EDD June 2012 Mummies


Me, I using the My Brestfriend pillow and I think it is really useful!
Just put my gal on top to latch on and then my friends are free! ;)

By the way - think Engravedx is talking about Baby bonus not CDA. It's different.
Anyway, I did everything in hospital for convenience sake.
Oops sorry. Tot cda n bb bonus same same. I didn't get the support pillow after all. After discharge try feeding her by latching on but she not getting enough cos she eats n poos during the entire time. Ended up giving her fm the first nite to supplement. N I started expressing milk. So no need buy


Dreamalyn - 31st May 2012 - Girl
Blackangel1512 - 4th June - Girl
Yukim - 6th June 2012 - Boy
amazingpig - 6 June 2012 - Girl
MrsWang - 13th June 2012 - Boy
JoeyChen - 13th June 2012 - Boy
ShalynnShafii - 18th June 2012 - Girl
Carol80 - 22nd June 2012 - Girl
engravedx - 23rd June 2012 -Girl
eve34 - 26th June 2012 - girl


Going for my last check up later hope gt gd news.. Ytd nite my #2 keep looking for mummy and keep crying, Donno is it she know #3 coming out soon... Whole night can't slp so tired... My hubby say he have the feeling too.. Hope can go deliver fast don need wait for Monday induce... Very excited, my hubby ask me I not worry or wat meh? Hmm maybe this is the 3rd baby le ba, he looks more worry then me hehe...


Going for my last check up later hope gt gd news.. Ytd nite my #2 keep looking for mummy and keep crying, Donno is it she know #3 coming out soon... Whole night can't slp so tired... My hubby say he have the feeling too.. Hope can go deliver fast don need wait for Monday induce... Very excited, my hubby ask me I not worry or wat meh? Hmm maybe this is the 3rd baby le ba, he looks more worry then me hehe...

maybe got experience liao.. immune? haha. sometimes children have quite acute instinct.. good luck for ur pop!


My confinement is coming to an end...anybody knows whether is it OK for me to eat stuff like roast duck, prawns etc etc?
Hmm I not sure but I still don dare to anyhow eat till 40days later... Haha... Maybe u can eat but don eat seafood first like prawn or Octobers, as it those poison type as scare ur below got infection or wat ba...
My confinement coming to an end, 6 more days left.
I can go out already, bath everyday, touch normal water, behave normally. But more responsibility.


Yeah jus finish my check up, dilite 2cm le, wan ask my hubby go out for walk, hope can dilite faster... Don need induce on Monday haha...


But not admitted yet?? That time I dilate 2cm without any pain, went in for labour..
Nope, my Gynea ask me go back wait if start to pain then go hospital if not wait till Monday morning then admit... Now no feel at all hehe... Don even know dilite...


Jenni- you must be very excited now! Maybe a 1st july bbgirl. Haha. I like 1st july. Idk why. Lol! I feel so excited for u. :D:D:D!!
Haha thanks thanks, getting more excited le... The nurse ask me rest more don need go walk too much... After deliver more tired so rest now... I too excited can't rest haha...