EDD Jan 2013


Active Member
senscgal: i think we need alot of calcium but dunno how much haha..Melanie: wah you really spent alot!!!! so happy for you as you can get to see your baby next week. i still have to wait till 18.. oh the wait is unbearable.. sigh~
Haha, yessss the wait is unbearable. Hmmm, i think calcium is not poisonous for the body if consumed too much. So far I heard the guideline is 1 cup of milk a day, the rest of the day eat as usual. Cheese, dairy no limits... unlike iron,which you can't eat too much of.


Melanie: Happy Birthday...i have to wait until 22 Aug then able to see my little boy on scan...my scanning is once a mth...the waiting time really seems very very long :)


Active Member
Recommended calcium per day is 1000mg.

It would be wonderful to munch on ikan billis (the crispier the better ;p) and seaweed everyday. But it's the salt content that I'll be worried about :)

And yes, I'm one MTB who craves for certain food through my pregnancy. If I dont get it, I will think about it all the way until I do get to eat it. Haa~ But it wont be those in the middle of the night craves. Just normal meal time. If I dont get to eat it for lunch then I will strive to eat it for dinner. Kaka.


Hehe..drangontail i once craved for ding tai feng xiao long bao for 3 three days..n on the thirth day i went to buy it myself...after eating it..craving stop. Hehe. Sometime is better to crave on thing that r easily purchased by hub. Or else have to wait until we have to get it ourselves...hehe.
Oh yes! Me too! I'm currently craving for gummies.... grape gummies... and I hate gummies before pregnancy, I don't like the way they stick to your teeth after chewing... But I'm craving for the flavour now. ahahaha. Oh, Two weeks ago, I ate nasi lemak for breakfast 3 days in a row before craving stop. Hubby almost died from eating the same food over and over again.


Melanie: while reading ur posting...suddenly i feel like eat bee hoon goreng..will ask my husband to buy it for dinner..hehe 3hrs more to dinner time..can tahan. Haha...
Lee: OMG I just totally spread craving symptoms to you. ahahah. Speaking of which! My husband is getting cravings too! Not just me... he crave expensive food -.- Sashimi... and not the cold storage/ NTUC kind.


Melanie: i m ban frm sashimi!! My husband said after birth he will bring me to salmon sashimi feast...haha. at the moment we keep away frm japanese rest. The sun is burning hot outside!! I m going out for a little shop at west mall..n buy my bee hoon goreng hehe.
Oh! why banned? Fresh sashimi in Singapore (at least) is safe from bacteria and whatnot. So baby's fine. I'm living prove. ahahaha. Just ask your hubby to test eat frist. If it's warm or not very fresh, don't eat it. otherwise, those served in restaurants are fine (I didn't eat the ones from cold storage, don't trust THAT sort, though hubby says it's fine). Ahhh I feel like eating pasta >< Vongole with minestroni. Odd. I hate minestroni.


Active Member
Was adviced dont take raw during pregnancy. Not about being fresh or not. It is living bacteria (as in all raws seafood) that's generally no good for the fetus. This comes from my gynaes and internet. Of course, it's your own take :)

I'm a mobile person (as in i travel by car a lot during work) so luckily I dont have to depend on my hubby to buy stuff in the day in case I wanna eat something here n now! We will still go hunt together at night and weekend for my food craves.

So by 11am if I think I wanna eat mee siam, I will drive to eat mee siam for lunch. :p Now, I usually crave for dishes with sour punch. Like meesiam, tomato-based pasta, tom yam, etc.


Whoo...finally back from a little shopping :) and my bee hoon goreng. bought a set of clothes , 2 white tops and 3 sets of mittens and boots. (sample for my hub of what to buy next time on his own..) :)

Dragontail: Mee siam, i like also but this mth fasting mth..some malay stall not open.. :(
sometime when i feel like taking some sour sour soup...i will make a can of campbell minestorni :)
Do you all think izzit to early to think of name for our baby after knowing the gender? My hub n I went through a list of name found in Bible...our eyes start seeing stars only at LIST A! ... haha.


Active Member
Can still get meesiam from QiJi or Coffee & Toast (if I remember the name correctly). But nothing beats the malay ones.

I will be (havent really discussed with my hubby on this) getting someone I know who does names for newborns. So I will leave it after baby is born.


Active Member
Oh I have been wanting to ask you mummies.... How is your weight gain at this point? I am at 16week plus and I havent gain a single kg. It's the same weight as my pre-preg. I lost weight at first trime but gained back a bit during 2nd trime so now I am back to square one.

Can share? I am just getting paranoid if baby is growing ok and my bump is obvious already but still no weight gain.


I have weight gain bit aby bit...my doc say my weight gaining is still acceptable 1kg a mth. Dragontail, if ur doc say ok abt ur weight..u dun have to worry too much. :)


Dragontail, i m 17week this week..at least ur bump is obvious..mine is not that obvious yet...i m trying to control my weight gaining progress...hehe my hub weight increases along with me..until he scare by end of 9mth he become a fat papa. Haha. I have friend's hub gainned 15kg at the end of 9mth while my friend gain 10kg. Scary hor..


Active Member
Thanks LeeTham. My last gynae visit was few weeks ago and doc didnt mention about weight since my bump wasnt even noticable then. Guess I will see what he says in 2 weeks time.

OMG 15kg and he's not even preggie? LOL. My sista gained 20kg during her full term preg. That's really too much right. She was able to shed 15kg after that only. She says the remaining 5kg sticks with her forever :(


New Member
Senscgal - My EDD is on 22 January but still unable to see bb gender. Hopefully n looking forward to next Friday scan! Yes, pls send me your contact for the masseuse. Thanks!! :) really feeling very tired everyday ESP today after bringing the kids out to the Jurong bird park. Another trip tmr, bless me! I can't wait to have massage.. Getting very lazy these days, mil doing all the household chores n I just eat n slp. Hehe!

I'm holding back on the fish oil too, worrying abt consuming too much supplements causing side effect ;)

Not much craving on particular food but hub will keep asking me what I wanna eat n drive me there. Initial stage, I couldn't stand the smell of fish n durian but recently I'm fine with it again. Hehe! So far I've gained 2 to 2.5kg :(


Hi to all

I m new to this forum. I m in my 14th weeks. Edd calculated using Internet due date calculator is 23rd January. I m expecting no. 2. First baby is 1 yr 4 mths old. I am still breastfeeding my first child on and off. Feel so drained. Any mums doing the same? Trying to wean off completely but she s still too attached haha. I have not seen any gynae yet my appointment is on the 13th of August. I hope baby s well. have not't seen him or her yet since pregnancy. Pretty anxious :)

Well anyway congrats to all :)
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hi all, no to worry about the weight gain. as long as gynae said its fine.. :) for plus size mom like me. overall weight gain shouldnt b more than 10kg -13 kg i guess.and getting the weight off is tough. personal view :)Hello Azzzima, your #1 is the same age as mine. but i totally stop bf him already.