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    EDD May 2011

    Like lsy said, u can plan for a Jan baby! :) Hope all mummies doing ok same goes to the lil ones too.
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    EDD May 2011

    Hi lsyThanks.. Nope it ll be a January baby.. :)
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    EDD Jan 2013

    Hi to all I m new to this forum. I m in my 14th weeks. Edd calculated using Internet due date calculator is 23rd January. I m expecting no. 2. First baby is 1 yr 4 mths old. I am still breastfeeding my first child on and off. Feel so drained. Any mums doing the same? Trying to wean off...
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    2013 babies

    Hi jsu I think depends some people go into labour much later than edd till they re overdue and need to be induced and for others like myself I gave birth on the 37th week. Gender wise I think 4 mths onwards but best is 5mth month. :) congrats to u and the rest.
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    EDD May 2011

    Hi guys I ve got good news I'm pregnant. :) 9 weeks along. Hope it s a boy this time round.
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    2013 babies

    Hi vane etoile I have yet gone for my first check up. Contemplating to go on 12th week or 5mths haha. It s my 2nd so not as kanchiong as before. Previously went to see gynae quite early too only was able to see the sac.
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    2013 babies

    Hi kiwimummy Oscar scan is to check for down syndrome. It s optional though.
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    2013 babies

    Hi chantal thanks.. congrats to u too!! :)
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    2013 babies

    Hi mummies or mummies to be, I am currently working too. Anyway this pregnancy is my 2nd. My first baby is 14 mths now and I m still breastfeeding her mostly. Currently facing a problem it s either due to my pregnancy my nipples are more sensitive thus it s sore or she sucks and her teeth...
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    2013 babies

    Hi all I went to the polyclinic just now to confirm my pregnancy and I m 8 weeks pregnant. This is my 2nd baby. Take good care and have plenty of rest. Anyway we have not decided on which gynae to choose :) Previous gynae was Dr Tan Kim Teng fr Kkh. very experienced and very...
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    EDD May 2011

    Hi guys wah lsy your baby s development is very fast indeed. My baby can't walk independently and she s the oldest here haha. Oh I just went for her measles jab last 2 weeks and she developed fever since last Saturday evening. On top of it she s having runny nose with flame fr the mum. :s and...
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    EDD May 2011

    Hi bbanna yes very short period within 5-10mins. My supply dropped like crazy almost intro fm but I m still the 'selfish' stubborn mum. Still insist on bf my baby. Haha. So back to square one pump every 3 hours with my dual pump and playcheat I pump before I feed her. Usually must pump after...
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    EDD May 2011

    Hi there I ve been feeding my baby every 3 hrs. So abt 8 feedings daily. Still latch so not sure how much she actually drinks in total per day. Ytd she drank fr a bottle and consumed 130ml. She eats 3 times daily. In the morning, 2 biscuits. In the afternoon and evening, 3-4 tbsp of oats with...
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    EDD May 2011

    Alhamdulillah... Happy for u!!! :) I would like to have a boy someday. InshaAllah.. :) Take good care must be v tiring for u to juggle work, hubby, toddler, baby, the lil one and urself. Rest well and eat healthily!
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    EDD May 2011

    Yes I mixed with my breast milk. :) hope ur baby recovers soon. Brown rice can prepare with water. :)
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    EDD May 2011

    Lsy same situation as u. Ytd went for her 2nd hep b and as usual they checked her wt n ht. She only gained 0.4kg. Hmmm and same thing small built but she mentioned maybe follow mum cos I m quite small built too. She checked her head circumference and found it not proportionate w the body so we...
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    EDD May 2011

    I bought Heinz baby Farley s biscuit and for cereal both normal n brown rice from nestle cerelac. Will do rotations of those three. Porridge wise mil cook for her. Normal rice with veggie n fish/chicken.
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    EDD May 2011

    Ya that s the thing. She wakes up easily and will search for people. I didn't get her used to being alone much. :s if I m around she can sleep longer than 30mins. Only on better days she can sleep 1hr. If not 30mins each time.
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    EDD May 2011

    My baby sleeps 30mins each time in the day. It s like there s an auto alarm in her body. Same here won't be able to move her unless she s in deep sleep. Hmmm....
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    EDD May 2011

    Thanks! Hehe.. the time will come soon. So fast they grow up. Now eating solid food already. I feel like her milk intake could be slightly lesser but since I latch on I m not too sure if it s really true. No matter what milk is still essential for the first two years. I read it somewhere hehe...