Baby refuses to latch on


New Member
help needed!

my baby just refuses to latch on now... I have been bf and supplementing with formula as he is not satisfied on bm alone.

Now he just simply refuse to latch on.

Is there any way to make him latch on without him kicking up a big fuss?


Active Member
i guess he is prefering the bottle teat to breast nipple liao.. my girl was also like that.. ever since i go back to wrk, n let her take EBM from bottle, she prefer bottle teat to me.. latchin on was a big fight with both of us very upset.. no help.. only end whn i finally put her off bottle totally, n only breat.. initially she refuse to take my nipple.. i juz let her cry n go hungry if he rejects.. no bottle for her.. any fluid, would be spoonfed soon, 1 day down or so, she takes nipple again.. now, she prefers nipple to bottle..

try increasing ur supply?


ur not alone. my DS used to latch on so easily to me but after i find that BM is not enough for him, i supplement him with formula and i guess hes so used to the teat that when he cant latch on to me properly, he will wail very loudly that in the end, ive no choice but to give him the bottle. I feel kinda discouraged but was told to keep 'training' him to latch on me just so he wont feel to alien to our nipples.


New Member
hi mummies,

thanks for your advice. but i feel bad letting my bb wail and keep forcing him to latch on. many a times, i succumb to the bottle as i really don't have the heart to let him cry and cry.


Active Member
hi mummies,

thanks for your advice. but i feel bad letting my bb wail and keep forcing him to latch on. many a times, i succumb to the bottle as i really don't have the heart to let him cry and cry.
haiz.. me too.. but in the end whn im determined, i juz try to close my ears lo.. coz babies will have the urge to suckle. so in the end, i gave her milk/water via spoon.. no pacifier for her.. if she wanna suck anything, its gotta be my nipple.. haha.. very fast.. less than 48hrs, she start improving on latching liao.. no longer struggle tat much.. if she struggle, i juz let her go, but no bottles for her..

i was so sad lo.. feels like she is rejecting me.. thn imagine my mum there upset with me say i ill treating my baby.. :(


i kept thinking i was one alien mum, cos i had to fight with DS every night since i went back to work.

amulet, i also felt so lousy. cos DS cry until my mum got heart broken and rescued him from this evil mummy here......... wah, my mum's face was so the super the black man....... cos i just simply let him cry and refuse to give him the bottle....


Well-Known Member
i kept thinking i was one alien mum, cos i had to fight with DS every night since i went back to work.

amulet, i also felt so lousy. cos DS cry until my mum got heart broken and rescued him from this evil mummy here......... wah, my mum's face was so the super the black man....... cos i just simply let him cry and refuse to give him the bottle....
I know how that feels too coz DD refused to latch on properly in the 1st month and my mil kept stressing me by standing there each time i tried to latch her and passing unhelpful comments. :(

Jia you Beatricemom!!


New Member
Thanks, knowing that i'm not the only one does make me feel abit better.
My next challenge is i'm starting a new job by end march and will not have the luxury of bf my boy in the day-time.

my mum too, will rescue my son if he starts his 'war' with me each time i latch him on.

I wonder if it will help if i only latch him on at night if i return to the workforce?


Thanks, knowing that i'm not the only one does make me feel abit better.
My next challenge is i'm starting a new job by end march and will not have the luxury of bf my boy in the day-time.

my mum too, will rescue my son if he starts his 'war' with me each time i latch him on.

I wonder if it will help if i only latch him on at night if i return to the workforce?
actually i only latch him on at night after i return home from work and in the morning (dream feed). still, the feeds can become a tug of war between DS and me :eek:10:


Active Member
i kept thinking i was one alien mum, cos i had to fight with DS every night since i went back to work.

amulet, i also felt so lousy. cos DS cry until my mum got heart broken and rescued him from this evil mummy here......... wah, my mum's face was so the super the black man....... cos i just simply let him cry and refuse to give him the bottle....
same here lo.. thn my mum refuse to talk to me, accusing that im illtreating my girl.. i guess many mommies wen through same thing ba.. its really tough as well.. sometiems i ended up crying..


Active Member
Thanks, knowing that i'm not the only one does make me feel abit better.
My next challenge is i'm starting a new job by end march and will not have the luxury of bf my boy in the day-time.

my mum too, will rescue my son if he starts his 'war' with me each time i latch him on.

I wonder if it will help if i only latch him on at night if i return to the workforce?
means less war lo.. but wat about weekends?

i remembered one evening (soon after i returned to work) i return home n eagerly try to latch my girl on.. thn she struggle.. thats the start of everything.. every evening and weekends is wartime.. but tat time, i wasn't that determined, so i juz relent n give bm through bottle.. i only start training her whn i took 2 weeks leave to go holidays coz i get to be with her 24/7 so i don see the need of bottle anymore.. managed to get my mum on my side as i told her bm supply maintains n goes well only if baby does latches on personally.. pump cannot replace a baby's suckling, and w/o the stimulation, my milk is gettin lesser.. for the benefit of baby, she agreed that we should train her to love latch on again.. 1st day was a hugh fight, n she hardly had any milk.. 2nd day, she struggle lesser, a few feeds are successfully latched on.. things start improving from there..

now, she prefers nipple to bottle, n totally lost interest in pacifier.. :Dancing_wub:


Well-Known Member
same here lo.. thn my mum refuse to talk to me, accusing that im illtreating my girl.. i guess many mommies wen through same thing ba.. its really tough as well.. sometiems i ended up crying..
I also ended up crying after every feeding war and finally gave in to the bottle. At the 3rd week, i had to go to the lactation consultant to clear my blocked ducts and she taught me to latch again and after that i tried at home. DD would still fight with me (and even gave me blistered nipples from biting! - as if sore and cracked nipples weren't enough) but after the 6th week, she totally preferred the nipple and has since refused the bottle. She'd rather go hungry than drink from a bottle. I guess it's a matter of letting the baby get used to the nipple.


Active Member
I also ended up crying after every feeding war and finally gave in to the bottle. At the 3rd week, i had to go to the lactation consultant to clear my blocked ducts and she taught me to latch again and after that i tried at home. DD would still fight with me (and even gave me blistered nipples from biting! - as if sore and cracked nipples weren't enough) but after the 6th week, she totally preferred the nipple and has since refused the bottle. She'd rather go hungry than drink from a bottle. I guess it's a matter of letting the baby get used to the nipple.
ya.. they have to 'get used' to it.. its easy to like teats coz teats easier to draw milk n faster milk flow ma..


I just give birth 3weeks ago, trying to learn latching in the hospital, but my son 'Gek' until face red red as cannot latch on, then my hubby always say next time then try, we give him formula to now and my breastmilk also can only pump 50ml each day. And also becos stay with mil, difficult to do breast pump and my bb also bery light sleep, hear abit of sound, wake up crying.

Now my hubby want me to try latch on again as his friend told him bb at first always 'Gek' until face red red one as dun noe how to latch. But must determine.

Is it too late to latch on now?


Well-Known Member
I just give birth 3weeks ago, trying to learn latching in the hospital, but my son 'Gek' until face red red as cannot latch on, then my hubby always say next time then try, we give him formula to now and my breastmilk also can only pump 50ml each day. And also becos stay with mil, difficult to do breast pump and my bb also bery light sleep, hear abit of sound, wake up crying.

Now my hubby want me to try latch on again as his friend told him bb at first always 'Gek' until face red red one as dun noe how to latch. But must determine.

Is it too late to latch on now?
It is not too late, just latch on demand to boost supply. Dun give up!! :)


Active Member
of coz not too late.. why not try seeking help of a lactation consultant? she can teach u how to latch, guide baby to latch also.. n any problems, she can advise u also..


Well-Known Member
I just give birth 3weeks ago, trying to learn latching in the hospital, but my son 'Gek' until face red red as cannot latch on, then my hubby always say next time then try, we give him formula to now and my breastmilk also can only pump 50ml each day. And also becos stay with mil, difficult to do breast pump and my bb also bery light sleep, hear abit of sound, wake up crying.

Now my hubby want me to try latch on again as his friend told him bb at first always 'Gek' until face red red one as dun noe how to latch. But must determine.

Is it too late to latch on now?
Hihi, of coz it's not too late to latch. I only managed to successfully latch DD properly from the 5th week onwards. I delivered at KKH so I went back there to the lactation consultant. Otherwise I read in the forum that you can also go to the polyclinic and ask for one.