April 09 MTBs!


Active Member
congrats sugercookie

btw, u del at KKH right? good? how is the envir? thinking of having my second one at kkh

Thanks hstan15! I know that many people have had bad experiences at KKH but I personally had a very good experience. The nurses were really supportive and reassuring and I felt safe. If you are planning to go for KK, go for The Private Suite. The services there are better.


Let us know Cream!!
Back from the checkup le... I really cannot imagine how my BB is so big now (3.5kg)... I wonder where she gain all those weight from when I am not even eating much... but nevertheless, as long as she is healthy...

Doc has booked for me to be induced on next Tues, 14th April 2009. It sounds scary to me cos he said that he suspect I would need more than one pill to soften and dilate the cervix, so it would take abit of time for the induction process. If it doesn't go according to the plan, then I would have to go thru the big "C", which is what I really do not want. I think I have to start talking terms to my bb now to be guai guai to come out the natural way. lol.


wow.. cream, how come your doctor can still wait?

at 3.5kg, you got to have a lot of strength to push. are you going for epidural? remember to eat before you go for delivery and drink essence of chicken for strength. don be like me. i did not eat anything for breakfast and lunch as not allowed to and in the end no strength to push a 2.kg baby then.


Back from the checkup le... I really cannot imagine how my BB is so big now (3.5kg)... I wonder where she gain all those weight from when I am not even eating much... but nevertheless, as long as she is healthy...

Doc has booked for me to be induced on next Tues, 14th April 2009. It sounds scary to me cos he said that he suspect I would need more than one pill to soften and dilate the cervix, so it would take abit of time for the induction process. If it doesn't go according to the plan, then I would have to go thru the big "C", which is what I really do not want. I think I have to start talking terms to my bb now to be guai guai to come out the natural way. lol.
:red:Hi cream,
All d best to you.wish you have a smooth delivery.:001_302:MUST BE STRONG OK.

Thank You


wow.. cream, how come your doctor can still wait?

at 3.5kg, you got to have a lot of strength to push. are you going for epidural? remember to eat before you go for delivery and drink essence of chicken for strength. don be like me. i did not eat anything for breakfast and lunch as not allowed to and in the end no strength to push a 2.kg baby then.

Doc says that the regulation for induction is that bb must be at least 38 weeks. So the date is set for 14th April, which is exactly 38 weeks lor... Now I am so scared... dunno why bb so big also... both hubby and I are petite size leh... I worry that if the induction fail then doc will do emergency caesarean... Thanks for the advice, I will drink my essence of chicken faithfully...

You mean you were not allowed to eat and drink during labour? My doc told me to go to KK at 2am for the prostin insertion then rest there... In the morning can go for breakfast then come back to check whether dilate already or not leh... I just hope that the pill works and the induction is successful lah... Now I am having the jitters... *shudders*...


Active Member
Doc says that the regulation for induction is that bb must be at least 38 weeks. So the date is set for 14th April, which is exactly 38 weeks lor... Now I am so scared... dunno why bb so big also... both hubby and I are petite size leh... I worry that if the induction fail then doc will do emergency caesarean... Thanks for the advice, I will drink my essence of chicken faithfully...

You mean you were not allowed to eat and drink during labour? My doc told me to go to KK at 2am for the prostin insertion then rest there... In the morning can go for breakfast then come back to check whether dilate already or not leh... I just hope that the pill works and the induction is successful lah... Now I am having the jitters... *shudders*...
I was not allowed to eat or drink during labour as well. Think it is just a precaution in case an e-csect is needed.

Try to relax as much as you can. And remember that no matter what happens, it is for the good of you and your baby.
I was not allowed to eat or drink during labour as well. Think it is just a precaution in case an e-csect is needed.

Try to relax as much as you can. And remember that no matter what happens, it is for the good of you and your baby.
Hi, Sugarcookie
Yesterday i went for my last check up than my gynea told me to9 2am go KKH for prostin insertion , sound scary!!


Active Member
Hi, Sugarcookie
Yesterday i went for my last check up than my gynea told me to9 2am go KKH for prostin insertion , sound scary!!
Don't be too scared! Be confident that things will go smoothly! So you will be induced tonight? Then you will get to meet your baby very soon!! :Dancing_wub:


New Member
helo everyone congrat to all the mummy for having a baby nice hearing that...all the baby here so cute...i hope the mummy here haven't give birth try not to take epidural like me hehhehe so strong....i gave birth last few yrs back in april...my boy was 4.5kg natural birth wthout epidural...and after that i had a massage lady for 1 mth and my body was so healthy & no aching on my back at all..the masage lady really know where to find a point & she really give my vigina tighten back wth the charcoal


sorry for the late reply....
was actually scheduled for gynae appt for checkup followed by induction on the 3rd apr 09 1 day before edd
while at clinic doing the fetal heartbeat test time, realised that i had contractions every 3 to 5 min....
than gynae ask me immediately go hospital delivery suite for admission.
that time was dilated for only 1 cm.

when reached the delivery suite, was on contraction every 1 min.....
than whenever contractions came, baby heartbeat dropped till very low...
gynae said baby life in danger so had an emergency c sect =(
till now wound still painful..
but most importantly my little princess is out of my tummy safe and sound =D
born on 3 april 2009 =D

pinkytham, since you are so close to your EDD, have you booked your induction date (just in case)??


Yes, i will be induced tonight....Hope everything go smoothly.
Hey Yvonne,

I will be there tonight... If you are still checking this thread, reply me... I will bring my laptop to KKH so whenever I can I will check... I will be going at 2am too... aiyo... scary scary man!