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  1. wawa

    An unhappy confinement period

    Never consider buying a house in malaysia as investment because most of the time you are losing money more than you earn (land in malaysia are too big, how to earn?) The house my hubby and I bought in JB doesnt include my name because I am a singaporean and malaysia charge us about 2% of the...
  2. wawa

    enquiry on pregnancy test kit

    i think it might be better to get the digital pregnancy test kit, i know clearblue has it. It's either pregnant or not pregnant, better than guessing whether there is a 2nd line or not. It's cost about $24.xx, I bought once in watson. =)
  3. wawa

    Inhumane violent husband abuse me for more than a year

    yumiko, leave the man with your son. Get help from the family centre if you do not wish to trouble your family, they will help you. I had gone through what you are going through now, it's hard I know. But the man you are living with is no longer the same man you once loved. It's just a matter...
  4. wawa

    Inhumane violent husband abuse me for more than a year

    Dear yumiko, You doesnt need to be married 3 years in order to get divorce. I found it the website. Copy from The law society You must have been married for at least 3 years before you can file a Writ for divorce on the ground that your marriage has broken down irretrievably. However, and with...
  5. wawa

    Pregnant during Seperation Deed

    My sister's sil also had the same situation with you a few years ago. I asked her and she told me you can put your bf's name as father instead. No issue with that. =)
  6. wawa

    Curious abt Shichida Method and need advice for 1 year old

    I am between should i or should i not try the home teaching shichida method. I am unable to bring my coming to 1 year to the classes so I thought of doing it myself at home. I wonder would it be as good? Also, the home kit materials are not cheap as well. Cost about $400 for the full set.
  7. wawa

    An unhappy confinement period

    If you dont wish to see her coming to your house every now and then or requesting all of u to move into the "new" house in future, then stand firm in your stand. That is NOT TO AGREE IN BUYING A NEW HOUSE. Once you buy it, in future if you are forced to move over or see her coming over almost...
  8. wawa

    Continue BF when pregnant?

    My boy has gradually accepting bottle feeding. I asked my PD previously regarding which formula is nearest to breastmilk, he gave me 3 brands. I only remember similac and nan. I used similac follow-on. First time he only drank 40ml, 2nd day 60ml, 4th day 120ml and 4th day 150ml. I didn't...
  9. wawa

    Continue BF when pregnant?

    I asked my gynae on thursday. He said usually he will recommend mummy to stop bfing as both inside and outside absorbing nutrients from mummy and mummy will be too weak. Well, he gave me some preggie formula to drink so I guess I will need x3 nutrient if i were to bf while bfing. I think whether...
  10. wawa

    Continue BF when pregnant?

    i intend to stop my bf gradually. If suddenly i just stop bf, i am not sure if my boy can takes it or not. I also worried for the little one inside if i were to continue bf after hearing from mummies here.
  11. wawa

    Breastfeeding moms when did your mensus return?

    Mine came when my baby was 5 months old, tbf.
  12. wawa

    Continue BF when pregnant?

    @PinkDiamonds: Thank you, will do a search on how to wean baby off breast. Will do shopping on thurs and hopefully can get bottles that he will like. =) @fioncess: Thank you for your recommendation. Shall buy 1 to try. ^^ @diymummy: He can eat cheese now? He has been eating a slice of...
  13. wawa

    EDD Dec 2010

    Other than nausea, not much MS. But really dislike that feeling, sometimes just feel like going to toilet and puke it out. I am seeing my gynae on thurs, hope everything goes well!
  14. wawa

    Ex husband delays on maintenance every month

    u r not alone. I have to chase every month for my kids' maintenance as well. if i dont, i doubt i will ever see a cent in my account. i am so sick and tired of "reminding" him to transfer the money into my account. Is it so difficult to do it without asking?
  15. wawa

    Continue BF when pregnant?

    Hmm.. Then I have to prepare to buy a few brands to try. Not sure which one he will like. :001_302: As for increasing solid intake, it's quite hard for me to do so. Well, he eats quite little, it's only about 3 adult spoonfuls, always saving space for his milk. He can ask for milk even right...
  16. wawa

    EDD Dec 2010

    Hihi.. I should be in dec 2010 since my friend who is slightly more than 2 weeks pregnant earlier than me edd on the 8/12. So I guess I will be having a near to xmas baby. ^^ How about you? I will be seeing my gynae on friday and by then I will have my exact edd. =)
  17. wawa

    Continue BF when pregnant?

    Thank you for your advice. Would like know how do you get your girl to change to formula? My boy has been direct latch on since day 1 and other than drinking on few occasions (during confinement) on bottles, he has not touch 1 since then. There are so many brands and types of bottles in the...
  18. wawa

    Continue BF when pregnant?

    Currently my boy is 11mths and I realise I am pregnant. I am not sure if I can continue bf or I have to stop due to my pregnancy. I am very worried about having to stop as he is very addicted to bf but at the same time I am not sure if I am having enough milk for him or not. Feels quite confused...
  19. wawa


    i didnt add any milk as the cereal has added milk in so I only add hot water. Try pumpkin, and he hates it as well. I tried to use soup base to cook his porridge (like old cucumber soup, Dong Gua soup, Yu Chi Gua soup, ABC soup) but none of them get him to eat. Most of the time he ate 5 spoons...
  20. wawa


    My boy coming to 8mths now, still struggling to get him to eat cereal and porridge. Don't understand why he doesn't like it. Rarely he finish up his cereal, usually only eat a few spoons and will cry. Tried with apple n banana puree, he doesn't like it as well. The only 2 foods he eat are bread...