for that a mummy! Will contact them on mon =) but still these are freelancers right?!?

As for maid - for me, I will not allow my child to be with the maid alone, not even at toddler age. I have heard too many horror stories! Personally, I am also not very comfortable with having a stranger live-in with me. Hahaha my place kinda small!

On subsidy - min $600 for working mums. The 2 I saw yesterday - one was $1500 (10 - 19 infants) and the other was $1580 (5 infants). Costs before subsidy. Sunbeams - If u want, I can pm u the names of the two I saw. Lemme know?


Morn everyone!

skt n second time lucky - what brAnd of pampers u guys bought/ recommend? Just worried bb may not take a liking to what I buy! HAA..
today will be crowded at motherhood fair? Can't go too early coz got lunch wedding to attend n managed to find parking lots for those who went?
also, littlej, don't mind the contacts/names of those 2 u saw. Much appreciated! Thanks!


The brochure for Motherhood Fair.


I'll be going down today! Hope can buy some things. Haven't shopped at all for baby things and I'm getting anxious.
Hi sunbeams,
I bot pampers brand simply cos it's much cheaper at the fair!Hope my gal nt too fussy... Most friends say mammy poko is gd but jus tat initially will change diaper v fast so they also go for pampers which is cheaper.. I managed to get a parking lot ytd but think today will b v pack cos got bb fair, John little sale, IT fair n food fair...
i didn't get any diapers this time round... only go to Nepia, bonny, Goon to ask for samples... as well as get the goodie bag from information counter which includes merries samples..... previously i bought alot of Goon Diapers from website liao..... so i didn't get any diapers this time round...
how's everyone shopping at Expo?


Hi Mummies! ! I was at motherhood expo w hubs on Friday. Looks like a good place to check out stuff if you haven't been. I didn't buy anything except signing up with cordlife. I'm being advised that we'll be able to get diapers and wetwipes even cheaper in jb jusco. Of course provided you reside near the customs, if not don't bother. Also, merries diapers have pretty good reviews. If you're looking for cots and breast pumps, can go to PUKU booth in the expo to check them out. They have a warehouse at yishun ave 6, they're also carrying the Philips avent breast pumps promotion. Warehouse additional 15% discount on items. I live near yishun so I'll be getting quite a bit of stuff from there.


Hiaz..made a mistake to go there today at 6plus...so crowded..cant even turn into expo..will try tmr morn..hope I can get in...


Hi Mummies! ! I was at motherhood expo w hubs on Friday. Looks like a good place to check out stuff if you haven't been. I didn't buy anything except signing up with cordlife. I'm being advised that we'll be able to get diapers and wetwipes even cheaper in jb jusco. Of course provided you reside near the customs, if not don't bother. Also, merries diapers have pretty good reviews. If you're looking for cots and breast pumps, can go to PUKU booth in the expo to check them out. They have a warehouse at yishun ave 6, they're also carrying the Philips avent breast pumps promotion. Warehouse additional 15% discount on items. I live near yishun so I'll be getting quite a bit of stuff from there.
I'm thinking of signing up with Cordlife too. May I know what made you decide to? We need to pay for 21 years right?

A mummy

Morn everyone!

skt n second time lucky - what brAnd of pampers u guys bought/ recommend? Just worried bb may not take a liking to what I buy! HAA..
today will be crowded at motherhood fair? Can't go too early coz got lunch wedding to attend n managed to find parking lots for those who went?
also, littlej, don't mind the contacts/names of those 2 u saw. Much appreciated! Thanks!
I got samples from many brands by registering online.
Get the absorbant ones like merrie.and huggies.


There's a 5 years and 10 years plan too. Basically its more like insurance (my hub says). We make them collect the cord blood but its best that its not used at all. If need to use means the illness is really serious. Of course choy!!! We want a healthy kiddo. ;)


There's a 5 years and 10 years plan too. Basically its more like insurance (my hub says). We make them collect the cord blood but its best that its not used at all. If need to use means the illness is really serious. Of course choy!!! We want a healthy kiddo. ;)
Thanks Yiks! I might pay all at one go. Yah, everyone wants a healthy kid.
Aixin Mummies Confinement & Wellness Sanctuary
Our 28 days' stay-in confinement package includes personal one to one confinement nanny service for mummy and baby, delicious and nutritious confinement meal tailored according to the different stages of recovery during confinement (3 main + 3 side meals), herbal bath for mummy, infant bath and massage, free diapers and toiletries for mother and baby etc.
Other services we provide are pre/post/aqua yoga, belly binding, post natal detoxification massages, breast feeding guidance etc.



Hi mummies, which /where prenatal classes did you sign up with?
I haven't register yet. Am I too late
Is it necessary for FTM?
I will sign up my prenatal course in my next visit in wk 26., I guess should be ok , cos my Hb need to join so must fit his work schedule too


Hi, sunbeams, I abt to conplete my antenatal class with tmc. As a ftm myself, I think it is essential. Always good to know what's coming when u r in labour n how ur partner can help u...when I hv d knowledge, I feel empowered n more confident on what to expect....my 2 cents worth...:)

Sunbeams:794574 said:
Mrsvistamio.. Where did u sign up the pre natal course? TMC? KKH? :)