EDD April 2014


New Member
hi all, my baby was supposed to be due on 28 march but decided to be an April Babe. She was born on 2nd April via csect as my cervix did not dilate. So happy baby is healthy and super cute!


New Member
hi all, my baby was supposed to be due on 28 march but decided to be an April Babe. She was born on 2nd April via csect as my cervix did not dilate. So happy baby is healthy and super cute!
Hows everything so far? I haven't be able to rest well at night cos baby kept waking. :) but agree with u... Baby is cute. :)


New Member
Hello mommies... I just gave birth today 7april at 8.45am. I was fully dilated this morning at 6.30am of 7cm. Doctor decided cannot give any epidural must go on natural birth only, so my only pain reliever is the gas only. My son weighs 3.456kg, chubby one. The nurse said he swallowed water inside and needs to be warm so that I can breastfeed him well. Good luck mommies and u can do natural birth also... So please don't tire urself too much. U need all the strength in pushing...


New Member
hi JoCharis,
everything is great. So far baby has gain some weight and i m really glad. Doctor says to wake baby up every 4 hours in the day to allow the baby to adjust back the body clock. Jiayou!

To all mummies going to give birth soon, jiayou! hang in there!


New Member
hi JoCharis,
everything is great. So far baby has gain some weight and i m really glad. Doctor says to wake baby up every 4 hours in the day to allow the baby to adjust back the body clock. Jiayou!

To all mummies going to give birth soon, jiayou! hang in there!
hi marchbabe,

Good to hear baby is doing well. Mine is still sleeping most of the time during the day now n waking at night. But now he is slowly adjusting I guess. :)


yeah intend to do that. #1 was mixed feeding as I was working and couldn't keep milk supply up. Now sahm so aiming to bf exclusively.
Still got 10+ days to go. So looking forward to lying down on my stomach lorrr


New Member
yeah intend to do that. #1 was mixed feeding as I was working and couldn't keep milk supply up. Now sahm so aiming to bf exclusively.
Still got 10+ days to go. So looking forward to lying down on my stomach lorrr
Me too... Mixed for #1 too. But this time round I aim to bf as long as I can... Hope can succeed this time...

u r delivering in 10 days time? Great! You will see your little one soon. Is it gg to be a boy or girl? :)


JoCharis: sorry for late reply. Weeks just flew past and happy to be nearing end of confinement. How is didi doing?

Charchia: haha, my Edd was supposed to be 26 apr but dd decided to break water bag on 15 apr lol
Any mummies wanma go with me for this free talk on ENT issues at Mt E Novena?? Free!! I asked my sis to go with me coz she also wanna learn more for sake of niece. My hubby and I both have sinus problem aka sensitive nose which is showing itself too in my girl. Think will be useful to know since kids are prone to ENT illnesses. It is on 25 May Sunday.
