2 weeks wait


Well-Known Member
What your husband work as? so busy? my husband will sneak home during lunchtime :p

or alternatively, you can go to your husband's workplace and give him a quickie in his office or the office toilet if his office got no privacy :p

he's an engineer....day time go site, sweat alot...super smelly...evening time do proposal for all the sites which he visited in the morn....

the project juz started...will last until Dec...super busy cos their staff strength is down by 1/2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7 man show, now only got 3 man....how to finish the work??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!

anyway, doubt he has the mood too....LOL~


he's an engineer....day time go site, sweat alot...super smelly...evening time do proposal for all the sites which he visited in the morn....

the project just started...will last until Dec...super busy cos their staff strength is down by 1/2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7 man show, now only got 3 man....how to finish the work??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!

anyway, doubt he has the mood too....LOL~
Yeah yeah, my hubby is also an engineer. Like your hubby, mine also have to go to site & his job is very demanding & pressuring... Even when he sleeps, he has to switch on his hp & put it by his bedside just in case there is a problem & he has to go back to work. Ditto for PH & weekends... Sometimes I wonder if the reason I have not conceived up till now is because of my hubby...


i lasted 4 days then i see a slight drop. followed by the drop in temperature, i see red .
From what I read from various websites & they all said the same thing - The sustained rise in temperature has to take place after the egg has been fertilized & last all the way till your supposed period date.


Well-Known Member
wah engineer at worksite even better. drive to nearby quiet spot :p

my hb work in warehouse, sometimes come home he also v tired plus got alot of paperwork. but i always tell him must take a break first then can continue do his work. heehee.

must learn to be kinky then ur hb will appreciate u more :)
huh lawla... lend you my shoulders **hugs** dont be disappointed. Just came back to office with my friends. Realised my friend is 3.5mths preggie. OOOOOOOHHHHH..... she told me the same thing. Accident one.
oh then i must have interpreted wrongly. so sad. now i totally dont chart my BBT anymore. it's too more of a hassle. and i m busy training my dog now. Hehehe......
stonston, can share share how to increase the woman's drive? i m really too tired and cant be bothered to do "IT" with my hb. i just want to leave things as it is ah.


Well-Known Member
Actually I realise tt certain times of the month, u'll naturally want it more & it usually happens to be near or during ovulation period. i personally will want it more when i'm relaxed (go for spa/massage).

when i first got married my mum got go chinese medical hall to buy some herbs meant for making women more productive & 'horny' :p
wow stonston, can share share what medicine did your mum buy for you? i kind of losing interest nowadays. It could be due to stress or my hb's complaints on his work or boring lifestyle. Somehow i find the "flame" diminishing.


Well-Known Member
i hv no idea wot med is tt lei. my mum always buy weird med to cook for us de. she even made my hb drink some snake wine or something like tt!


Active Member
lawla12, my last cycle was pretty much a GREAT GREAT disappointment . I actually had a sustained rise in temperature then breast tenderness and most imptly i missed my menses for 1 whole week!!!!!!! all sorts of early preggie symptoms coming up.... i thought i might have striked.... in the end see red, i really cried like crazy .... it's like my womb cant take it.... does anyone else had the same experience as I did?

hi bubbleblue,

first of all Im new to this thread... too lazy to read all pages... so only read the last few... your post caught my eye... and I totally understand what you are talking about..

I have been trying to concieve for 6mths now ((isit normal? isit not long enuf?)) ... for a number of times I also thought Im pregnant.. with all the symptoms and all.. but.. 1july.. menses came again....
I also cried like crazy...

It's like my mind is playing tricks with me... maybe I wanted a baby so badly until the mind and body displays all the symptoms.. nausea... sleepy.. tender breasts...higher temperature... etc...

I kept thinking if it is my Karma or what... (i have had an abortion when I was young)... Now that I want it.. I am couldn;t get it... maybe because of that something wrong with my womb or what...

Every month I tell myself to "not think too much"... but when menses come.. it is easier said than done... The disappointment is just too hard to suppress...

Anyway... I have decided to see a gynae after my period.... which I probably shld have done earlier... see if I got anything wrong anot...

My apologies if I have led all of you to see my rantings and complaints... I just felt the need to express this disappointment...

Will continue to try... and to all of you ... Jia you!!!


hi bubbleblue,

first of all Im new to this thread... too lazy to read all pages... so only read the last few... your post caught my eye... and I totally understand what you are talking about..

I have been trying to concieve for 6mths now ((isit normal? isit not long enuf?)) ... for a number of times I also thought Im pregnant.. with all the symptoms and all.. but.. 1july.. menses came again....
I also cried like crazy...

It's like my mind is playing tricks with me... maybe I wanted a baby so badly until the mind and body displays all the symptoms.. nausea... sleepy.. tender breasts...higher temperature... etc...

I kept thinking if it is my Karma or what... (i have had an abortion when I was young)... Now that I want it.. I am couldn;t get it... maybe because of that something wrong with my womb or what...

Every month I tell myself to "not think too much"... but when menses come.. it is easier said than done... The disappointment is just too hard to suppress...

Anyway... I have decided to see a gynae after my period.... which I probably shld have done earlier... see if I got anything wrong anot...

My apologies if I have led all of you to see my rantings and complaints... I just felt the need to express this disappointment...

Will continue to try... and to all of you ... Jia you!!!
Its ok mrs_eg, u're most welcome here.. All of us share our emotions here on trying HARD to conceive=)


Well-Known Member
Yeah yeah, my hubby is also an engineer. Like your hubby, mine also have to go to site & his job is very demanding & pressuring... Even when he sleeps, he has to switch on his hp & put it by his bedside just in case there is a problem & he has to go back to work. Ditto for PH & weekends... Sometimes I wonder if the reason I have not conceived up till now is because of my hubby...
do u a:we2Randy-git: regularly ???

i din even see him loohh....hard to :we2Randy-git: until Dec when his projects end loohhh...hopefully it will end by Dec yaaaaa...otherwise, i can really wait until my neck LONG LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG


Well-Known Member
Actually I realise that certain times of the month, you'll naturally want it more & it usually happens to be near or during ovulation period. i personally will want it more when i'm relaxed (go for spa/massage).

when i first got married my mum got go chinese medical hall to buy some herbs meant for making women more productive & 'horny' :p

OOOh....izzi ???

i feel tat i wan it more b4 my AF comes leh....LOL~


Well-Known Member
hi bubbleblue,

first of all Im new to this thread... too lazy to read all pages... so only read the last few... your post caught my eye... and I totally understand what you are talking about..

I have been trying to concieve for 6mths now ((isit normal? isit not long enuf?)) ... for a number of times I also thought Im pregnant.. with all the symptoms and all.. but.. 1july.. menses came again....
I also cried like crazy...

It's like my mind is playing tricks with me... maybe I wanted a baby so badly until the mind and body displays all the symptoms.. nausea... sleepy.. tender breasts...higher temperature... etc...

I kept thinking if it is my Karma or what... (i have had an abortion when I was young)... Now that I want it.. I am couldn;t get it... maybe because of that something wrong with my womb or what...

Every month I tell myself to "not think too much"... but when menses come.. it is easier said than done... The disappointment is just too hard to suppress...

Anyway... I have decided to see a gynae after my period.... which I probably shld have done earlier... see if I got anything wrong anot...

My apologies if I have led all of you to see my rantings and complaints... I just felt the need to express this disappointment...

Will continue to try... and to all of you ... Jia you!!!
6mths is very normal yaaaa...

i've been trying for 1yr 7mths !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6mths on my own....then 1yr + 1mth after i started seeing gynae.....done 2 IUIs but failed.......

now, going TCM to "tiao" my body....DH busy wif work, no time to :we2Randy-git: .....so i might as well "tiao" my body lohhhh (cos me PCOS).....DH's side is ok.........


Active Member
6mths is very normal yaaaa...

i've been trying for 1yr 7mths !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6mths on my own....then 1yr + 1mth after i started seeing gynae.....done 2 IUIs but failed.......

now, going traditional chinese medicine to "tiao" my body....dear husband busy with work, no time to :we2Randy-git: .....so i might as well "tiao" my body lohhhh (cos me PCOS).....dear husband's side is ok.........
6mths is normal ah? hmmm...
so do u feel now that TCM is better?
btw wat is IUI???

and also, just curious... who's ur gynae? There are so many "recommended" gynaes in this forum... I hav no idea who to choose... maybe I shld just "ini-meeny-miney-moe".... hahaha...go see one then see how... :)


Well-Known Member
6mths is normal ? hmmm...
so do you feel now that traditional chinese medicine is better?
btw what is IUI???

and also, just curious... who's your gynae? There are so many "recommended" gynaes in this forum... I hav no idea who to choose... maybe I shld just "ini-meeny-miney-moe".... hahaha...go see one then see how... :)
yaaa...6mths is consider short too........i heard from gynae, she told me tat normal couples usually will take 9mths n above to get preggie...of cos, there'll b lucky ones who strike fast...hehehehe...my bubby too, her n DH r both ok, they oso spent 9mths ..........

u can read up wad is IUI here...got picture too..

KK Women's and Children's Hospital - Problems Conceiving - Superovulation & Intrauterine Insemination (SO-IUI)

for TCM, i juz started yst...LOL~ ......today will b my 1st day to eat the med...kekekeee....i cant tell u if its good or not yaaaa......but i do hope it will help me to make my AF regular (giving it a try for 6mths).....hehehheee


Active Member
yaaa...6mths is consider short too........i heard from gynae, she told me that normal couples usually will take 9mths and above to get preggie...of cos, there'll b lucky ones who strike fast...hehehehe...my bubby too, her and dear husband are both ok, they also spent 9mths ..........

you can read up what is IUI here...got picture too..

KK Women's and Children's Hospital - Problems Conceiving - Superovulation & Intrauterine Insemination (SO-IUI)

for traditional chinese medicine, i just started yst...LOL~ ......today will b my 1st day to eat the med...kekekeee....i cant tell you if its good or not yaaaa......but i do hope it will help me to make my AF regular (giving it a try for 6mths).....hehehheee

9mths.. hmm i got 3 more mths to go..
Actually alot ppl ard me "strike it" when they didnt even plan for it...hmm...

you mentioned ur gynae is a "she"... may I know who is she?

Btw I keep seeing these letters "AF".. i know smthing to do with menstration but I simply cannot figure out wat does it stands for?