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  1. L

    Drinking Cold Can drink (Ice Lemon Tea/ Green Tea)

    i drink cold water almost on a daily basis.. am 24wks preggy nw.. but i try not to drink tea too often :tlaugh:
  2. L

    What did i do wrong??

    don't blame yourself. Let her cool down 1st. It might be bad for her to lose 2 babies at the same time. Just let her cool down and everything will be fine. Siblings don't harbour bad feelings forever. Take care ya!
  3. L

    Hi everyone,am new here! :)

    hihi..welcome... lynn here... my EDD is 2 dec... still a long long way... just went for detail scan yday n everyting goes well :)
  4. L

    first time mummy

    hi all.. im still quite new to this forum as well as a first time mummy.. :Dancing_wub: