EDD Mar 2014


There's a service called Heavenly Health store that collects it direct from the hospital and cleans it and encapsulates it for you. You can google the service online. Yup yellow, I don't think I'll be doing it. I'm kinda skeptical in the first place so doubt there's any placebo effect for me lol!! Just that I thought if there is a real use, I don't mind doing it in pill form. No way am I eating it raw or cooked in any form. Shudder!

I bought a few maxi dresses that are actually not maternity wear, but have plenty of space in the waist to accommodate the bump. Maxi dresses actually look really good on pregnant women! Makes us look more elegant and makes the bump look cuter. So I'll probably wear these dresses for CNY. won't be buying any special maternity outfits, it's kind of a waste of money since we have hardly any time left to wear new clothes... Enjoy CNY ladies!!

Yellow, can I ask - Chin Ting mentioned there's an enzyme in pineapple that isn't safe for pregnant women, but my gynae said a little bit should be fine. Are pineapple tarts safe for consumption since the pineapple has been cooked and processed? I think I'll die if I have to go thru CNY without any pineapple tarts. Haha! Actually I totally forgot that pineapple tarts = pineapple until hubby reminded me. *sadface*
ohya! thanks for reminding! totally forgot about pineapple tarts... i also want to eat... *craving*

i also want to know..

meanwhile, the placenta thing.. thanks for enlightening yellow :)
i think i will weigh the cost vs opportunity cost.

alot of money leh giving birth..
C sect and 2 bedder for me. now thinking epidural or GA. i want to BF so most prob epi.

anyone knows MT A 2 bedder C sect cost?


With GA it's $2866, with epi it's $2759...Mt A 2-bedded C-sect.



any mummies here has any experience with natal essentials or richfood catering (Confinement-Meals.com) for the confinement meals?


I also experienced this - I get this feeling too during my period. I thought it's just because of increased blood flow to the area so it gets more swollen and more tender...

Anyway recently have also been having a lot of cramps. Not Braxton-Hicks... Just like a stitch-like feeling all around. V uncomfortable. Same feeling I had in first tri but worse. Guess it's just the same stretching and pulling of the ligaments again... Sigh. Work is getting harder to endure now that I am in third tri - so tired all the time!!


Me too.. Lots of cramps as well.. Can feel the tummy stretching, tummy feel tight..
Same.. esp in the middle of the night when I turn over, can feel weird tightness. And also some soreness when I get up fr my seat after sitting some time at work.
yup, pineapples do have enzymes that trigger uterine contractions. but mainly avoided in first tri cos the pregnancy is not stable. now the placenta and the uterus so developed already... a little shouldnt cause any major complications.

As for pineapple tarts, i think they should be fine! the enzyme is most likely to be destroyed during the pineapple paste making process, and if not, the baking will definitely deactivate it. the only thing to note is that pineapple tarts are very high in calories and fat (esp saturated fat), so do eat in moderation!

actually all CNY goodies are high in calories and fat - bak kwa, love letters etc. so eat in moderation! bring along fruits/nuts in your bag to snack on instead of CNY goodies. >.<


32Weeks nw and this few days I experience swollen and sore at the vaginal area. Anyone experience that?
I have this itch and bumps few weeks ago (no discharge). usually I'll have that during menses (due to that area being hot and wet I guess). I didn't think much of it actually cause I'm thinking cause the things i eat nowadays are quite 'heaty'. just that sometimes the itch really difficult to bear.


hey mummies to be, it just suddenly occurs to me that another 2 months (assuming your EDD is early March) then BB will be delivered.
OMG i think i'm still so ill prepared...


hey mummies to be, it just suddenly occurs to me that another 2 months (assuming your EDD is early March) then BB will be delivered.
OMG i think i'm still so ill prepared...
LOL, jitters! I think it's the same feeling for all first time mummies. I feel the same too


Haha ya we got the ikea cupboard for baby's clothes and I was packing baby stuff yesterday.. Suddenly it felt really real, that a little baby is coming to wear all these clothes and use these things... Scary!
Haha ya we got the ikea cupboard for baby's clothes and I was packing baby stuff yesterday.. Suddenly it felt really real, that a little baby is coming to wear all these clothes and use these things... Scary!

Same too. Counting down 8 more weeks to see my baby.
I also bought ikea cabinet for the baby clothes. Cant wait to use them on my baby.


i am also feeling the jitters... omg.. i am first time mum too... unbelievable!

jiayou all!

meanwhile, i am beginning to feel contractions like few seconds then the feeling gone. i also feel the cramps.. because i don't have menstrual cramps usually.. makeme wonder if i am having stomach pain.

i was reading up on braxton hicks: Braxton Hicks contractions | BabyCenter

i also bought a drawer and my hubby was packing all the bb stuffs the other day. i scare i missed out certain things :/


Hehe that's why I don't let hubby pack... I want the fun of packing bb stuff all to myself! :p I have 10 more weeks to go... Will be on leave from work 3 Mar and due 26 Mar...


Hehe that's why I don't let hubby pack... I want the fun of packing bb stuff all to myself! :p I have 10 more weeks to go... Will be on leave from work 3 Mar and due 26 Mar...
Wah Shiok to take leave early.. I think I got to work till I give birth.

Yup, I have washed most and packed the clothes etc into my also IKEA cabinet =) Wanted to get the blue kids one (MAMMUT Chest of 3 drawers - blue - IKEA) but ended getting a normal one (BRIMNES Chest of 3 drawers - IKEA). Got a toyogo 5 tier drawers to keep stuff like diapers etc too.