breastfeeding every hour at night


some nights my son wants to be fed every hour for consecutively, 3-4 hrs. i.e 12am to 3am. its very tiring for me and he will scream non-stop if I don't latch him on.
Is he just suckling for comfort or he experiencing a growing spurt? or that I don't have enough milk for him?? (@.@) how do I know which is it?? :07:
every 3 hour should be still ok gua... anyway, u can try to give pacifier if u wan to cal him down cox mayb he js wan to suck sth.. if he still keep crying after u give him pacifier, after hug n pat etc, then i think he is crying for milk..


my gal used to be like that too but i realised that she just like latching on for comfort and not so much if hunger. But i think your milk flow should be sufficient if in the day, you did not face the same problem.


every 3 hour should be still ok gua... anyway, you can try to give pacifier if you want to cal him down cox mayb he js want to suck something.. if he still keep crying after you give him pacifier, after hug n pat etc, then i think he is crying for milk..
its every hour not every 3 hrs (>.<) hug him he will still cry, give pacifier also spit out, then give him ebm drink already less than half hour cry again really out of my wits..


my gal used to be like that too but i realised that she just like latching on for comfort and not so much if hunger. But i think your milk flow should be sufficient if in the day, you did not face the same problem.
morning still ok, the most 2hrs he wants to feed again. but i thought if suckling for comfort he will not drink the milk but milk will drip out? will he not overfed?
so how do you manage your gal last time? just let her suck? like that suck for 3 hrs not tired?
its every hour not every 3 hours (>.<) hug him he will still cry, give pacifier also spit out, then give him ebm drink already less than half hour cry again really out of my wits..
unfortunately i think some babies are just like that. my son was exactly what you described. in the day, he will want to latch every 1.5hrs to 2 hrs. and when he was young, he would stay stuck on my breast for 45mins min each time. sounded crazy and no one believed it. only my mom and husband because they saw it for themselves! haha! but they will eventually outgrow it, although my son still wakes up in the night and calls out 'mama' / 'papa depending on his mood. i tell myself he will outgrow it as he grows older (i don't imagine i will still have to go to him when he's 20 years old! haha!) try to get as much rest over the weekends as possible. and schedule off days to rest (even half day can do miracle! :) )


my gal used to suck and stop but really like to latch on but i curb her because didn't want this to become a habit and then both of us will be really tired. Normailly babies will know when they are full and stop sucking. How much ebm does your baby drink in the day? Generally should be about 90ml to 100ml. For my boy now 3 mths plus, he drank 120ml FM every 3 hours when he was 1 month old.


New Member
My son went through a period of demanding hourly feeds but was in the day. Luckily it was a short phase. But I did read about babies wanting to comfort suck too, observe your babe and see if that's the case. If not, pray that it's a passing phase :)


my gal used to suck and stop but really like to latch on but i curb her because didn't want this to become a habit and then both of us will be really tired. Normailly babies will know when they are full and stop sucking. How much ebm does your baby drink in the day? Generally should be about 90ml to 100ml. For my boy now 3 mths plus, he drank 120ml FM every 3 hours when he was 1 month old.
My son went through a period of demanding hourly feeds but was in the day. Luckily it was a short phase. But I did read about babies wanting to comfort suck too, observe your babe and see if that's the case. If not, pray that it's a passing phase :)
he drank about 110ml in the evening when my hubby is at home to bottle feed him, in the mornings no idea cause i always latch him on since i m alone. but i not sure whether he is comfort sucking or not cause can see his jaws moving but sometimes the milk will drip out from side, don't know he is drinking or is just sucking but is full.. hopefully is comfort suck but not not enough milk:wong13:


New Member
he drank about 110ml in the evening when my hubby is at home to bottle feed him, in the mornings no idea cause i always latch him on since i m alone. but i not sure whether he is comfort sucking or not cause can see his jaws moving but sometimes the milk will drip out from side, dont't know he is drinking or is just sucking but is full.. hopefully is comfort suck but not not enough milk:wong13:
Just noticed your baby is 1 mth plus, my son wanted to be fed hourly at the same period but as mentioned, was in the day. When I bottle fed him, it's about 3oz, just like yours :)
Hopefully, its really a passing phase like mine. Jia you! Jia you!


Just noticed your baby is 1 month plus, my son wanted to be fed hourly at the same period but as mentioned, was in the day. When I bottle fed him, it's about 3oz, just like yours :)
Hopefully, its really a passing phase like mine. Jia you! Jia you!
icic thanks.
i hope so, now every night very scare he will like that. if not enuff milk i dunhave fm at home


New Member
At first, I also thought is it I not enough milk and my mother-in-law also asked if is the milk too "thin" but I'm glad to say my son is on bf exclusively for a year already :)


Active Member
hi, i think you can find out wether your child is overfed or just comfort suckling by looking at his/her wet diaper...if your baby often poop/alot of pee then tat means you're overfeeding and maybe he just want a comfort suckling..

so may want to get your baby a pacifier and hv to make him/her get used to the pacifier need time to feel comfort from suckling pacifier coz ofcoz mother's breast is the most comfort for them.

if you're against paficier, then maybe you could teach your baby to suck his/her own thumb? hehe...coz maybe your baby just dun like plastic taste haha.

tat what i do to my 1st daughter..she dun like pacifier..and always want to find comfort i intro her to her own thumb... but the bad thing is, now she's 2 yo and i hv to wean her from her habbit sucking her thumb.:embarrassed:


hi, i think you can find out wether your child is overfed or just comfort suckling by looking at his/her wet diaper...if your baby often poop/alot of pee then that means you're overfeeding and maybe he just want a comfort suckling..

so may want to get your baby a pacifier and have to make him/her get used to the pacifier need time to feel comfort from suckling pacifier coz ofcoz mother's breast is the most comfort for them.

if you're against paficier, then maybe you could teach your baby to suck his/her own thumb? hehe...coz maybe your baby just dont like plastic taste haha.

that what i do to my 1st daughter..she dont like pacifier..and always want to find comfort i intro her to her own thumb... but the bad thing is, now she's 2 yo and i have to wean her from her habbit sucking her thumb.:embarrassed:
icic, how much pooping or peeing is too much? coz using diaper, so quite hard to track pees as well.
i'm not against pacifier but he just won't take it
icic, how much pooping or peeing is too much? coz using diaper, so quite hard to track pees as well.
i'm not against pacifier but he just won't take it
you can try to touch the diaper see whether wet/heavy or not lo..

mayb ur baby stll not used/don know how to suck the pacifier, you can gently keep on put in his mouth and move move a while let him learn to suck.. or tap tap at his lips before put in (he might thought is milk bottle or ur nipple) then might open mouth and like wan to suck ...


you can try to touch the diaper see whether wet/heavy or not ..

mayb your baby stll not used/dont know how to suck the pacifier, you can gently keep on put in his mouth and move move a while let him learn to suck.. or tap tap at his lips before put in (he might thought is milk bottle or your nipple) then might open mouth and like want to suck ...
i think he is not pooping or peeing excessively, about 5, 6 diaper change daily. He got put the pacifier into his mouth and but after 1, 2 sucks always spit out, i tried a lot of times, I think he just doesn't like it... :wefrown:


New Member
my baby likes to latch on just to fall asleep too. she will drink when feeding time for 10 min then burp her for another 15 min then she will drink again for another 10 min then burp again another 15-20 min.

by then, she sleepy but need to change diaper cos she always feed and poo at the same time. but after changing diaper, she can't fall asleep liao so need to latch on to fall asleep again. so now i let her fall asleep after the second 10 min, until she really deep sleep then change her diaper. if dun change diaper, scared will get nappy rash.

anyone got better sugg to cut short this process? or are all babies like that????:swoon:


my daughter has turned 1 year old but she is still up for feeding ard every 2 hours.. so she'll wake up at least 3 times every night. just brought her to the pd yesterday and he was saying i can and should stop night feedings soon. he said there must be a time to stop, some mums would stop at 6 months, 12 months, 18 months etc.. actually i'm ok with latching on at night coz i'll fall asleep quite easily but i'm concerned abt tooth decay.. (though she has only 3 teeth now)

he did say i could offer her water instead of latching on (but she does not drink from bottle) and try to lengthen the time between feeds.. also, he said i could feed her 3 meals of porridge... (right now, she has two meals a day).. but all in all, i think she just latches on for comfort.. like some mummies, i tried to carry her instead of feeding but she still needs to latch on else she'll scream and shout very loudly.. that's the dilemma...


Then how,bibiluvr? Any advice?
My son is 9.5mths old,been waking up for night feeds about 3-4 times every night. I believe that he's sucking for comfort. Tried pacifier,water or milk in bottle which he refuses all and cries till I latch him. No patting or carrying works either. Really really hope to wean him cos it's affecting my work and health...I used to be the kind who needs 8 hours of sleep,really miss those zzz....

Mummy to Baby V

Well-Known Member
My boy used to breastfeed for comfort up to 10 times a night, from 4 months old. We ended up co-sleeping to facilitate his sucking so that we can all sleep better.

He can be carried and bounced to sleep but in the middle of the night, only wanted to latch on when changing sleep cycle every few hours.

He rejected the pacifier too.

At 18 months old, he finally started sleeping through the night after I tried many methods over many months. You can read about our journey at Sleep | Mummy's Reviews

All the best! :)