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  1. Dreamalyn

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    Haiz Joey...i oso almost the same plight as u...i m alone during working hours; have to do everything by myself...but hubby got help when he's back from work lah..but middle of nite i m alone again as hubby need to sleep since he is working the next day. It wont be so bad for me if my wrists...
  2. Dreamalyn

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    There is nvr too early to be on 100% bm.....I bf my ger since day 1 (of coz there wasn't much milk till few days later) n she nvr had fm b4.... I noticed that even when there is no more milk to be pumped, but when I latch bb on, she still able to suck milk out... think pumping got...
  3. Dreamalyn

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    My ger is 1mth7days old...still using huggies newborn diapers...
  4. Dreamalyn

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    Catflying - I got use bf pillow but oso not much use... otherwise I won't develop such pain liao..
  5. Dreamalyn

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    Told Hubby to apply for leave this morning le.... will have to call him n remind him later....he very forgetful one... Mrs wang.. sometimes I use the back of my palms to carry baby as well as my arms.. hopefully can recover soon....daily life very much affected..e.g. wear bra is like a...
  6. Dreamalyn

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    Engravedx... I m thinking of asking Hubby to take leave so my wrists can have a chance of recovering... anyway hubby got too much leave n his mgr has been after him to clear his leave... Dunno 5days enough for my wrists to recover not??.... Every time carry baby have to be very very...
  7. Dreamalyn

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    Haiz.... went to the doctor yesterday cos both my wrists are really sore. Doctor said it's due to over handling of baby n it's a common problem. She advised to reduce handling of baby so that my wrists can recover....Ya...right, then who take care of baby?? We are alone here in nz, no parents to...
  8. Dreamalyn

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    It's OK. My ger was born on 31/5 (edd 5th june) so strictly speaking I m not a June mummy as well :)
  9. Dreamalyn

    EDD June 2012 Mummies
  10. Dreamalyn

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    Well done jenni :) Have a good rest!z
  11. Dreamalyn

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    I drink water every far I got no problem's up to individual belief ba...
  12. Dreamalyn

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    Congratulations!! :D
  13. Dreamalyn

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    Good luck to u Jenni! Keep us posted :)
  14. Dreamalyn

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    My confinement is coming to an end...anybody knows whether is it OK for me to eat stuff like roast duck, prawns etc etc?
  15. Dreamalyn

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    Water dragon?
  16. Dreamalyn

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    I want to join in: ( I m still planning to hopefully come back to spore in late Sept or early Oct....I m not sure if it's OK for a 3mth old baby to travel a 10hr flight.....
  17. Dreamalyn

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    Err...dunno I shld join in not... My Edd is 5 June but i gave birth on 31/5....
  18. Dreamalyn

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    Catalyzing - I one week will drink green papaya soup 2-3 times....think that helps in my milk supply....oso I eat a LOT of rice....much more than when I was pregnant....dunno that helps not...but my appetite is really alarming these days..... -.-""
  19. Dreamalyn

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    Engravedx, U gd lah... got ur mum to help in middle of nite super tired oso no other choice... my ger always wanted to be carried at nite...I oso hold her hold until I dozed off....but I always make sure safety precautions are done in case I squash her.: p One more day n my Hubby will be...
  20. Dreamalyn

    EDD June 2012 Mummies

    Engravedx, u r doing the right thing by waking up ur bb for feeding....think in our mums' times, they dun do so cos my mum said the same thing; dun wake bb up for feeding.... U din warm up ur milk after taking it out from fridge? U serve it to ur bb cold?