Birds nest really gd for both mummy and baby?


Well-Known Member
the one i took is from 老行家. is those instant one n i take 2 spoons per day since abt 4 mths preggers.
not sure if it was of any help but pin has beautiful n smooth skin since NB. (some NBs r born with reddish/pimply skin but pin doesnt.)


Alpha Male
Birdnest, is actually Protein, and protein provide the basic needs for body and skin repair, so definately it helps. But, it is a very expensive way of getting protein.

Well, too much birdnest is not "recommend" due to it's processing. Imagine, how those swiftlet's saliva, "black" in color, processed and becomes white. It is using "chemical" as breaching agent to breach those bird's nest.
Then, those swiftlets "house" is destroy by workers collecting just for their saliva.......


my hubby just got me another box of nestural bird nest. :wong19:

i realised maybe all the goodness of the bird nest i took during my pregnacy went to my baby. he was really smooth skin and he's those fair fair kind.

something that i want now. and hopefully the one in my tummy will have also.

but still, everything should be taken in moderation!
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hi there. i got a few boxes of bird nest as gifts. been drinking them once every few days for now. really tasty and i love it.

during pregnancy can drink right? cannot resist not drinking it you know.

lovelymother, are you drinking the nestural bird nest with american gingseng and rock sugar? i just realised i'm drinking that now. :shyxxx:
i think i'm drinking that one.

after posting here, i went out and got myself a box of nestural bird nest.

it's like a guilty pleasure especially when i have a chilled bottle.

so shiok! heehee.


New Member
I do hear from colleagues that birdnest will trigger asthma, but personally i dun recall myself got asthma attack after taking birdnest (i do have asthma since young). Guess it's depends on individual.

I went to see a chinese doctor at Yu Ren Sheng. She told me that birdnest may cause phlegm to some pple. She did say i can take birdnest, but moderately. And if it does cause phlegm for me, then i should stop taking it.

But with so many range of birdnest out in the market, are their nutrients all the same as there's a wide range of cost difference in them?

Anyone can advise on the different type of birdnest??


i can totally understand how you feel lovelymother! i drink it once in a while after a long depressing day at work. then i see the 'shreds' of birdnest in the bottle, very satisfying when i use chopstick and pick it up and eat.

i'm like a kid like that. drink a chilled bottle of birdnest and be soo happy for the rest of the night.

i supposed i'm gonna stick to nestural birdnest for the time now. especially now when i'm kinda addicted to drinking it.


I do hear from colleagues that birdnest will trigger asthma, but personally i dont recall myself got asthma attack after taking birdnest (i do have asthma since young). Guess it's depends on individual.

I went to see a chinese doctor at Yu Ren Sheng. She told me that birdnest may cause phlegm to some pple. She did say i can take birdnest, but moderately. And if it does cause phlegm for me, then i should stop taking it.

But with so many range of birdnest out in the market, are their nutrients all the same as there's a wide range of cost difference in them?

Anyone can advise on the different type of birdnest??
during my pregnancy, i consulted a chinese doctor on whether it's ok to drink birdnest. he told me the same thing as yours did. i think it all depends on each individual. not everyone has the same system.

for bird nests, they are sort out by their grade levels. however, for nutrients levels, i think they are more or less the same, just that the top grade ones would be better la.

for bottled ones for instance, nestural bird nest from huji uses "pure superior grade cave bird’s nest" which is said to have "nutritional contents in the market". from what i see, it is really using bird nest strips instead of looking like bits and pieces. but for the nturitional contents i cant be sure.

personally, i think the best way is to have it in moderation! not too much for anything is the best way to go!


Well-Known Member
I do hear from colleagues that birdnest will trigger asthma, but personally i dont recall myself got asthma attack after taking birdnest (i do have asthma since young). Guess it's depends on individual.

I went to see a chinese doctor at Yu Ren Sheng. She told me that birdnest may cause phlegm to some pple. She did say i can take birdnest, but moderately. And if it does cause phlegm for me, then i should stop taking it.

But with so many range of birdnest out in the market, are their nutrients all the same as there's a wide range of cost difference in them?

Anyone can advise on the different type of birdnest??
I know there's processed and unprocessed raw ones. The processed ones will be cleaned (have the feathers and whatnots taken out, might be bleached as well) before being packed. The unprocessed raw ones might be cheaper, cos there are lots of "dirt".


my colleague before marry and preg often drink birds nest..throughout her whole pregnancy she never vomit at all.

i nv drink any birds nest at all. shd start to take alr -.-
i think if you're buying the bottled ones it's best to buy it from a reputable brand.

for instance, nestural bird nest is from huiji i believe. the brand that gave us the well known waist tonic which im taking now still.

as for those that need to be cooked, i think it's best to consult the sales person on the quality of it.


i think if you're buying the bottled ones it's best to buy it from a reputable brand.

for instance, nestural bird nest is from huiji i believe. the brand that gave us the well known waist tonic which im taking now still.

as for those that need to be cooked, i think it's best to consult the sales person on the quality of it.
i do agree with you in many ways. buy from a reputable brand is the best.

i bought from malaysia once. some unknown brand of birdnest because it was really cheap and the quality looks really good. despite the look, the taste was horrid and also the birdnest were actually like those fake jelly.

so now i'm just sticking to reputable brands now. huiji is actually quite a well established brand that has been around for a long time already.

ladies, do take note when you're buying bottled bird nests.
i do agree with you in many ways. buy from a reputable brand is the best.

i bought from malaysia once. some unknown brand of birdnest because it was really cheap and the quality looks really good. despite the look, the taste was horrid and also the birdnest were actually like those fake jelly.

so now i'm just sticking to reputable brands now. huiji is actually quite a well established brand that has been around for a long time already.

ladies, do take note when you're buying bottled bird nests.
oh yes! my mil bought me some wulu brand from msia before. no label no nothing. and the taste was just not to my likely. one bite of it and i ask my hubby finish for me. :X

i've been drinking products from huiji for about a year plus already. got recommanded to huiji by my relatives. and so far it's good lah. so i guess i'm sticking to them for now.

the nestural birdnest is good but i have to keep reminding myself that everything must be taken in moderation. :wong19:


New Member
contrary to believe, not all birdnest have nutritional value for the baby.. most eaten will only go to the mother and become "mei mei" (pretty). to identify which type of birdnest.. usually you must find an honest medical hall to let you know (which is almost impossible !)

and birdnest for preggers mummies should be taken salty.. and not sweet. (trust me, taste utterly yucks!).

my wife now 4mth pregnant.

i get the bird nest from Fu hua.

i cook bird nest almost everyday for my wife..

i break 1 bird nest into half and boil and eat 2 times. eg evening and tomorrow morning.

so should i continue?


oh yes! my mother in law bought me some wulu brand from msia before. no label no nothing. and the taste was just not to my likely. one bite of it and i ask my hubby finish for me. :X

i've been drinking products from huiji for about a year plus already. got recommanded to huiji by my relatives. and so far it's good . so i guess i'm sticking to them for now.

the nestural birdnest is good but i have to keep reminding myself that everything must be taken in moderation. :wong19:

yes dear, everything in moderation please.

nestural may be good but i dont think you should drink it everyday.

once every few days should be fine especially if you're pregnant now.


my wife now 4mth pregnant.

i get the bird nest from Fu hua.

i cook bird nest almost everyday for my wife..

i break 1 bird nest into half and boil and eat 2 times. eg evening and tomorrow morning.

so should i continue?
hi there steven.

i dont think you should be cooking bird nest for your wife everyday.

two three times a week should be alright.
yes dear, everything in moderation please.

nestural may be good but i dont think you should drink it everyday.

once every few days should be fine especially if you're pregnant now.
yes. nestural may be good but moderation is the key to good health.

i believe everything must be taken in moderation. even tho it's calling out to me to eat it. :wong19:


New Member
I also buy the concentrated bird's nest from Lo Hang Ka... Only need to take 1 tsp in the morn before breakfast and one tsp before bedtime. I was told to mix it in warm water before drinking because the bird's nest is stored in the fridge so it is cold. I think it's not bird's nest but cold stuff that causes asthma in babies. So, do avoid all cold drinks during pregnancy! My friend had bird's nest throughout her pregnancy and her baby has really fair and smooth skin. Not sure if it's due to the bird's nest but no harm taking it since it's only 1 spoonful a day I suppose?


My fil bought the bird nest frm yu ren sheng n my mil will mk it once a mth for me n my hubby. Baby deziree as wat u c when she come out fair n smooth ^^