EDD May 2011


Active Member
Hi mummies

I m having a lil problem. Is there anyone here whose baby needs to suckle before she falls asleep? She s very dependent on it and i made a mistake for nap nursing most of the time. In addition she s a light sleeper. It s getting tougher to manage since I ve started working n all. I read in the net that it s normal and there were some solutions but would be nice if there is someone out here experiencing the same thing and what did you do to solve the problem? Fyi My baby still wakes up at night but to drink for few mins only.

Being a mother has made me look like a panda. Ugly dark rings. :s hehe but I m grateful to be one.

Thanks in advance. :)
Switch to pacifier when her suckle became weak?


Active Member
So tempted to use pacifier but if possible I dun want to use it on her. :s thanks lsy for the suggestion.
My MIL is more prone to giving her pacifier coz she has a tendency to keep sucking her fingers. It's easier to throw the pacifier away rather than the fingers..


New Member
OMG azzima, this so much sounds like my lil boy! he wants to suckle everytime before falling asleep! the pacifier wont work! he has to latch.. gets up once or max twice in the night, both the times suckle for few mins and sleep..
Me a stay at home mum so dont consider it as an issue.. can understand how hard it can be for a working mum!! i am sure there is some simple solution out there..
Hi mummies

I m having a lil problem. Is there anyone here whose baby needs to suckle before she falls asleep? She s very dependent on it and i made a mistake for nap nursing most of the time. In addition she s a light sleeper. It s getting tougher to manage since I ve started working n all. I read in the net that it s normal and there were some solutions but would be nice if there is someone out here experiencing the same thing and what did you do to solve the problem? Fyi My baby still wakes up at night but to drink for few mins only.

Being a mother has made me look like a panda. Ugly dark rings. :s hehe but I m grateful to be one.

Thanks in advance. :)


OMG azzima, this so much sounds like my lil boy! he wants to suckle everytime before falling asleep! the pacifier wont work! he has to latch.. gets up once or max twice in the night, both the times suckle for few mins and sleep..
Me a stay at home mum so dont consider it as an issue.. can understand how hard it can be for a working mum!! i am sure there is some simple solution out there..
I m trying to get her to like water but she will always spit them all out. Can be very exhausting at times cos of my posture when I nap nurse her. At least I noe I m not alone :) will try out few methods n see how it goes. :s


I m trying to get her to like water but she will always spit them all out. Can be very exhausting at times cos of my posture when I nap nurse her. At least I noe I m not alone :) will try out few methods n see how it goes. :s
U r definitely not alone! My girl is also the same. Even they just feed her at 8pm, when she want to sleep at 8pm+, she will start to suck finger and the other hand keep rub her eye/face.. Remove her finger she will cry. I need latch on her, after a while, she calm down and fall asleep. Totally know how u felt when u r very tired to latch on.. My solution is buy a nursing pillow and a high back chair. So I can fall asleep when I'm very tired but still have to latch on. I sit on the director chair, so my head can touch the back of the chair to sleep, nursing pillow is wide enough to put on top of the armset of the chair, and baby lie on it just nice to reach my breast. So it is always both of us are dream feeding. Hehe
FYI, I bought my breast friend nursing pillow when it is on sale. Director chair I just choose the cheapest in shop which is high enough for my head to land.


U r definitely not alone! My girl is also the same. Even they just feed her at 8pm, when she want to sleep at 8pm+, she will start to suck finger and the other hand keep rub her eye/face.. Remove her finger she will cry. I need latch on her, after a while, she calm down and fall asleep. Totally know how u felt when u r very tired to latch on.. My solution is buy a nursing pillow and a high back chair. So I can fall asleep when I'm very tired but
still have to latch on. I sit on the director chair, so my head can touch the back of the chair to sleep, nursing pillow is wide enough to put on top of the armset of the chair, and baby lie on it just nice to reach my breast. So it is always both of us are dream feeding. Hehe
FYI, I bought my breast friend nursing pillow when it is on sale. Director chair I just choose the cheapest in shop which is high enough for my head to land.
There s no more space to put a chair in my room. :( I do have nursing pillow though. Anyways so good that ur babies sleep at 8 plus. My baby sleeps at 12 plus. Only on good days she ll sleep 10 plus. Thanks for the suggestion my dear :)


Active Member
There s no more space to put a chair in my room. :( I do have nursing pillow though. Anyways so good that ur babies sleep at 8 plus. My baby sleeps at 12 plus. Only on good days she ll sleep 10 plus. Thanks for the suggestion my dear :)
I can only latch side lying position. At night wake up too tired to warm ebm I will latch her. End up morning wake up I dun even know what time her last feed lol


I can only latch side lying position. At night wake up too tired to warm ebm I will latch her. End up morning wake up I dun even know what time her last feed lol
Same here. Bad habit for her. But of course I m to blame hehe cos I was too tired to latch her in sitting position. She s too used to drinking her last feed of the day and end up suckling to fall asleep. But I wouldn't mind if I m not working. how do women from older generation cope with so many children single handedly. I wonder hehe superwomen! Hehe
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Active Member
Same here. Bad habit for her. But of course I m to blame hehe cos I was too tired to latch her in sitting position. She s too used to drinking her last feed of the day and end up suckling to fall asleep. But I wouldn't mind if I m not working. how do women from older generation cope with so many children single handedly. I wonder hehe superwomen! Hehe
I think they do the cry it out technique lol. We r coping with one already no life. Servant to our little princess/prince d. :p

esther kuan

I used to sit up on bed, reach for e bf pillow, carry my boy up from cot beside my bed n bf him til he zzz again. Dats every 2hrs every nite. Now he's so heavy i barely can carry him up from my sitting position. So he co-sleeps w us now. Every 2hrs he'll stir n demands for feeding then i'll latch him side-lying position. But mid of e nite, gotta transfer him to e other side so can latch e other breast. So troublesome but wat to do?

esther kuan

Asher has been taking cereal since 4mths. Now he's 5mths already, i've been feeding him apple, pear juice n these few days started him on pumpkin, carrots, sweet potato, mixed into cereal so it's not so boring n bland. He loves it! Each feeding can take 4-5 tbsps, twice a day.


Asher has been taking cereal since 4mths. Now he's 5mths already, i've been feeding him apple, pear juice n these few days started him on pumpkin, carrots, sweet potato, mixed into cereal so it's not so boring n bland. He loves it! Each feeding can take 4-5 tbsps, twice a day.
:) for my daughter have started feeding her cereal, baby biscuit and porridge mixed with chicken/fish n veggies. So far she likes the combination of chicken n carrots. But so messy hehe. I m happy n grateful that she seemed to put on weight ever since we introduced solid food. :) thanks to Him.


Active Member
:) for my daughter have started feeding her cereal, baby biscuit and porridge mixed with chicken/fish n veggies. So far she likes the combination of chicken n carrots. But so messy hehe. I m happy n grateful that she seemed to put on weight ever since we introduced solid food. :) thanks to Him.
I hope my girl will gain weight too. Last 2 months total only gained 200g. Now second cold attack. Will intro more solid when she's better
Thats great to hear azzzima! ;) glad ur gal love her food! I hope to intro porridge n purees soon too since my boy is no longer interested in milk.. I feel.. He doesn't drink as ,much now.. :(

Hi swathi, my boy n ur boy r born on the same date 10th of may! ;))


Thats great to hear azzzima! ;) glad ur gal love her food! I hope to intro porridge n purees soon too since my boy is no longer interested in milk.. I feel.. He doesn't drink as ,much now.. :(

Hi swathi, my boy n ur boy r born on the same date 10th of may! ;))
Thanks! Hehe.. the time will come soon. So fast they grow up. Now eating solid food already. I feel like her milk intake could be slightly lesser but since I latch on I m not too sure if it s really true. No matter what milk is still essential for the first two years. I read it somewhere hehe. Hope ur precious will still drink milk n eat well.


New Member
Sparklingstars! so good to hear our boys born on same day!!
my boy born 3.2 kgs, today he is around 7.1, me soo worried bout his weight gain.. mother in law say my husband was this big when he was just 2 months old! sigh!
my boy eats cereals and purees.. i think after he starts porridge his weight should improve.. i will start in couple weeks..
he drinks so little milk these days.. likes cereals better.. i directly latch him, so dont know the exact intake, but im sure he drinks much less!
Thats great to hear azzzima! ;) glad ur gal love her food! I hope to intro porridge n purees soon too since my boy is no longer interested in milk.. I feel.. He doesn't drink as ,much now.. :(

Hi swathi, my boy n ur boy r born on the same date 10th of may! ;))