EDD Mar 2014

saw the gynae yesterday. at week 32, baby is 1.7kg. very average weight.

sadly baby is still in breech position, doc hopes baby will turn around in the next 2 weeks.

my friend was suggesting that you can get doc to give MC instead of starting maternity leave 1-2 weeks before you pop. i checked with my gynae. shes allows that!


I hope to work till my due date if possible. Cause wanted to spend more time to care for baby myself.

my to-buy list still long way to go.. then some of the things either my SIL or friend will pass to me. but I hasn't get from them yet because my husband hasn't clear his stuff from the Baby's room. And I cannot help him cause those are all this things and I have no idea how he wish to store this stuff....

I definitely would like to have the room clear so that we can start to place Baby stuff in it. I think by doing that I'll probably feel more in sync that my baby is coming soon. currently it seems my pressure is more from office. cause occasionally when people ask me when i'm going on ML, I'll start to feel that I have to sort out most of my work plan during the 4 months. so that the person who is helping me don't need to do too much follow up (i'm a 1 man show in my office).


i will be getting this from ikea STUVA Storage combination with drawers - white/white - IKEA
last week went down wanting to buy this but out of stock.
on the ML topic, i feel kinda of stress after my boss keep mentioning during the meetings that nowadays many companies are getting the mummies back to work after 2 months due to work requirement. She wanted me to take 1st 2 months then take the remaining ML during year end since the work load is lower...She cannot use my colleague as an example for me that she went back to office after 2 months as she has in laws to look who are very happy to look after the baby and she does not even have to do any housework.
I will be moving to our newly renovated house after my confinement and i still have to do some cleaning here and there when we moved in. I would need to cope with looking after the baby as a 1st time mummy plus coping with new house location. My mother in law i would not want to bother her much even though she stays near our new house as i could not stand her way of doing things and poking into our house things. Example Even though the money does not belongs to her and she could nag at us on why we need to install aircon in the living room...the electricity bills will be high etc. sorry to say all this here but i have been feeling quite down these few days after what my boss suggested me to go back after 2 months plus with my in laws keep asking how much this n that then all the nagging after finding out the prices instead of doing proper things for us...i would not be confident that they can take care of my baby well. If really need to go back, i would want to go back after 3 months since i have more things to cope with.
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i will be getting this from ikea STUVA Storage combination with drawers - white/white - IKEA
last week went down wanting to buy this but out of stock.
on the ML topic, i feel kinda of stress after my boss keep mentioning during the meetings that nowadays many companies are getting the mummies back to work after 2 months due to work requirement. She wanted me to take 1st 2 months then take the remaining ML during year end since the work load is lower...She cannot use my colleague as an example for me that she went back to office after 2 months as she has in laws to look who are very happy to look after the baby and she does not even have to do any housework.
I will be moving to our newly renovated house after my confinement and i still have to do some cleaning here and there when we moved in. I would need to cope with looking after the baby as a 1st time mummy plus coping with new house location. My mother in law i would not want to bother her much even though she stays near our new house as i could not stand her way of doing things and poking into our house things. Example Even though the money does not belongs to her and she could nag at us on why we need to install aircon in the living room...the electricity bills will be high etc. sorry to say all this here but i have been feeling quite down these few days after what my boss suggested me to go back after 2 months plus with my in laws keep asking how much this n that then all the nagging after finding out the prices instead of doing proper things for us...i would not be confident that they can take care of my baby well. If really need to go back, i would want to go back after 3 months since i have more things to cope with.
Hmm... I understand how you feel... my boss is ok in this aspect of me taking 4 months (she said she felt it was disruptive to work that time when she took 3mths + 1mth herself) but some of my colleagues said I should not, I should take 2 + 2 or 3+1 so I can come back earlier and have some leave left to take baby for check-ups and jabs... But same like you, I have no one to take care of my baby... so I think the best I can is to delay sending her to infant care till she's 4 mths old, if not I feel it's so pitiful to drop her off at infant care ard 2 mths or 3 mths old.

But the thing abt my boss is that till now (I only left 10 weeks or less before I deliver), she has not made arrangement for my work coverage...it's worrisome as I don't wish for last minute handovers. I have asked her end of Dec 13 again and she gave me those "oh ya I haven't think abt it" look -_-... somemore I preempted her even before I hit 3mths pregnant lor... I wouldn't want colleagues to keep calling me during confinement or hospitalization just becos I cannot do proper handover due to my boss.


New Member
Hi to all mommies and soon to be mom like me :)

I posted before in feb 2014 thread not knowing that my edd is march. Currently i am 31 weeks now and my edd is March 6. I went to my doctor last week and he said that i might deliver my baby earlier which it will be on last week of February, the chances is 50:50 and he didnt mentioned to me the reason. But overall he said that baby is in normal position, head size is normal for 30 weeks, my doctor estimated the weight of my baby and its 1.8kg.

I almost forgot im having a baby boy :) (blue team)

I gained weight from 48kg (before i become pregnant) to 65kg last week. Imagine i gained 17kg :))

Currently im working now and i am planning to start my maternity leave on Feb 17 incase baby will come out earlier atleast im prepared.

Btw ladies how many months u need to consume ur maternity leave? I was thinking to consume the 4 months but im having a 2nd thought to consume my ML for 3 months only. Then the remaining 1 month i will ask my HR if possible that the 1 month can be flexible for me incase baby need to go on check up, vacination etc. Is the set up like this is possible?

One more thing to ask ladies if you have plans to do 4D scan to see ur baby? I am planning to go nxt week to Radlink in paragon to do 4D scan as i want to see my baby though i know by that time im 32 weeks and i might not see the face of my baby but i will still try as this is my 1st baby and i wanted to compile everything so in future he can see himself. Payment fee is S$ 150 for 1 hour, they will provide the photo and dvd video of the baby. If baby is not cooperative and cant see his face i still need to pay for $50 for admin fee. Does anyone of u will do 4d scan aswell?
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Oh dear, so many of you seem to be having problems with your work and maternity leave ): anyway my leave of 2 weeks before EDD is actually called "hospitalization leave" although I don't need to go hospital. It's not part of maternity leave. Just need the gynae to give a letter saying you need 2 weeks of rest before your EDD. My HR told me to just ask for letter and take this leave since we are all entitled to it.

As for maternity leave, my work doesn't even allow me to split or flexi my leave. I have to take all 16 weeks at one shot. And I felt it's a bit too early to go back to work so I took an extra no pay leave... I will return to work only on 1 sept. Guess it's because I'm civil servant so our bosses are very supportive of maternity leave. My work coverage when I'm gone is all settled alr by end of December. My colleague even took 6 months extra of NPL to be with her baby!
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Ya Jo some bosses thought that we will still able to receive calls regarding work. If they call me i will just don't answer :p
Ya very pitiful to see babies at 2 or 3 months going to infant care and u will sure miss your baby.
wow Jadeite good that your company allows that! so far only government agencies allows that and i am an ex civil servant who have saw my ex colleagues took 2 years NPL before.
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Ya Jo some bosses thought that we will still able to receive calls regarding work. If they call me i will just don't answer :p
Ya very pitiful to see babies at 2 or 3 months going to infant care and u will sure miss your baby.
wow Jadeite good that your company allows that! so far only government agencies allows that and i am an ex civil servant who have saw my ex colleagues took 2 years NPL before.
I'm considered Public servant since I'm working in a public hospital. But think if I take tat long NPL, think I'll be replaced lor... Heng I did not use much of my annual leave last year so almost the whole year worth was brought forward to this year. Plus this year's annual leave I have more than 1 mth's worth of leave to use ^^. And added on Enhanced childcare leave once I give birth too. So I think using my 4 months ML at the same time should be fine for me. Haha... at most ask my hubby to bring baby for vaccinations lor...but hope no fever after that.


Dear Mummies/Mummies to be,

Kindly take note that pre-orders for Year 2014 are now available. Kindly confirm your orders with a deposit to avoid disappointment as home made rice wine are based on made to order quantities. Customization for wine (i.e.yellow wine) also available upon request. Please call/sms for details.

For orders <5, kindly sms/call to check if I've ready stock ;)

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750ml of red rice wine - $18
750ml of yellow rice wine - $18
500ml of red/yellow rice pulp - $6

Thank you dear mummies who were satisfied customers of mine. Thank you for your support for recommending friends to me and bless ya and love ones with good health! :)
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My boss also seems fine with me taking 4 months straight. but sometimes is the colleague who have to cover you will be 'bu shuang' and the worse part for me is that i'm a OMS so the coverage is from another department one. so doing my things is definitely out of her job scope. So I just have to work extra hard this few weeks to make sure the the things can sort of 'auto-run' with minimal disruption when i'm on ML.

haiz... so many things to do, but super no mood.


My 1st is c-sec and it is more painful den natural. Problem sitting up and getting down the bed. Hoping this 2nd one can be natural.


for me, i have 2 mths of hospitalisation leave and taking 16 weeks one shot too

but my company say i have to use 4 weeks of maternity before my edd.

i called MOM but they say it's company policy so they cannot intefere.

upset coz i can make full use of my 46 days of HL before touching maternity but they dun allow :(


Wow Zhumei two months of hospitalization leave?? I think my workplace only allows to use 2 weeks for pregnancy.

Think it's really not fair to ask you to take one whole month of maternity before EDD! Then what's the point of having ML to spend time and look after bb? Find it strange that MOM can't do anything. ): could you take hospital leave after bb is born then?


Wow Zhumei two months of hospitalization leave?? I think my workplace only allows to use 2 weeks for pregnancy.

Think it's really not fair to ask you to take one whole month of maternity before EDD! Then what's the point of having ML to spend time and look after bb? Find it strange that MOM can't do anything. ): could you take hospital leave after bb is born then?
yea exactly... i feel it's so unfair.. i have 2 months because i cannot move around.. must be bed rest coz of bleeding.

if i keep bleeding, i have to give birth to a premature bb which i am trying to avoid.

maybe i call HR tomorrow and ask again. hope i can maximise it


Oh ya forgot you were having some complications... Hope things are getting better for you. My husband says maybe you should get your hubby to talk to your MP abt the maternity leave. Super unfair I think. This doesn't support govt drive for mummies to spend more time with bb!

Most of us in our 30th week (I'm only in 29th week) so we are almost there... Just 6 more weeks and most of us will be full term already! Isn't that scary!!

Everyone settled all the baby stuff? My baby's room now looks like disaster zone... No energy to clear and pack properly.


Yeah... Counting down to 'D' day.... Preparation half way, just book ML, will be signing up the donation of Cord Blood, wash and pack BB's clothes, will be getting confinement stuff around Feb.. Looks like quite a number of things to do... Getting bigger and bigger and more tire...


this week's my 31st week :)
went for check last weekend and BB now about 1.7kg.
BB room and some parts of the house had been a warzone since end of last year. Cause hubby was packing/making space for baby. now seems the room seems to have some space for baby already.

Zhumei, the taking 4 weeks before your delivery is that company policy? if it is probably there's nothing much you can do argue with HR, since it's a policy. but you try to ask your boss if can allow exception for your case since before your delivery you are on HL. So is like how can you take con-current leave.


for me the bed for baby to sleep in in my mum house during confinement we have not wash the bedsheet and clean the bed yet, not yet wash all the baby clothes, not yet buy herbal confinement stuffs, had ordered confinement meals, going to collect my breast pump, stroller and carseat soon. The baby room will be set up during my confinement by my hubby. Have bought s size mummy poko and pet pet diapers, baby bathing stuffs. Getting jitters and anxious about my csec in end of feb:001_302:


for me the bed for baby to sleep in in my mum house during confinement we have not wash the bedsheet and clean the bed yet, not yet wash all the baby clothes, not yet buy herbal confinement stuffs, had ordered confinement meals, going to collect my breast pump, stroller and carseat soon. The baby room will be set up during my confinement by my hubby. Have bought s size mummy poko and pet pet diapers, baby bathing stuffs. Getting jitters and anxious about my csec in end of feb:001_302:
Do we need to buy the confinement herbal stuff for bath before confinement lady comes or she'll tell us after that to buy?