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  1. F

    EDD Sep 2010

    I am seeing Dr. Kelly Loi (KKH). She is good, I like her, but... the waiting time is SO long...
  2. F

    EDD Sep 2010

    So nice, thanks~~ :001_302:
  3. F

    EDD Sep 2010

    The gynae said it is ok without more detailed explanation and scheduled my next appointment 3 weeks later. Hope next checkup result can cease my worry, hehe.
  4. F

    EDD Sep 2010

    Hello~ , Happy to join in you~~MY EDD is also Sep 2010. This is my first time, so easy to feel nervous... I have no MS, so always worry whether everything is OK:shyxxx: I had my first B-scan few days ago. The result shows 5.7weeks but not 7w+ counted from my LMP... Is it normal?
  5. F

    DR Kelly Loi from KK AMK

    Today I had my first appointment with her. I think she is very nice and professional.
  6. F

    DR Kelly Loi from KK AMK

    Agree with you. I think I will see her as scheduled. will share my feeling after that.:)
  7. F

    DR Kelly Loi from KK AMK

    Ah...? It seems like most of you don't like her. My company doctor just referred me to see her. The first appointment is scheduled on 10 days later. What should I do? Help...
  8. F

    A new and in-dilemma mum..

    Shouldn't be bothered at all since you couple and your parents are happy. Con~~~
  9. F


    Hello~ I am Fei. en..I have tried few months but still waiting for the good news... Wish me good luck,hehe. Nice to meet you, everyone~~~~