EDD September 2013 Mummies


Mummies! Watching this video will make you feel calm and happy about giving birth. Unlike all the scary screaming ones.



Active Member
Anyone knows of a good infant care around Amk / yio Chu kang / Thomson area? Looking for infant care as an alternative for my lil' muffin.


Hmm... I actually had durians during my first trimester. My mum says it's okay as long as we do not overdose with it. Like crabs, most people say no, they contain toxic etc.. but I actually had 2 times during my first trimester and 1 time during my recent BKK trip. I guess if we really have craving for such food, once in a blue moon is ok. But I definitely don't agree with sashimi in sg as they may not be fresh enough.


Yes..everything in moderation. That's what my gynae said when I ask her can I eat papaya, pineapple, durian, prawn, crabs etc.


Active Member
Anyone has recommendation for experienced nanny / baby sitter around Amk / yck / Thomson / Bishan area?

This is one option I am considering (as well as infant care)...

A mummy

Anyone has recommendation for experienced nanny / baby sitter around Amk / yck / Thomson / Bishan area?

This is one option I am considering (as well as infant care)...
This is quite subjective. Depends on you. I don't want to recommend wrongly.

However few tips from my friends:

Try narrow down to 5 centres (top few) and visit the places. Do not take centres that mix infant with kindergarten. There's some mix. Most don't due to noise and hygiene case. Take those that only take 5 infants at one go or best Less.

Babysitter and nanny I don't really trust because you are not at home. Unless it's from an agency. But it costs so much.
I have been following this



Morning mummies! Anyone going to the motherhood fair at expo? My friend is there today and said before opening, already had 500+ people queuing up to go in. -_- There's a John Little fair there selling some baby things there too at the same time. It will be crowded at expo cos there's a food fair happening at the same time.

A mummy

Hi raoow the pictures is motherhood or JL sale?I'm going tomorrow hoping to get maternity breast pads etc. I got lots of baby clothes so maybe can get some there if it's real cheap. Can get some pampers too!


The first post is John Little sale at expo. I'm gonna upload some photos of the motherhood fair on the next post. Apparently inside not so crowded.


Active Member
Thanks a mummy.

I saw 2 infant care centers today. One was mixed (ie infants have own room but on same floor) as you have described but they only take in max 5 infants. The other one - infants on seperate floor but they are able to take in max 19 infants (but usually only around 10 infants). I was more inclined to the 5 infants one but after reading your feedback on mixed.. I am like shucks...

Thanks for the tips though. Do let me know if you have more =)


Hi littlej, how much is the infant care u r looking at? Heard they offer part time and full time and price diff is just a bit more. Am considering infant care too. But pple say don't put infants into infant care too young also.

Just want to check if mummies tummies still feel hard? Mine yes.. Is that normal?
and I feel like baby can move like everywhere. Sometimes a tugging feeling. N sometimes sudden jerk. Does that happen to u mummies too?

A mummy

Thanks a mummy.

I saw 2 infant care centers today. One was mixed (ie infants have own room but on same floor) as you have described but they only take in max 5 infants. The other one - infants on separate floor but they are able to take in max 19 infants (but usually only around 10 infants). I was more inclined to the 5 infants one but after reading your feedback on mixed.. I am like shucks...

Thanks for the tips though. Do let me know if you have more =)
Happy I could help. But that's the main thing I'm more concern. How are the caregivers? I prefer matured ones if you ask me. 10 infants sounds alright provided there's alot of caregivers to make sure no carelessness on their part. I think i will go for the 10 infants-19 infants.Better more than mix because mix can cause negligence.The caregivers may hang out with the kindergarten teachers and like less responsible. I prefer a more focused centre.

If you are working you will get more subsidy, if housewife no subsidy at all.You'll pay super high. But, money can find ,only got to search for reliable centre.

I suggest you stay one day with the caregivers and observe their work. No choice. Call us kiasu but it's our babies.We make them. Probably they will put a good front while you are there but it's good that they know you are not like the rest of the mummies so they will EXTRA take care of your lil one because you are extra fussy.But get to know them also. Be their friend. They will be happy also taking care of your baby. If they are ''untidy'' kind or could not care less about hygiene, then you gotta go other centre.

The mix one is a NONO. Too many bacterias. Get sick so easily. ANother $ waste.

If still you have no choice, invest in a babysitter.Per month 1.2k....until toddler, get a maid. That's the best.
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A mummy

Hi littlej, how much is the infant care u r looking at? Heard they offer part time and full time and price diff is just a bit more. Am considering infant care too. But pple say don't put infants into infant care too young also.

Just want to check if mummies tummies still feel hard? Mine yes.. Is that normal?
and I feel like baby can move like everywhere. Sometimes a tugging feeling. N sometimes sudden jerk. Does that happen to u mummies too?
If you are working you will get more subsidy, if housewife no subsidy at all.You'll pay super high. The difference in half or full time day care not much you are right.Ya it's best if you have a family member to take care of your infant until they reach 6 months then you can transfer to centre but not all of us are fortunate.We need help from infant centre at least for now.

Ya that's normal. Hard2. I think one time i feel the butt.so hard...lol

A mummy

Amazingly I was complaining earlier on about my swollen feet but it's gone the next day after I lifted my legs up for 5 hours(complete bed rest). I drank lotsa water and peed so much more than usual. Until now, no swelling!Try these simple methods when you started to swell even a bit.If nothing being done it will just get worse. Mummies do update us here if you are feeling unusual or not well. Another person pain can ease up if they know they are not alone. And some can better prepare for the worst so they know what's normal (so they won't worry unnecessarily)and what's not in pregnancy.