EDD September 2013 Mummies

A mummy

A Mummy, I'm 3cm dilated, check at 1pm. No painful contraction until now just mild period like cramp :( quite worried that I'm not aware of the dilation and end up giving birth at home.... Sigh... Mentally stress T_T
Actually ya, quite scary if i never admit myself that day, i end up giving birth at home,noone at home plus when its too painful,you cant even walk to get to the taxi.
Lucky i never listen to my gynae cos he said head not engaged etc. We know our bodies. I just hope that you all just visit the gynae or admit yrself once 5 min.
Dont be like me 1 min apart still can go home and tell hubby i'm fine cos i'm used to 10 min apart contractions before.In the end, came back to glens.
Then delivered.

A mummy

congrats Amummy! wa you waited till 1 min apart contractions!

i hope i can spend most of the first part of labour at home too!
I prefer not to be at home. It's too scary,unpredictable,anxious. I would choose to know i'm going for labour that day, and be in the hospital.
Trust me when it happens, you are not mentally strong(TOO anxious) to experience the contractions alone without professionals(docs,nurses).The articles and comments on babycenter where mummies experience up to 8 cm labour at home then rush to hosp is just not happening for me. I think I'm too kancheong. I nd to be arnd professionals then I'll be strong. That explains the NO epidural.

A mummy

I am praying hard to have a short labour too! haha! So it is not true that the baby will be expected to be overdue if he is not engaged.
Yup, guess different bodies and babies work different ways. It's all so unpredictable. The only 2 tips that i follow, if you feel weird and different about yr body, just admit yrself. Don't listen to anybody. Next is 5 min apart contractions.

10 min apart contractions can be false labour

A mummy

Mummies, I had painless contractions from 6.30pm-2am yesterday then followed by more painful contractions (pain in tummy, pelvic and back) from 2-4am. Then it stopped! I thought I was going into labour... Anyone knows why? Now I'm so exhausted from the whole night of torment and worry and anxiety.
It stops, then it's not. One week before labour, from 11pm to 4am i remembered having 10 min apart. Then it stops. Every contractions were dull menses pain.
Just get yrself prepared.:Dancing_wub:

A mummy

I called the labour ward to ask regarding my symptoms and they asked me to go down immediately. I asked them "are you sure?" cos i was not having contractions anymore, it was the night before.. I just Wanted to be assured that it's normal that contractions come and go. Ended up they ask me go down and I went... Turned out its nothing serious and they sent me home after my gynae confirmed its not real labour. Sigh,, so scary I really don't know when is the real labour going to be or how it's gg to be like :(

Be strong, your contractions are like mine not strong enuff to break the bag initially.

Just keep walking around the house till hip pain. So you know you walked alot. You can use the staircase too. Climb up.


A mummy - it's good to hear from u!!
U gave birth in gleneagles? Did u manage to get a single bedder?
how were the nurses n PD? Gentle n good?
U managed to bf ur bb? That's excellent! Did u see a lactation consultation?
i think it's the waiting in anticipation of bb arrival that gets mothers all kan Cheong n the pain!!
If its 10 min apart, they will send U home is it?
I prefer not to be at home. It's too scary,unpredictable,anxious. I would choose to know i'm going for labour that day, and be in the hospital.
Trust me when it happens, you are not mentally strong(TOO anxious) to experience the contractions alone without professionals(docs,nurses).The articles and comments on babycenter where mummies experience up to 8 cm labour at home then rush to hosp is just not happening for me. I think I'm too kancheong. I nd to be arnd professionals then I'll be strong. That explains the NO epidural.
oic! im just afraid of going too early and somehow labour stalls and need to be augmented. my gynae did tell me to go hospital once contractions are 5min apart for 1 hour. or waterbag breaks. or lots of bleeding. am 37 weeks now.. nervous!


StellaC hope to hear from you=)
Good to hear from u! So happy for u that u have Ur baby in Ur arms now :)

Its been nights of contractions and pelvic pains .. Super sharp pain that keep me awake til 4-5am. Super exhausted.
Now going to ser gynae forweekly check, 2 more days to EDD but not sure if he's gonna induce me today.


StellaC - all the best k! I think the Gynae will do that's best for u n the baby!
i think I might end up being induced too. Keep us updated on progress! Take care lots


yes i get this ache too. especially when i get up at night to go pee. i can feel the ache when i am sitting on the toilet..hehehe. in the day time it is not too bad. i try not to waddle when i walk coz my colleague says i walk like a gangster! but i gotta walk slowly now...
yea, i also walk very slowly now, feels heavy everywhere. It's getting difficult to change position during sleep. When I turned from left to right or vice versa, I can feel some ache in my lower abdomen, it's like baby inside me is being "shifted" because of my turning.


Good to hear from u! So happy for u that u have Ur baby in Ur arms now :)

Its been nights of contractions and pelvic pains .. Super sharp pain that keep me awake til 4-5am. Super exhausted.
Now going to ser gynae forweekly check, 2 more days to EDD but not sure if he's gonna induce me today.
StellaC, all the best,wish u have smooth delivery. waiting time at home is killing me. Mentally stress >_< This morning quite terrified as baby not moving... End up is baby sleeping. will c how till next Monday appointment, if no progress will ask gynea what option I have. Hah, I think I won't reject the suggestion of induction now :p


Just finished check up with gynae.. Baby is 3.3-3.4kg already. He suggested to induce as he's afraid baby maybe too big and also he's concerned that my cervix is not coming down despite having contractions and pelvic pains. Seems like baby is trying to push her way down but maybe my fibroid is blocking.


Just finished check up with gynae.. Baby is 3.3-3.4kg already. He suggested to induce as he's afraid baby maybe too big and also he's concerned that my cervix is not coming down despite having contractions and pelvic pains. Seems like baby is trying to push her way down but maybe my fibroid is blocking.
Wow.... So excited to hear you going to have baby soon. Keep it on wish u all the best.

Lady J

New Member
hi all, I am new here. my EDD is 16/09. I had contraction pain yesterday and it was 3 mins interval. Not dilated still, did membrane sweep yesterday and baby's not engaged too. really do not want to end up with c-sect.

I've been anxious and tired and disappointed.

Lucky thing, my gynae said I can go home, or else, I will be admitted to hospital to wait. today, no contractions at all, just BH. dont't know when baby will decide to come out!

Anybody has those menses like blood coming out after 'doing big business'? I had it after the check yesterday.