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  1. H

    Coping in SG For middle income earners

    yup, was considering bto too.. :) me too!! love sushi...:Dancing_wub:
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    Coping in SG For middle income earners

    Hi mskoh1973, Thanks for sharing, my family lifestyle is also simple. And I also agree that we can survive in Singapore if we are cautious with our spending if we dun want to fall into a pit hole. That is what we have been doing from low income to middle income we still dont have the...
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    Coping in SG For middle income earners

    Hi mummies, Life is becoming more and more demanding in SG. I wonder how other mummies are coping especially for those middle income families. i am one of them, a FTWM with 2 princesses. Not to say not enough but just enough where anytime can go into a pit hole if we dun prioritize our money...
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    FTWM - What are you working as?

    Hello Mummies!!! I'm working as a Billing Officer in one of the Freight Forwarding Company. :) But am still multi-tasking.. Hehe Nice to know all mummies here...
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    FTWM needs advice on parenting for 10yr old and 2yr old princesses

    Thanks, happymummy for sharing about the discipline talk you attended. It's a golden advise there, really appreciate it. Now that you have mention it, I realized it too..:)
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    FTWM needs advice on parenting for 10yr old and 2yr old princesses

    Thanx, xiaodaisy.. Really hope that she will change.. I mean as parents would always want the best for their children. Or, maybe have I been expecting too much from her at this age? Can say she is also quite mature than her age and also among her friends..
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    FTWM needs advice on parenting for 10yr old and 2yr old princesses

    Thanx XiaoDaisy, Thats what I believe too.. For that I dun have a prob with her, it's just abt her being neat and be more particular in whatever things she do.. I juz dun want her to be sloppish.. Haiz..
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    FTWM needs advice on parenting for 10yr old and 2yr old princesses

    Hi happy mummy, I agree with what you said n thanx for the advise. But her only problem is she's becoming sloppish in spite of my teaching her how to do things and be neat whatever she does. She is a lil bit boyish..
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    FTWM needs advice on parenting for 10yr old and 2yr old princesses

    I'm a ftwm desperately need advises on how to discipline my 10yr old princess to do things more meticulously so that when she grows up, she'll be a better person and a real lady. Currently, she's more to outdoor activities and can say she is the sporty type. Pls help me as how to avoid physical...
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    Earn Extra Income??

    Me too keen to know more if it's not another MLM...
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    I totally agree... But as a ftwm, and my toddler is in day care, im still struggling to find the time to toilet train my lil princess... haiz
  12. H

    Earning extra income for FTWM....

    Hi mummies.. Can anyone share if it is possible to earn extra income when you are a full time working mum and a full time housewife? Plus, with none of your parents or in-laws are not staying together... I'd really love to hear any experiences and suggestions.. Thank you:wink: Regards, Hazel
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    Hi Mummies... It's been quite sometime since i last login. MummySg webpage has...

    Hi Mummies... It's been quite sometime since i last login. MummySg webpage has changed....hmmm... dats a progress. Keep it up.!!!
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    Hi! just wanna say hello to all mummies out there.... :Dancing_wub:
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    Thread Kami Bahasa Melayu 1

    Hi ibu2!!! I need some advise...when is the right time to feed babies with cereals?
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    EDD in APR 2010

    My next checkup is this coming Wed 31/3 at KKH. So far, the new gynae is ok but still wondering what she told me as the next check up is gonna be another gynae as she will nt be ard for the nxt 2 wks. By then, if i were to deliver, i can take the relief gynae instead...haiz...
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    EDD in APR 2010

    Hi MrsMorgan! Glad to know that your baby has been in its right position...Me too just seen my gynae today and was told that i need to go for another scanning as my placenta is quite low..i'm just wondering how come till now i have yet to receive my admission letter? Instead, at the last...
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    Packages for KKH TPS

    Thank you Jean1986 and dujuanrosa!!:001_302: At least, i hv the rough picture which dept exactly i can ask for the printouts...coz i'm going for my next check up tis Fri 26/3. So, i think i shall go and ask them as well...Thank you!
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    EDD in APR 2010

    My EDD is 24th Apr 2010...:Dancing_wub:
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    Pre admission/ pre booking of bed before delivery necessary??

    Me too am a private patient in KKH...when is the best time that we can actually pre book the bed before delivery?