EDD September 2013 Mummies


Woohoo raoow, kambate! Hope everuthing will b smooth n fast...share with us ur progress! Take care..

raoow:822932 said:
Seems like today is the day! I'm 3cm dilated with contractions every 5 min. After doctor checked for dilation, i went to pee and wanted to eat cos super hungry. But i started bleeding in the toilet. Think it's from the internal check. So back to the bed.

Hope all goes fast and smooth. Update you all when I can.


SO excited for u ! How does the contraction feel at 3cm dilation? Is it bad? But u can still go and eat should be ok ?

Yah, cos I figured need energy plus only 3cm dilated, might have long wait. I'm still waiting for a delivery room! Now still at the monitoring area. Hubby cannot enter so I'm alone with my dying phone.

Mummies, bring extra phone batteries. I'm whatsapping hubby and gfs in between contractions. I wanted to walk so that baby can drop faster and contractions more manageable but now not allowed. Later in delivery room, I'll tell my gynae and heck care. Cos lying down for me really slowed down my contractions!!

Yanting is right. My EDD is 22nd. Today only 37 weeks 2 days! Baby only 2.2kg last Tues and later today was my next appointment and growth scan. But baby thinks otherwise!

Contractions are manageable with breathing now. But cos quite spaced out so I've time to recover. I'll see how it will be like later when more close together and longer.


Wow.. so exciting! !! Jiayou! Breathe steadily. ;)

I caught a cold and the med gp gave me had no effect at all. Sick since ytd and no signs of recovery. What should I do? I'm afraid if bb decides to come I may have no strength to push.


Yah, cos I figured need energy plus only 3cm dilated, might have long wait. I'm still waiting for a delivery room! Now still at the monitoring area. Hubby cannot enter so I'm alone with my dying phone.

Mummies, bring extra phone batteries. I'm whatsapping hubby and gfs in between contractions. I wanted to walk so that baby can drop faster and contractions more manageable but now not allowed. Later in delivery room, I'll tell my gynae and heck care. Cos lying down for me really slowed down my contractions!!

Yanting is right. My EDD is 22nd. Today only 37 weeks 2 days! Baby only 2.2kg last Tues and later today was my next appointment and growth scan. But baby thinks otherwise!

Contractions are manageable with breathing now. But cos quite spaced out so I've time to recover. I'll see how it will be like later when more close together and longer.
Raoow, jia you! keep us updated! You are going to see your lovely baby soon!!!!!


Wow.. so exciting! !! Jiayou! Breathe steadily. ;)

I caught a cold and the med gp gave me had no effect at all. Sick since ytd and no signs of recovery. What should I do? I'm afraid if bb decides to come I may have no strength to push.
Yiks, drink lots of warm water! I caught a cold last week and refused to eat medicine as I afraid that my baby will be affected. What I did is I drink a lot of warm water. It actually slowly recovered by itself.


Yah, cos I figured need energy plus only 3cm dilated, might have long wait. I'm still waiting for a delivery room! Now still at the monitoring area. Hubby cannot enter so I'm alone with my dying phone.

Mummies, bring extra phone batteries. I'm whatsapping hubby and gfs in between contractions. I wanted to walk so that baby can drop faster and contractions more manageable but now not allowed. Later in delivery room, I'll tell my gynae and heck care. Cos lying down for me really slowed down my contractions!!

Yanting is right. My EDD is 22nd. Today only 37 weeks 2 days! Baby only 2.2kg last Tues and later today was my next appointment and growth scan. But baby thinks otherwise!

Contractions are manageable with breathing now. But cos quite spaced out so I've time to recover. I'll see how it will be like later when more close together and longer.
Raoow, gambatheh ^_^


Yah, cos I figured need energy plus only 3cm dilated, might have long wait. I'm still waiting for a delivery room! Now still at the monitoring area. Hubby cannot enter so I'm alone with my dying phone.

Mummies, bring extra phone batteries. I'm whatsapping hubby and gfs in between contractions. I wanted to walk so that baby can drop faster and contractions more manageable but now not allowed. Later in delivery room, I'll tell my gynae and heck care. Cos lying down for me really slowed down my contractions!!

Yanting is right. My EDD is 22nd. Today only 37 weeks 2 days! Baby only 2.2kg last Tues and later today was my next appointment and growth scan. But baby thinks otherwise!

Contractions are manageable with breathing now. But cos quite spaced out so I've time to recover. I'll see how it will be like later when more close together and longer.
Jiayou! Hope everything to be smooth and fast for u :) Whatsthe number on the monitor for Ur contractions?

My edd is this Saturday but still no news from baby yet.. Could it be cos its my first baby?


Yiks: u may want to see ur gynae cos she oso needs to monitor ur lil one condition..any med taken now may affect ur delivery...my gf oso caught cold but went see gynae...gana e c-sert.

.[Q UOTE=Yiks:822998]Wow.. so exciting! !! Jiayou! Breathe steadily. ;)

I caught a cold and the med gp gave me had no effect at all. Sick since ytd and no signs of recovery. What should I do? I'm afraid if bb decides to come I may have no strength to push.[/QUOTE]


C sec.. my worst nightmare. . I don't want. .. :,(

I'm alr drinking a lot of water and my edd is near, 10 Sept, getting anxious and worried at the same time.


C sec.. my worst nightmare. . I don't want. .. :,(

I'm alr drinking a lot of water and my edd is near, 10 Sept, getting anxious and worried at the same time.
If u are having runny nose keep clearing Ur nose, keep it dry and clean and wash Ur hands Everytime. Drink lots of water, keep going to the toilet when need to and just rest and sleep. Lots of rest and keeping hygiene, flushing out toxins is the fastest way to recover.


Wow.. so exciting! !! Jiayou! Breathe steadily. ;)

I caught a cold and the med gp gave me had no effect at all. Sick since ytd and no signs of recovery. What should I do? I'm afraid if bb decides to come I may have no strength to push.
It's a norm that most GP/Gynae will only prescribe you with mild medications for your cold. Strong medication is not good for the baby. That's what happened to me few months ago. My flu lasted like 3-4 weeks. You will alot of rest and more plain water. I was lucky, my boss was alright with my frequent MC and even let me napped for a short while after lunch.


Mummies, I had painless contractions from 6.30pm-2am yesterday then followed by more painful contractions (pain in tummy, pelvic and back) from 2-4am. Then it stopped! I thought I was going into labour... Anyone knows why? Now I'm so exhausted from the whole night of torment and worry and anxiety.
StellaC, I am also experiencing the same thing as you last night. Painful contraction like menses pain occurred at 6.30am - 8am. It stopped. I was talking to one of my friend who is mother of two kids about this. She predicted it is most likely that we might be giving birth next week!!


StellaC, I am also experiencing the same thing as you last night. Painful contraction like menses pain occurred at 6.30am - 8am. It stopped. I was talking to one of my friend who is mother of two kids about this. She predicted it is most likely that we might be giving birth next week!!
Lol... 1 more weeks to go... I already categories myself as false labour...


StellaC, I am also experiencing the same thing as you last night. Painful contraction like menses pain occurred at 6.30am - 8am. It stopped. I was talking to one of my friend who is mother of two kids about this. She predicted it is most likely that we might be giving birth next week!!
Oh really?! But my edd is this sat.. Dunno will be on edd or not; if not then will be over the edd. Anyways it's gonna be soon!
i read that sometimes there's painful contractions cos uterus is pushing baby down, but will stop when uterus is tired. I guess that's what happened.