Baby Weight At 3rd Trimester


Generally the gynae will tell their patients how much the estimated weight of their baby is each time they go for their scan. Why don't u check with ur gynae?
I don't have a gynae... We get only 2-3 scans throughout pregnancy, last one being at 20 weeks for anatomy scan but it doesn't tell us the weight of the baby. I think it depends on the hospital too, I have friends who go private and they have additional scans and their obgyn will tell them the weight but since I'm going through the public system, we don't know unless we are high-risk or there are issues during pregnancy. So I guess it's a good thing at the same time...but would be nice to know.


Oh ast0212 is from perth, My gynae told me that SG is one of the more advanced countries where we got scanning opportunties everytime. Not every country has that, sometimes, the patients have to go book a scanning session at another facility unlike us where each of our gynae has a scanner..