EDD September 2013 Mummies


Active Member
I think as owners of our bodies, we can do as much research on the various birthing methods and suggest to our docs on our preference. If one feels very strongly and believe firmly that xyz birthing method is what she wants to go through then go with it and trust your own judgement. And find a doc who embraces a similar vision and a hospital that provides the facilities.

Whether the doc is lying to us or just wanting to make their lives easier - I think it is also up to each and everyone of us to decide what is best and how much we want to trust the doc?!? for instance if i want natural but my doc tells me not possible cuz of certain conditions then do i insist my own way or trust the doc? if i insist on wanting natural, what if it puts my baby at risk?

what works for one may not work for another. Just like 2 bodies are not the same. I know of two friends who believe strongly in hypno birthing and both chose the same method of delivery. One breezed through it with 8 pushes. The other grunted and was in so much pain for 12 hours.

A mummy

A mummy, actually what ur gynae is doing is so his work is made easier.. Gravity is the best help wen we're giving birth, coz baby is pushing down n we're also helping by pushing baby out.. Baby wont be able to juz fall out of the birth canal; unless itz premature or weighs less than 2kg at full term (which is rare in S'pore).. Lying down is NOT a gd position to birth baby, coz it is like pushing baby uphill.. I pushed my 1st out lyinh down; n at the end of the birth i was too worn out.. 2nd birth, i pushed my baby out (all by myself!) whilst sitting up, n i was still so energetic after the birth that i cld joke ard with the midwife n my husband (he still has the video; it was as if nothing happened - my voice was fresh n cheery).. It really makes a difference, how we birth our babies..
Ya agree. Eh, I thought must sit up ? I saw lots of ''movies'' and also my mom did sit up while pushing.You cant push while lying down I guess. I think my gynae refers to squat on the floor. Like seriously... lol.

A mummy

I think as owners of our bodies, we can do as much research on the various birthing methods and suggest to our docs on our preference. If one feels very strongly and believe firmly that xyz birthing method is what she wants to go through then go with it and trust your own judgement. And find a doc who embraces a similar vision and a hospital that provides the facilities.

Whether the doc is lying to us or just wanting to make their lives easier - I think it is also up to each and everyone of us to decide what is best and how much we want to trust the doc?!? for instance if i want natural but my doc tells me not possible cuz of certain conditions then do i insist my own way or trust the doc? if i insist on wanting natural, what if it puts my baby at risk?

what works for one may not work for another. Just like 2 bodies are not the same. I know of two friends who believe strongly in hypno birthing and both chose the same method of delivery. One breezed through it with 8 pushes. The other grunted and was in so much pain for 12 hours.
So true....

A mummy

It makes their job easier. Studies showed 55% of the doctor lied to their clients just to get them compromise. Will you still trust them? Haha, it's a challenge. Dont't let the gynae tells you what to do. There are only 3 doctors in Singapore who are truly pro-natural birth. Obstetricians are trained in emergency and surgical birth. Women know how to give birth as long as you connect with your body and with your baby.
A free talk on 25 June on the holistic approach to pregnancy care and childbirth. You can consider attending for educational purposes and ask questions about what birth is. Upcoming Events | ChildBirth Odyssey
How do we connect with our body? Is it the breathing part or the pushing part?

A mummy

I agree. Choosing the right doctor determine half the success of you achieving the birth that you want.
Yup. But I just want a normal delivery like no weird positions. Sit up is great.Just want to get done and over with and play with my baby. Definitely no epidural. But standby just in case my pain threshold is low at that point.Don't want to be fussy about it. Just got to be prepared. Can't really say NO EPIDURAL. Some mummies endure 24 hours or longer and finally got an epidural shot. Imagine the agony and still got a shot. ya lar baby got drugged and epidural shot is so painful like......and many side effects. haha. But thankfully my gynae is pro natural birth. That's the only same shared goal I have with the gynae at least. But I totally agree that he just wanna make his work easier for everybody else too. Like I'm not sure if I'm on the doc's or the mther's side. She insisted on no epidural for 6 hours shouting like a mad woman. One in a million they say. Nurses and docs already don't know what to do. So, what do you suggest for this situation? SHould she listen to her birth plan or just get the shot.?
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I wldnt get the shot if i can tolerate the pain.. But mind u, if u are induced, the pain truly is unbearable.. I've been reading "Ina May's Guide to Childbirth" n "Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering" to better prepare myself for this 3rd birth - I wanna try all-natural..! I tool epidural for both previous births; sucks i tell u.. Oh, u give birth usually in a C-shape whilst lying down.. Datz like the standard in KKH.. 2nd time, midwife wanted me to giv birth dat way, but my gynae came in the nick of time n let me sit up.. Actually best thing is to labour at home until u're in the transition stage, then go hospital.. U'll give birth in 1-2hrs only; no need spend sooo much time in delivery suite - it juz stresses u up, especially wen u hear other babies crying.. Also in delivery suite u wont get to walk ard much; being mobile n upright is essential to get the labour progressing.. I spent 20hrs plus both times in delivery suite, so boring..! Cant even rest properly, coz strapped on the bed n also the beeping sounds are distracting..
I think as owners of our bodies, we can do as much research on the various birthing methods and suggest to our docs on our preference. If one feels very strongly and believe firmly that xyz birthing method is what she wants to go through then go with it and trust your own judgement. And find a doc who embraces a similar vision and a hospital that provides the facilities.

Whether the doc is lying to us or just wanting to make their lives easier - I think it is also up to each and everyone of us to decide what is best and how much we want to trust the doc?!? for instance if i want natural but my doc tells me not possible cuz of certain conditions then do i insist my own way or trust the doc? if i insist on wanting natural, what if it puts my baby at risk?

what works for one may not work for another. Just like 2 bodies are not the same. I know of two friends who believe strongly in hypno birthing and both chose the same method of delivery. One breezed through it with 8 pushes. The other grunted and was in so much pain for 12 hours.
I agree with you. Every woman births differently and every birth is different. What's most important is whatever your choice is there is no regrets given that you have done your research on all options. That's is the idea. Empowering birth. No method can guarantee pain-free birth. It's all in the state of mind. Some people can enjoy their birth and baby is born in a blissful rather than fearful way while others may suffer in their birthing process. The more women and their husband prepare for their birth, the more they are closer to achieving their desired birth rather than just hoping for something but never put an effort into it. The sharing of information in this forum is merely for people to be aware of certain practice. At the end, the decision is yours. This video on One World Birth gather all birth professional around the world. Very interesting information. One World Birth Trailer - YouTube
How do we connect with our body? Is it the breathing part or the pushing part?
When you connect with your body, you will normally focus on your breathing, feel the movement of your body and your baby. Go inwardly focus, shut out all distraction. That's how the people in the past gave birth without epidural right? And of course no fear. It's the fear that causes the body to tense up and uterus muscles work against each other. It prolongs labor. When you birth in a relax way, the muscles works in harmony. That's why some first time mother can birth in a couple of hours. Very interesting and inspiring birth. Whether you need epidural or not, it all depends on how well you do during your labor. You call the shot. Are you getting the right support you want. Some people hire a doula for emotional support and for better birth outcome.

A mummy

When you connect with your body, you will normally focus on your breathing, feel the movement of your body and your baby. Go inwardly focus, shut out all distraction. That's how the people in the past gave birth without epidural right? And of course no fear. It's the fear that causes the body to tense up and uterus muscles work against each other. It prolongs labor. When you birth in a relax way, the muscles works in harmony. That's why some first time mother can birth in a couple of hours. Very interesting and inspiring birth. Whether you need epidural or not, it all depends on how well you do during your labor. You call the shot. Are you getting the right support you want. Some people hire a doula for emotional support and for better birth outcome.
Thanks. Felt so inspired now.A little less scary=) he he

A mummy

Do any of mummies feel tummy tight esp in the morning ? Feel like bladder full but no much urine kind of feeling ..
Ya pretty much every 2 hours after I wake up in the morning.It just goes on the whole day like that. So full until you just gotta go and only 2 drips.Sighs. Don't worry so much. It's our cutie resting on our bladder. And they are getting heavier everyday.
I only feel tight in the morning , like must quickly get out of bed . Cannot lie too long .. Btw, any mummies taking chicken essence n durian already ?