April 09 MTBs!


hi cream

fear not. cos when u look at your litle one, all the pain are nothing..
i was in such great pain for the first 1 and 1/2 wks after delivering but whenever i look at my little girl, i forgot abt the pain.

labour wise, if u chose epidural, once injected, u can sleep as i heard it takes 1 hr to dilate 1cm and we need to be dilated till 10 cm then can deliver

as for confinement, i did not even have any confinement lady for the first week as i have delivered much earlier than expected. luckily my hubby was there to help. so the two of us struggle for the whole week till my mother in law came to help us.
actually nothing much to afraid during confinement except rest a lot and dont SQUAT at all and dont STAND too long.

for wt loss..cant advise as i only gain 5kg for my entired pregnancy so i was pretty much back to my pre pregnancy right after delivery. now my hubby is feeding me a lot of food, think he wants me to be fat like him.. :p


Thanks for the encouragement... I suppose you are right... When we look at the baby, everything that we have gone through is worth it... My next checkup is next week, lets see what happens from there.... lol


hi all

delivered my first baby girl on wk 37. wt 2.6 kg.

its a sudden labour as water burst early in the morning at 5.30 am on 21 march 09. luckily the day before, i went to see my gynae and he told me due soon as already dilating and i have already experience contractions which i myself dont even know..
on hearing that anytime may go into labour, i quickly rush out to have cold drinks and junk food as i know confinement time cannot take those.

labour is smooth sailing as i took epidural but one thing no good is i was stitched TWICE!. imagine the pain man... cant even walk or sit for the first week.

but looking at my baby girl.. all the pain is nothing..

Congrats hstan15 :Dancing_tongue:

Whatever the reason may be even giving your gynae the benefit of doubt, he should still be concentrating on you and not taking calls. Can understand that this is like routine to them but for you, it is the first time and would appreciate some sensitivity here.


Same here too . Currently 2.6Kg as well .
Mine is no.2 too. He's bigger than his ge ge which I'm glad but yet worried cos this time I want to go for natural since the first time I couldnt. Want to go epidural free as well cos had side effects till today from first epi. Just hope my will is still as strong after going through a bad first experience.


ya wind blow i fly away........
when i found out i was pregnant was happy but worried about nt being able to provide the little wan nutrients
cause gt reflux prob
so no matter hw i vomit, i still force myself to eat
never in my life my weight over 40kg hee hee
so imagine the stretch marks i have on my body now
so gross........
just diahorea again.....
painful contractions
feel like vomiting too
anyone encounter this near edd??

You were so light pinkytham!!! 36kg!!! My EDD is 4 days away and baby also dont want to come out....haiz....going to do VE tomorrow...hopefully have started dilating...


ya wind blow i fly away........
when i found out i was pregnant was happy but worried about nt being able to provide the little wan nutrients
cause gt reflux prob
so no matter hw i vomit, i still force myself to eat
never in my life my weight over 40kg hee hee
so imagine the stretch marks i have on my body now
so gross........
just diahorea again.....
painful contractions
feel like vomiting too
anyone encounter this near edd??
Gosh...<40Kg? That was my good o'days. Now don't exceed 50kg I'm happy already.
Did your gynae give you antacid for your reflux prob? I had those and it does help. I'm near edd too but only experience contractions and seem to be falling sick easily...was about to recover then caught another superbug and now coughing and sneezing terribly. But stretch marks...urgh..tell me about it!
I don't know why it happens but it is happening to me as well. But I read that some women experience this in their third trimester. Maybe it is due to an upsurge in hormones or something...can't wait for this pregnancy to end...
hi sugarcookie,
today i already 38weeks n 1day pregnant.Last friday is my last working day.So start from this week i sit at hm n wait this kind of feeling very "sian" leh!!:wong7:


Active Member
hi sugarcookie,
today i already 38weeks n 1day pregnant.Last friday is my last working day.So start from this week i sit at hm n wait this kind of feeling very "sian" leh!!:wong7:
I feel really sian too!!! I'm 39 weeks and 4 days pregnant and I really can't take it anymore!!! :embarrassed:

I just visited my gynae. She did a VE and said I'm 1cm dilated. But she can't tell if I'm going to go into labour soon as some women dilate really slowly...The VE didn't really hurt; it just felt really uncomfortable. Initially, when she inserted her fingers inside, I didn't feel any discomfort. But when she started stretching my cervix, that was when it really felt uncomfortable!!!

Anyway, I booked my induction date already just in case I don't give birth by my EDD. If my baby doesn't pop by then, I will be induced on 10 April...


Active Member
Gosh...<40Kg? That was my good o'days. Now don't exceed 50kg I'm happy already.
Did your gynae give you antacid for your reflux prob? I had those and it does help. I'm near edd too but only experience contractions and seem to be falling sick easily...was about to recover then caught another superbug and now coughing and sneezing terribly. But stretch marks...urgh..tell me about it!
Oh dear! Take care CJmom! Drink lots of water!! I have stretchmarks too...but mostly on my butt!!! As if I didn't have enough on my bum already...:(


Active Member
ya wind blow i fly away........
when i found out i was pregnant was happy but worried about nt being able to provide the little wan nutrients
cause gt reflux prob
so no matter hw i vomit, i still force myself to eat
never in my life my weight over 40kg hee hee
so imagine the stretch marks i have on my body now
so gross........
just diahorea again.....
painful contractions
feel like vomiting too
anyone encounter this near edd??
I had diarrhoea a few days ago but it stopped yesterday. But I have started feeling nauseous again...think it's normal...


my butt got alot alot...
than itchy i scratch till all red red =(
theighs all have, than the tummy stretch till so glossy wahaha.....
now like a walking humpty dumpty feel so not balanced.....
tummy not feeling well than morning nearly vomited got those nauseous feeling =(
cant wait for it to end....
hmm nope cause i see my company panel doc they gave me the medicine famotine it does help but after finishing it, than the prob cums back again.

Gosh...<40Kg? That was my good o'days. Now don't exceed 50kg I'm happy already.
Did your gynae give you antacid for your reflux prob? I had those and it does help. I'm near edd too but only experience contractions and seem to be falling sick easily...was about to recover then caught another superbug and now coughing and sneezing terribly. But stretch marks...urgh..tell me about it!


Active Member
my butt got alot alot...
than itchy i scratch till all red red =(
theighs all have, than the tummy stretch till so glossy wahaha.....
now like a walking humpty dumpty feel so not balanced.....
tummy not feeling well than morning nearly vomited got those nauseous feeling =(
cant wait for it to end....
hmm nope cause i see my company panel doc they gave me the medicine famotine it does help but after finishing it, than the prob cums back again.
pinkytham, since you are so close to your EDD, have you booked your induction date (just in case)??


Active Member
Just went for my check up . Baby hasn't engaged yet and i'm already in my 37 weeks . Sigh .

Which week your baby engaged ?


Active Member
Just went for my check up . Baby hasn't engaged yet and i'm already in my 37 weeks . Sigh .

Which week your baby engaged ?
I'm not sure which week my baby engaged but I know she turned late, around week 37. But don't worry too much! I heard babies can engage last minute too. Has your baby turned?


I'm not sure which week my baby engaged but I know she turned late, around week 37. But don't worry too much! I heard babies can engage last minute too. Has your baby turned?

Sugarcookie, where will you be delivering? Sorry I forgot and am too lazy to go back to the discussions to check...


Active Member
Sugarcookie, where will you be delivering? Sorry I forgot and am too lazy to go back to the discussions to check...
No prob, I am delivering at KKH. My EDD is just 2 days away and baby still doesn't want to come out...very tired of being pregnant...
No prob, I am delivering at KKH. My EDD is just 2 days away and baby still doesn't want to come out...very tired of being pregnant...
Sugarcookie, tomorrow morning i go for following check-up again.Donno my gynea will do a VE for me or not....
Sorry Sugarcookie, this is your 1st bb?


Active Member
Sugarcookie, tomorrow morning i go for following check-up again.Donno my gynea will do a VE for me or not....
Sorry Sugarcookie, this is your 1st bb?
Yep, it's my first baby! Don't worry about VE; it's not as bad as what I initially thought. Are you expecting your first bb too??