EDD Mar 2014


I booked my room in Mt A already... My gynae actually prefers me to give birth in TMC since his clinic is there and he says it's more convenient. But I really prefer Mt A, so gotta pay extra transport charges to gynae when I deliver.


Jo, you're also 28 weeks? It's strange tho, my weight gain has been on the low side (7kg so far) and my blood sugar is fine. Looks like baby got chubby genes from her dad's side! My mom says my siblings and I were all only 2+ kg at birth. :/
Hi Jadite, actually I hit 29 weeks already. Went for my appt last Fri, Dr gave me a scare when he measured the baby, said size is 25 weeks then measured again in case she was breathing in that moment. Then he said she's ard the size of 27 weeks, putting her ard 50th percentile of abt 1.2kg. He was saying she's M size on previous few visits but this time he said she's on the small side... But my weight gain, like u, seems slow. I only gained abt 6.1kg as at last Friday. Hopefully it's good enuf. I dun eat durians so cannot eat it to gain weight.

Took my RhoGAM injection too (as I am of O- blood group). Thick needle and it's really ex! It's abt $300 per jab... and Dr said I have to take 3 jabs and not 2... one more in my next appt in 6 weeks time and the last one after giving birth. -_-


went to my gyne just now and now baby is weighing 1.7kg at week 30 and 7 days. I have gained 12.6kg so far and was surprised that with the past few weeks vomiting i still managed to gain 3kg.
Btw i have decided to go for c-sec and my gyne has evaluated that my mind and physical size might not be suitable for natural birth. If i go for full GA i will have to deliver in late Feb.


tpy you will be the first mummy to deliver! *clap*

Is anyone going to save placenta to make into pills and eat? Wondering if it is worth the trouble.


Hi Jadite, actually I hit 29 weeks already. Went for my appt last Fri, Dr gave me a scare when he measured the baby, said size is 25 weeks then measured again in case she was breathing in that moment. Then he said she's ard the size of 27 weeks, putting her ard 50th percentile of abt 1.2kg. He was saying she's M size on previous few visits but this time he said she's on the small side... But my weight gain, like u, seems slow. I only gained abt 6.1kg as at last Friday. Hopefully it's good enuf. I dun eat durians so cannot eat it to gain weight.

Took my RhoGAM injection too (as I am of O- blood group). Thick needle and it's really ex! It's abt $300 per jab... and Dr said I have to take 3 jabs and not 2... one more in my next appt in 6 weeks time and the last one after giving birth. -_-
im already in 31 weeks, and my baby only 1.8kg. i think also depends on your size. dont worry :)


im already in 31 weeks, and my baby only 1.8kg. i think also depends on your size. dont worry :)
Oh ok, thanks Maviss =) I just take assurance from her movements that she's ok =) But anyone feels that there's less movements on days that's colder, e.g. when it's rainy? Mine seems to go very quiet on such days.


Oh ok, thanks Maviss =) I just take assurance from her movements that she's ok =) But anyone feels that there's less movements on days that's colder, e.g. when it's rainy? Mine seems to go very quiet on such days.
so far quite routine for the movements for my baby. certain timing he will be super active.


mine is a night owl. but when my hubby put his hands on my tummy, BB will stop moving for a while and resume when he take his hands off me.


i am moving onto 31 weeks and at 30 weeks, it weighs 1.6kg which is normal. how to check which percentile?

meanwhile, bb been super active in the night. night owl too... and same with LH779 when hubby put hands on tummy, she will stop and resume after hands are off.

we also tried tapping game with her and she responded quite well :) playing with daddy.

the placenta thing.. i can't rem what the dietician say that it works or not? so i am still considering.

i am looking at C sect with epidural because i want to recover quickly and bf if possible.


New Member
Oh ok, thanks Maviss =) I just take assurance from her movements that she's ok =) But anyone feels that there's less movements on days that's colder, e.g. when it's rainy? Mine seems to go very quiet on such days.
Hi, my baby move lesser during rainy days. Like ytd, she wasnt moving as much during morning to noon,scare the hell out of me. Then she start kicking during evening time. I told my husband ,she must be like mummy. Lazy on raining days. Can really sleep through. Then super active at night.


Hi, my baby move lesser during rainy days. Like ytd, she wasnt moving as much during morning to noon,scare the hell out of me. Then she start kicking during evening time. I told my husband ,she must be like mummy. Lazy on raining days. Can really sleep through. Then super active at night.
LOL, so mine is not the only baby who is moving lesser on rainy days.


Oo maybe it's quite common... Mine is also lazier on rainy days. Haha! And v active at night. Seems that she knows when I wake up too cuz when I wake up I can immediately feel her squirming around. Usually she's quiet during the day though...

About the placenta. Think the dietitian mentioned that it's up to own preference, no real research is conclusive... Can ask yellow, since she is also in the same line. Hehe. If it's not conclusive, not sure I want to take the effort to do the encapsulation. I was just a bit surprised reading an angmoh mummy blog the other day because she advocated doing the placenta encapsulation.. Thought it is more of an Asian or TCM thing.

Anyone knows roughly how much money the entire hospital stay + gynae fees (basically everything) will cost? Wanna be mentally prepared. Gynae office presented the list of costs to me and it made me go weak in the knees haha. Didn't know we have to pay a separate anesthetist's fee that's not included in the hospital fee. So many fees tacked on... It's a bit confusing. So does anyone have a clue what the average total sum is likely to be for single room hospital stay? Just a rough figure...
Last year my friend gave birth at Gleneagles - natural + epidural. Total bill minus gynae fees $5k plus.
This year my friend gave birth at Gleneagles - natural, no epidural, just gas & pethidine. Total bill plus gynae $6k plus.

all these is before medisave deduction. both of them single room. inclusive of pediatrician fees too.


i just counted for my case single bedded room+gyne fee+ pediatrician fee(which will be assigned by gyne)+ anesthetist sum up about 8k++. I will be going for csec with GA
on the placenta topic...

i havent come across any good science documenting its benefits. i agree that the placenta will contain alot of hormones and nutrients but the process of cooking/freeze drying/encapsulating it will destroy some/most of the goodness. Additionally, when we eat stuff, our stomach will breakdown alot of the protein/hormone structures, so i really dont know how much goodness you can get out of it. not to mention that the placenta may potentially contain toxins too.. since its supposed to transport waste materials out of the baby?!

but... placebo effects can be very strong (ie. if you believe in it, whether or not the thing really works, your body will somehow respond positively).

if it is not too expensive to encapsulate it (under clean conditions, i read some posts saying they encapsulate in their own kitchens!) i will probably do it. since no harm. but eating the placenta raw/cooked as a dish is a big no for me.


wow! can DIY encapsulate? i remember last time Eu Yan San does that, but due to whatever reason, they stop this service.

hey MTB, chinese new year soon. I was out shopping for new clothes, but sadly can't seems to find any nice clothes :(
thinking of not going anywhere for pai nian this year cause no nice clothes to wear. hahaha


wow! can DIY encapsulate? i remember last time Eu Yan San does that, but due to whatever reason, they stop this service.

hey MTB, chinese new year soon. I was out shopping for new clothes, but sadly can't seems to find any nice clothes :(
thinking of not going anywhere for pai nian this year cause no nice clothes to wear. hahaha
Yeah I also read some where that Eu Yan Sen stopped this service. But I also read that your confinement lady got to wash the placenta for u first if you wan it encapsulated...

Ya lor, everytime my hubby asked if I want to go into a shop to look at clothes, I give him a look and said I can't squeeze into any! Think I got to do with whatever clothes I got now for CNY!


There's a service called Heavenly Health store that collects it direct from the hospital and cleans it and encapsulates it for you. You can google the service online. Yup yellow, I don't think I'll be doing it. I'm kinda skeptical in the first place so doubt there's any placebo effect for me lol!! Just that I thought if there is a real use, I don't mind doing it in pill form. No way am I eating it raw or cooked in any form. Shudder!

I bought a few maxi dresses that are actually not maternity wear, but have plenty of space in the waist to accommodate the bump. Maxi dresses actually look really good on pregnant women! Makes us look more elegant and makes the bump look cuter. So I'll probably wear these dresses for CNY. won't be buying any special maternity outfits, it's kind of a waste of money since we have hardly any time left to wear new clothes... Enjoy CNY ladies!!

Yellow, can I ask - Chin Ting mentioned there's an enzyme in pineapple that isn't safe for pregnant women, but my gynae said a little bit should be fine. Are pineapple tarts safe for consumption since the pineapple has been cooked and processed? I think I'll die if I have to go thru CNY without any pineapple tarts. Haha! Actually I totally forgot that pineapple tarts = pineapple until hubby reminded me. *sadface*
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