EDD September 2013 Mummies


New Member
I usually do leg exercise for 10 minutes each night. I just sit properly on the bed, straighten my legs and draw circle with my feet. Just practicing my antenatal exercise class. :)


Sunbeams: even cheaper is buy from polyclinic pharmacy. Its much cheaper than gynae or watsons or guardian...my gynae wants me to test till I pop le..u wanna ask ur gynae?

Sunbeams:819977 said:
CChweewy and kcws - do u guys use the "true balance glucose test strips" I just realized that my supply very low. Left 10! Can buy from u if u have spares?
if order from amazon... Will take 1.5 weeks!! But Duno if I will pop by then. Unless I buy from gynae which will cost at least 2-3 times more I think.
any advice if need to test for glucose level after week 37? If not then maybe I don't need buy Liao..


I am now in my 35 weeks + 5 days too, having a hard time to sleep at night. Other than the protuding tummy from baby's kicks and punches, the sharp pain when baby presses on my bladder makes me more uncomfortable to sleep. I have to sleep in a sitting position and change to lying position in the middle of the night when the baby has lesser movements.

Stiff fingers have started to appear, on and off i notice my feet and hands more meaty than usual. But that usually lasts 1-2 days and disappear before re-appearing.

I bet our husbands are getting anxious as well? everytime I feel a pain, my husband will be guessing contraction is coming, asking me to check if there is any show or anything flowing from my bottom.
I also have sleeping problem, though is not every day. Sometimes baby don't want me to sleep at side position, she will use two leg to kick me every second and never give up until I change position. I have to sleep at sitting position and change in the mid night. Sometimes even in midnight also she allow me to sleep at side position. I have to keep changing position. I believe she really not comfortable, so I give up.


Having difficulty sleeping these days. A sign that baby coming soon. :) finally pull through and reach 37weeks safely despite having spotting at 25weeks and went through scanning, checking, hospitalization, injection etc etc... Feel so relieved now!! Just hope baby can gain some more weight before birth :)


Baby just kicks endlessly when I try to sleep at night! And I can't sleep sitting. So I just wait for her to be tired of kicking ...

1 week + 6 days more for me! Everyday hoping she will be born but at the same time hoping can wait til EDD.


Sunbeams: even cheaper is buy from polyclinic pharmacy. Its much cheaper than gynae or watsons or guardian...my gynae wants me to test till I pop le..u wanna ask ur gynae?
Polyclinic farmarcy? U mean we can go to ask the phamatcy counter? Every polyclinic also can right?


Thanks chweewy and kcws for the replies..
but the polyclinc and guardian and Watson don't have this brand! :(
duno why my gynae sold me such an "atas" glucose tester!
My church friend who's edd is 5/9 just popped today! Water bag burst!


Thanks chweewy and kcws for the replies..
but the polyclinc and guardian and Watson don't have this brand! :(
duno why my gynae sold me such an "atas" glucose tester!
My church friend who's edd is 5/9 just popped today! Water bag burst!
Wow! Did the baby engaged early than expected? Will our gynae tell us to be prepare anytime the baby will arrives? I don't want to be caught by surprise. :( My edd is 8 Sept.


Wow! Did the baby engaged early than expected? Will our gynae tell us to be prepare anytime the baby will arrives? I don't want to be caught by surprise. :( My edd is 8 Sept.
Heard that baby can born anytime between 37-42 weeks and consider full term. For my case wont be Later than EDD. I'm prepared but still no sign of labour, except the swollen felling down there, think baby is engage will ask doc next Fri.


Heard that baby can born anytime between 37-42 weeks and consider full term. For my case wont be Later than EDD. I'm prepared but still no sign of labour, except the swollen felling down there, think baby is engage will ask doc next Fri.
Kcws, You mean that if the baby is engaged, you will experience swollen feeling down there? I will also ask my gynae this coming sat.


Wow! Did the baby engaged early than expected? Will our gynae tell us to be prepare anytime the baby will arrives? I don't want to be caught by surprise. :( My edd is 8 Sept.
My gynae did tell me to be prepared as baby will arrive anytime from full term till my EDD.


Please also share if u know what's "leaking amniotic fluid" like. I'm really scared that I won't know when I leak...
It won't stop if it started to leak, so if you keep having watery discharge be it small or large amount better call or see your doctor immediately.


New Member
Hi Ladies,

did your gynae told you how far has your baby engaged? Mine is 1/5th in my week 34. Just to know if it's normal. I'm feeling extra pressure down there. Afraid baby will be premature.


Thanks mummies for sharing about water leak.. So it's obvious kind, I kept thinking if leak a few drops how would I know?

My baby hasn't engaged as of last week. Doc doesn't seem concerned though, he says before delivery engage can Liao. But I feel down there more pressure now and gg toilet more often at night (like 4 times), dunno maybe she's engage now?