Baby Weight At 3rd Trimester


New Member
hope your baby is ok now...mine is in occipito posterior position- means the head is down but the head is facing upwards, ideally , it should be facing downwards. urgh!!! :( will be going for checkup tomorrow, so hopefully she is facing down.
to-date, my baby still in the same position - me going for c-sect tml morning, need to be admitted by 6.30am and start fasting from today midnight onwards...

hope ur baby will be in the correct ideal position :) jiayou!


New Member
to-date, my baby still in the same position - me going for c-sect tml morning, need to be admitted by 6.30am and start fasting from today midnight onwards...

hope your baby will be in the correct ideal position :) jiayou!
hi madalenechoo,

u going for c-sect tml? hope ur delivery will be fast and smooth! and rest well too! Jia you!


to-date, my baby still in the same position - me going for c-sect tml morning, need to be admitted by 6.30am and start fasting from today midnight onwards...

hope ur baby will be in the correct ideal position :) jiayou!
whao! jia you! i went thru C sect also. its so fast and easy. when u knew nothing, bb is out. =D
pray for your smooth delivery. take great care!


My baby was in the same position too. I read on this kind of birth and expected a long and painful birth but due to the experience of my gynae and perhaps my luck too, my birth was super fast and relatively painless (painless coz I use epidural) haha. I made 5 pushes and he's out in the face up position. Baby is born using vacuum assisted delivery. Waited 9 hours for cervix to dilate to full.

hope your baby is ok now...mine is in occipito posterior position- means the head is down but the head is facing upwards, ideally , it should be facing downwards. urgh!!! :( will be going for checkup tomorrow, so hopefully she is facing down.


New Member
dear mummies!

im back! i gave birth to my baby girl on 24 Nov 2011 (C-Sect with epi). stayed at Mt A for 4days 3nights with my hubby.
Baby weighs 3.465kg at birth, Length 49cm, Head Circumference 36cm :D


New Member
dear mummies!

im back! i gave birth to my baby girl on 24 Nov 2011 (C-Sect with epi). stayed at Mt A for 4days 3nights with my hubby.
Baby weighs 3.465kg at birth, Length 49cm, Head Circumference 36cm :D
hi hi, welcome back, congrats on the arrival of your little princess! Rest well and enjoy the bonding! :)


New Member
Hi Magdalene,

Congrat!!! I am thinking of having C-sect in Jan 2012. Not sure what to expect. Can you share with me your experience. Is it very painful? can you still breastfeeding?
And... may I know why you choose C-sec? thks in advance:)


New Member
Hi Magdalene,

Congrat!!! I am thinking of having C-sect in Jan 2012. Not sure what to expect. Can you share with me your experience. Is it very painful? can you still breastfeeding?
And... may I know why you choose C-sec? thks in advance:)
Hi Seastar!
my personal experience is that i encounter much pain when they insert the epidural for me. i even shouted in pain during the process but it depends on individual so not to worry too much ok? after the epi took effect, my entire bottom was numb totally, i felt nothing during the whole process...

i tried breastfeeding almost immediately after i delivered. first time try so nurses all came in to guide me along. enjoyed the bonding with baby when she latched on :)
today is the 7th day after i delivered and i managed to pump 20-30ml each time - am still working hard on it...

i chose c-sect becos my baby was in breech position (head didnt turn down). anyway, even if baby's head did turn, i also will not choose natural delivery due to other personal reasons :)

hope the above helps :)

I'm the one going round to share regarding my c-sect experience cos i too was terrified when i read the bad experiences of othe other mummies here. Haha!

I wanted to have a normal delivery with epidural but end gotta c-sect cos my baby head was not in the right position. My epidural experience was scary cos i scared myself to death! A lot of people say u cannot move ,must get hubby to hold on to u etc etc but becos of the pain, i didn't wait for hubby as he was still doing the admission procedures. The fact is i didn't feel anything other then a mini electric current running down my back.

As for the c-sect after 10 hrs in the labour room, i was reallu worried cos my gynae said my baby may be in distress. Was on epidural already so hubby accopanied me in the operating theatre.

My recovery was good even though i gave birth when i was 35 yrs old. I was really starving after the delivery but my gynae redused to let me eat for fear of me throwing up...i had to literally beg for milo! haha! I was able to walk on the 2nd day and my wound had already closed when i went for my gynae check 1 week later.

So after my personal experience, I really think its really based on the individual. Hope this lessens some of the fear.


New Member
Thanks Magdalene and KayKay for your sharing. when can you carry your baby?
Apart from Epidural, is there any other procedure before they öpen" our stomach?:) such as empty the bladder or clean the stool... and how long have to wait to have second child after C-sec?


New Member
Thanks Magdalene and KayKay for your sharing. when can you carry your baby?
Apart from Epidural, is there any other procedure before they öpen" our stomach?:) such as empty the bladder or clean the stool... and how long have to wait to have second child after C-sec?
i got admitted at 6.30am and the ops is done at 9am. in between these timings, they do lots of stuff. shaving, pumping liquid to clear our bowels, check baby's heartbeat, explain to us the procedures of epidural etc...

i heard that if ur 1st child is delivered by c-sect then have to wait about 2yrs for the next one ;)

I could carry my baby from the first day so its not that bad even though my gal was 3.685kg. haha! Mine cos is emergency c-sect so not exacty sure whats the procedures for a planned one, and i'm also not plannng for another child so i dunno whats the waiting period.

But if its a planned c-sect, u need to decide if u want your hubby in the room with u. If u do, u should use epidural cos if you are on GA, they don't allow your hubby in the room.

Thanks Magdalene and KayKay for your sharing. when can you carry your baby?
Apart from Epidural, is there any other procedure before they öpen" our stomach?:) such as empty the bladder or clean the stool... and how long have to wait to have second child after C-sec?


New Member
Hi all Mommies to be and Congratulations to all who have delivered safely and having fun with their bundle of joy:))

Well I am 33 w and my baby weighs 1913 g--- gyne says its along the 10 centile.:(.The abdomen is small as compared to head and limbs.She says its not Intrauterine Growth restriction yet but I am worried:(.Advised me to take protein rich diet and to start drinking Anmum milk powder.I am not a big fan of fortified foods and so didnt take it earlier and was mainly focusing on balanced diet.But got Enfamama A+ now.Hope my baby puts on weight and building up some muscles.

Does your gyne tell the baby weight on every visit?? See all parameters on the USG and give an estimated fetal weight?
I was told till my last USG at 20 w- baby growing ok and no problems. Even till last appointment at 30 wk with my gynea she told baby growing fine(she did fundal height measurement only).
I have my next appointment 1 wk later to check if baby is growing fine followed by another scan at 36wks.Hope she tells me fetal weight on my next visit at 34 weeks.
Hi all Mommies to be and Congratulations to all who have delivered safely and having fun with their bundle of joy:))

Well I am 33 w and my baby weighs 1913 g--- gyne says its along the 10 centile.:(.The abdomen is small as compared to head and limbs.She says its not Intrauterine Growth restriction yet but I am worried:(.Advised me to take protein rich diet and to start drinking Anmum milk powder.I am not a big fan of fortified foods and so didnt take it earlier and was mainly focusing on balanced diet.But got Enfamama A+ now.Hope my baby puts on weight and building up some muscles.

Does your gyne tell the baby weight on every visit?? See all parameters on the USG and give an estimated fetal weight?
I was told till my last USG at 20 w- baby growing ok and no problems. Even till last appointment at 30 wk with my gynea she told baby growing fine(she did fundal height measurement only).
I have my next appointment 1 wk later to check if baby is growing fine followed by another scan at 36wks.Hope she tells me fetal weight on my next visit at 34 weeks.
Hi shirinjoey,

I guess I was having same prb as u when I was pregnant. For me, my baby's growth slowed down during my 3rd trimester. Same thing as u, abdominal circumference was too small....way below the percentile. I was given medical leave & subsequently hospitalization leave to rest at hme. My gynae told me to drink more milk. I went bck for scan at my 35+ weeks n bb's wt was abt 2.3kg. I was hopeful. Finally he's gaining wt. i was scheduled to go bck for scanning 2 wks later n gynae said she was hoping bb can grow to at least 2.8kg. Unfortunately when I went bck at 37+ weeks, my bb only grew abt 100g, his wt was approximately 2.4kg. I was having quite frequent braxton hicks contractions during that time. My gynae told me she need to induce me in a few days time since bb not growing well. Better to be fed outside the womb than inside since his growth is restricted.

To cut the story short, I checked into the hospital on that same day at midnite n bb was induced the following morning at 9am. Labour lasted for almost 9 hrs n my boy was delivered @ 5.44pm on 10 Nov 2011. He was only 2360g (2.36kg) at 37+ weeks gestation. Aft the delivery, my gynae commented that the umbilical cord that was attached to my bb was v thin n small. My placenta was oso smaller than normal. It could b the reason y he was not gaining wt while inside the womb.

My boy will b 3 mths tmr n he's slightly more than 5kg now. Dun wori, everything will b fine. :)

Eat n rest well. Wait for that beautiful moment of delivering ur child.


I am 38 weeks and have no idea how big (or small) my baby is! :( I've never had her weighed so I will only find out after I give birth to her. It's only 2 more weeks but sometimes I feel I'd like to know whether it's going to be easy to push her out :p My son was 3.3kg and I never got to know how much he weighed as well till he came out. It was very easy to push him out so I hope my daughter will be too!
I am 38 weeks and have no idea how big (or small) my baby is! :( I've never had her weighed so I will only find out after I give birth to her. It's only 2 more weeks but sometimes I feel I'd like to know whether it's going to be easy to push her out :p My son was 3.3kg and I never got to know how much he weighed as well till he came out. It was very easy to push him out so I hope my daughter will be too!
Generally the gynae will tell their patients how much the estimated weight of their baby is each time they go for their scan. Why don't u check with ur gynae?