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  1. G

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    Hello oinkbay... Hope u are feeling better. U got buy any sour plums or those sour preserved foods and put in ur bag?? I think it will help if u feel like vomiting while taking transport. And also put a bottle of medicated oil in ur bag too. Pls be careful ok? Remember get plenty of rest...
  2. G

    Cheese Lover

    Thank you Imperial Concubine and Worthy Lady... Ur nicks are sooo cute! LOL... =p I'm about 6weeks now. So anxious to know what gender my baby will be. But still need to wait for it to grow first. Baby being healthy is still the priority.. Im still enjoying my pizzas, pasta and bread at e...
  3. G

    Cheese Lover

    Hi all mummies and mummies to be! =) I jus found out I was pregnant 2 wks ago! I'm so excited...!! Anyway, after reading some forums, there was advise on avoiding cheese. I'm a cheese lover and i think I cannot avoid cheese. I love eating pizzas, pasta, and those breads that sell in bakeries...
  4. G

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    Hello everyone!! This is my first pregnancy. EDD should be late june or early july 2012. (Not very sure yet) I'm very excited too!! I wish all mummies here gd health!! Jiayou everyone!! =)
  5. G

    Anybody engaged Dr Wendy Teo from Thomson Women's Clinic (AMK Hub)?

    Hello.. I am currently seeing Dr Wendy too in AMK hub. Today is my second visit with her. I chose this clinic becoz it was near to where i was staying. So far in my two visits, she was quite friendly. Im not very sure about her experience though. She is newly attached to this clinic from 1st...