Beware of this confinement lady...


How's Ryan? Hope he is doing well.. I pray that nothing serious will happen to him. I can imagine the stress u went thru.. And that CL is really cold blooded. What if that was her own grandchild? How would she feel?? It's ok babe.. What goes around comes around. God will "repay" her "kindness".


New Member
Hi diza, thank you. :)

Ryan is doing well.. Thank God.

I hope no other mummies will go thru such situation..


New Member
Pray for your boy to be fine & well! How can these people not even feel a pinch of guilt after such incident! Heart pain to hear your story. So in the end, they cold blooded couple just walk off without paying? Did they ask you to pay for her the service? Really cruel of them even it's an accident. Bless you boy!
Hope baby Ryan is well. If she is from
Malaysia, I think they need to apply working permit as confinement lady here. If so, think can inform mom so that can ban her from coming in? I remember hearing my cl mentioned abt they very scared to invite trouble as it would affect them in applying the pass to work here.


New Member
Hi, sorry to hear that... How's Ryan? May I have the aunty ying contact as I planned to hired a CL name ying 姐... Not sure if its the same person or not


New Member
Hi 3mum & paulinepoh80,

Thank you for the prayer & good wishes.

3mum, I had made a deposit and I asked for the refund. The husband initially disagreed..
Think the daughter still did have the conscience, she refund the balance after deducting the
number of days her mum (the CL) had worked at my place..

Paulinepoh80, regarding the work permit.. They called me a day before I went for delivery
asking me to apply for the CL.. It was so last min, I didn't have the time to apply for her,
which she said I could do that later.. Good thing I didn't go thru all that trouble, it wouldnt
be worth at all!

As much as I hope to be able to let everyone be warned of this CL, I know it is difficult that
everyone will know.. Just hope this post will reach out to as many as possible..

My son looks well & fine... But I can't deny I am still in fear of the "what if"..
When my son shown sign of discomfort, I will be paranoid.. Only felt relieved
knowing the 'discomfort' was not relative..

This CL definitely cannot be hired.. I pray again no other babies will be in such
situation.. Parents must keep an eye on their CL..


New Member
Hi Yann15, thank you. Ryan is doing fine so far.

I only contact her daughter, Suek Wong. You can find her contact
in this forum. She coordinates her mum's job. The two times I spoke
to the CL, she was the one who contacted me.

She didn't ask us to address her 'Ying 姐' but as Aunty Ying.

If you need a photo of her, I can email to you.


Hi XiYou, prayers n lots of good wishes for bb Ryan.. All will b good, have faith in god.. N this CL will get this back somehow or other..

joan chua

New Member
pray for e best for baby ryan :p dun worries . whats goes around come around . im sure baby ryan will be fine . he will be strong with both parents love n care . . thanks thoz to those who does n have no guts to admit . some how some day , u will know ur heart is tighten up by all this . what u have been doing , ur atas watching :p


New Member
Hi xi you, good to heard that Ryan is ok. Yes can you email her photo to me to because this CL was recommended by my friend and he's going to hire her for 2nd confinement on dec. so it's better we confirmed early.


New Member
Good to hear that your baby is doing fine and need to observe him closely cause we as parents want him to grow healthy and good, take care.


New Member
Hi MrsRed,

I have already replied to your PM and emailed you the CL photo as to your request.

Hope you have recieved. Just in case if you didnt, the hp number you mentioned is the same...

Do be careful..


Hi Mrsliaw, it is difficult.. How to make her pay for her action??
Make a police report?? Even now, I am sure she is still taking in
jobs.. I feel so sorry for those innocent babies..

Hi ilovebbdylan, you should ask the CL to feed on a mattress
(on the floor).. The bed is unsafe too..
Hi Xiyou. i hope baby ryan is doing fine now. if you wanna pursue the matter, you can first make a police report and than hire a lawyer.
Take all of your hospital record. Is she a malaysian?


New Member
Hi Mrsliaw,

Thank you!

Praise The Lord. Ryan is doing well. I believe God is watching over him.

As for that CL, I want nothing to do with her. I did pray to God that she could
find some conscience in her to stop her trade instead of cheating around claiming
she has lots of experience. I also pray that babies under her care will not have to
go thru what my son had.. I still shudder when i thot of what else she could have
done to those innocent babies... One of the bad was the washing of milk bottles
with lots of detergent & not washing them clean..Definitely an irresponsible person..

Sad to say, she is still out there... The above MrsRed nearly hired her.. She said a
neighbor recommended her.. So you see, this CL could be so good at acting & sweet
talking that if you didn't see the way she worked, you would think she was real good..

As I mentioned in my 1st post, I have no intention of breaking someone's rice bowl..
I believe that accident might happen & chance shd be given.. Even forgiveness..
however this CL shown no sign of guilt & remorse..

Any good human would surely feel deep regrets & sorrow to cause the fall of a young
baby.. Even strangers like you, MrsLiaw & many other good mummies here offered
prayers & keep track on Ryan's progress.. But not her.. Till now, no apology & no sign
of concern..

It is too late for me to make police report or to sue her.. I have checked that i should
have done that immediately... But at that moment I only wanted my son to be fine
with no harm caused..

We all know just posting in a forum will not be able to reach all..

So let's all pray for those babies under her care to be safe & well..