EDD June 2012 Mummies


Blackangel, I have dom in my meals n it doesn't reduce my milk supply...at least I can pump 4-5 times daily of min 100ml every time while bf my ger at the same time as well....


Engravedx, u r doing the right thing by waking up ur bb for feeding....think in our mums' times, they dun do so cos my mum said the same thing; dun wake bb up for feeding....

U din warm up ur milk after taking it out from fridge? U serve it to ur bb cold?


Dreamalyn- i leave it to room temp. Sometimes if no time to let it warm up by itself, then will soak in warm water..

So how? To wake bb up or not? Very tired. Whole night she kept crying, idk why. And i am damn tired, cant look after her, cos i am alr holding her and nodding off to sleep. Luckily my mum woke up to help me!


Engravedx, U gd lah... got ur mum to help ...me in middle of nite super tired oso no other choice... my ger always wanted to be carried at nite...I oso hold her hold until I dozed off....but I always make sure safety precautions are done in case I squash her.: p

One more day n my Hubby will be off for 2days ..he can help out with the nite duties then.: )


Dreamalyn- yeah. Thankfully got her help thou sometimes our opinions differ. If not i dunid to slp alr.. Normally i am considered quite a light sleeper. But last night i was so so so tired, when hubby came home i didnt even know. He kiss kiss kiss my face i also didnt wake up lolol. But can feel.. So funny.

My bbgirl is 7 days today. Her umbilical cord has just dropped off. So fast! Last night I alr saw it detaching from the skin more and more. Idk whether it naturally dried and drop off, or becos she struggle and move too much, causing it to be torn off. Either way, shld be ok right? Hopefully that's the cause of her consistent crying last night, cos really dunno why she cried so long and wont stop..


Blackangel- i heard if directly drink is not good. Will affect the breastmilk which will in turn affect bb.. The HPB booklet that hospital gave me says to abstain from alcohol. But i think put into cooking shld be ok.
Engravedx, u r doing the right thing by waking up ur bb for feeding....think in our mums' times, they dun do so cos my mum said the same thing; dun wake bb up for feeding....

U din warm up ur milk after taking it out from fridge? U serve it to ur bb cold?
I agree as well, my lactation consultation said don't let NB sleep more than 4 hours.
Yeaterday my gal also nearly slept 4 hours, I about to go 'ka jiao' her and she woke up just in time for milk... ;)


For ladies who hv milk problem, it might be due to blocked milk ducts. I faced this issue a few days ago. After going for 2 sessions of breast massages, I can pump 100-150ml of milk at Day 7. If you need the contact of the massage lady, can give me your email address.


Blackangel, I have dom in my meals n it doesn't reduce my milk supply...at least I can pump 4-5 times daily of min 100ml every time while bf my ger at the same time as well....
wow envious!till now i still v low milk supply pumping at 10ml only per time. already nearing two weeks. think i abnormal. eat fenugreek and domperidone also no effect.
When pumping, the nipple shape change right? It will enlarge right? Then you will see few milk ducts on the nipple right?
i trying to find out whether the flanges is right fit for me.


Carol- 100-150ml is the total u pump in a day? I massage my own breasts.. Just gently massage before pumping/latching. The milk flow is not bad. Each pump for both sides I can get approx 0.5oz. So if I religiously pump (which i dont cos im so tired) every 3 hrs, 1 day shld be able to get quite alot i think!

Catflying- each time u pump, how long u take? Maybe u can try to pump longer. Idk if advisable or not but I THINK if u pump longer, the milk supply might just come in. Or u can try massaging first, pump 5-10mins, massage again, then pump again?

Amazingpig- the pump will pull ur nipple w the suction, so u shld be able to see ur nipple erect. Lolol. Yupyup, will have milk ducts. For mine, sometimes it comes out drop by drop. Ytd i saw a really really thin stream of milk flowing out when the pump suck it. Omg hhahhaa. But this morning i pump, dont have.

Now getting quite lazy to pump long. Maybe becos past few days, my breasts still feeling quite engorged. Too much milk store inside, so take quite long for each pump. Ytd and today, i only manage abt maybe 10-15mins or so for both breasts before i decided there's not much milk flow alr. And my breasts alr feel soft. When i massage, also no milk droplets appear at the nipple. So i stop. Lol..


Catalyzing - I one week will drink green papaya soup 2-3 times....think that helps in my milk supply....oso I eat a LOT of rice....much more than when I was pregnant....dunno that helps not...but my appetite is really alarming these days..... -.-""


Hi engravedx, I will get 100-150ml per pump after latch. Usually I pump ard 15-20mins. The massage helps. Plus I bought a hot stone to massage my breasts before a pump. That is used to remove all blocked ducts. The flow increases by 20-30ml per day since Day 4.

Cheers Carol



Hi ladies,

If the flow is smooth, you will hv let down. The nipple opening should squirt out the milk like a fountain.

Cheers Carol
Whao..so jealous Carol.i went to see lactation consultant and got massage as well but the flow not as good as yours.
till date I only managed to pump at most 60-80ml per pump.
if I latch my baby on, after that I pump only 40-50ml... ;(
Already pumping every three hours to have milk supply for her..
ya massage only concentrate on breasts?


Wow carol. That's alot!! For mine, will only get about 0.5oz or less for both sides when I pump. And I dont latch on my baby.. I shld rly try the papaya fish soup. I had fish soup ytd but no papaya cos didnt buy. Haha.. I will feed my bb with the ebm abt once a day. Add altogether and feed her. Lol..


Eh mummies.. June is coming to an end.. Shall we consolidate?? Hehe.. Please copy and type in sequence.

MrsWang - 13th June 2012 - Boy