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  1. C

    Cant stop worrying

    Hi gabby, yep i will be delivering in the states! feeling a bit unsettled because i dont know how the gynaes in the states do it...and they probably think the whole confinement idea is crazy! but thank God my parents-in-law have agreed to come over during my final few weeks and staying beyond my...
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    EDD Sep 2014

    Hi Clap, i cant stand the occasional smoky smell of the air too!! i mostly camp next to my air purifier so i get a constant dose of fresh air hahaha..try not to use air fragrances because i've heard that the chemicals can be harmful for the little one inside you. They are afterall, artificial...
  3. C

    Cant stop worrying

    Hi MrsWong! I'm not yet in Tri 2 haha..hitting only 10 weeks in a few days time..the worry is mostly gone because i feel MS every day! The nausea has gotten so bad i had to keep taking medical leave from work. It's really difficult trying to work and take care of the pregnancy symptoms. But at...
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    EDD Sep 2014

    Thanks ladies for the consolidated table..will be easy for us to encourage one another on as the date draws near! Just wondering, how many mommies are there are badly affected during the first trimester? I am just past wk 9 and already, my morning sickness is consistently so bad that i cant...
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    EDD Sep 2014

    My nausea and perpetual lethargy also make it very hard for me to balance work taking care of myself..what supplements are you mommies taking now? I am taking the essential folic acid, and moving on to powdered milk for mamas to get calcium. I have heard the 9 months in your womb is the most...
  6. C

    what to eat during first trimester?

    How about raw vegetables? I like my sandwiches but they always come with uncooked lettuce and tomatoes..
  7. C

    Cant stop worrying

    Dear MrsWong, Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement, I will definitely keep reminding myself that! Thankfully, he's the only person to be so negative about pregnancies so I dont have to deal with too much negativity around. In fact, everyone else was happy and optimistic for me...
  8. C

    Cant stop worrying

    Hello all MTBs, this is my first pregnancy and i'm about 6.5 weeks pregnant today, i should really be feeling the excitement and anticipation of everything that's going to come from this point onward..but instead of that i feel really in distress because i cant stop worrying about many...
  9. C

    EDD Sep 2014

    Hello all my EDD is on 28th Sep for now! Very excited about my 1st pregnancy but also scared that i wont take care of the baby well in the first trimester :-( Any tips??
  10. C

    EDD Sep 2014

    Hello all MTBs, I'm going to be a first-time mommy and i'm feeling so excited about the experience i'm going to have for the next 9 months! Both my husband and i are really looking forward to our first (and maybe only) baby. While reading up on pregnancy, i cant help but come across the risk...