Can i eat grapes?


There are some conflicting comments about eating grapes during pregnancy, which I read online. Anyone knows if it is safe to consume grapes during pregnancy?


i had a miscarriage back in apr and was following strict confinement diet, which got me into serious constipation and excruciating anal tears and piles. The diet has indeed not helped me, but harmed me, and also i was in so much pains, went to so many doctors, almost ended up in surgery before it finally calmed down after 5 months, and ttc now.

Thus, my suggestion to you is to eat all things with moderation. Fruits are nutritious, they won't and shouldn't harm. I once asked my gynae if i could eat pineapple, he said "why not? Do you know you can only get contractions from it unless you eat a truck load of it?"


I agree. More fruit is helpful for pregnancy you bought rotten grapes. Don't eat any. lolll...Just a joke. No worries. Having the right amount is good for you.


I ate grapes quite often during my gynae say its fine to take fruits so i took different kind of fruits throughout the 9mths.:)


you can help yourself by adding fiber into your diet by eating bulk foods such as bran, raw vegetables and fruits, or high fiber cereals daily. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water per day can also aid you in passing tools through your intestines. (find via google)

For me, banana works well and drink more water. hope it will help you.


you can help yourself by adding fiber into your diet by eating bulk foods such as bran, raw vegetables and fruits, or high fiber cereals daily. Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water per day can also aid you in passing tools through your intestines. (find via google)

For me, banana works well and drink more water. hope it will help you.
I was eating banana previously but was told by my aunt not to take those big long banana. Cos its too cooling. The small ones, like those they use in goreng pisang is ok. Not sure if there is truth to it?


it's not true rukia. As my gynae said, unless u eat a truckload of it. Anyway, only eat ripe bananas as green / unripe bananas can cause constipation.


I was eating banana previously but was told by my aunt not to take those big long banana. Cos its too cooling. The small ones, like those they use in goreng pisang is ok. Not sure if there is truth to it?
I don't know if it is truth, but I really eat big long ones.
You'd better see a doctor now, my advice. Maybe drugs can help you if you still suffer from serious constipation. Hope it has gone.


I have been eating lotsa yogurt, fruits (apples, papaya, grapes, prunes) and some veggies.

When it still doesnt help, taking fybogel (given the clear by my gynae) :)

Will constipation pose a problem throughout pregnancy? Or only during the inital months?


My constipation is due to multi vitamin as it contain iron. Gynae alrdy pre warn me that so advise if constipation then take multi vit alternate day.


Active Member
my friend has been eating frozen yogurt with an assortment of fresh fruits throughout her pregnancy for her dosage of fresh fruits. her pregnancy was smooth sailing and her boy is an angel. i guess if eat in moderation should be fine.


I have been eating lotsa yogurt, fruits (apples, papaya, grapes, prunes) and some veggies.

When it still doesnt help, taking fybogel (given the clear by my gynae) :)

Will constipation pose a problem throughout pregnancy? Or only during the inital months?

Hi Rukai,

I also had the problem with constipation. So I try to eat fruits such as oranges, sunkist, cherry and grapes. But one thing I notice that after taking the marternal milk from Dumax every morning, the constipation is gone. I don't like milk but now I try to drink one glass a day for the breakfast. Previously, my mom is sending me from oversea and the other day, I also found it from NTUC fair price. May be you can try it too.
Mamil® Mama Maternal Milk (For Pregnant & Lactating Mothers) which includes Immunoforce™, a proven prebiotic blend (GOS & lcFOS) which promotes the growth of good bifidus bacteria to help maintain a healthy digestive system.
Maternal Milk



Active Member
Hi Rukai,

I also had the problem with constipation. So I try to eat fruits such as oranges, sunkist, cherry and grapes. But one thing I notice that after taking the marternal milk from Dumax every morning, the constipation is gone. I don't like milk but now I try to drink one glass a day for the breakfast. Previously, my mom is sending me from oversea and the other day, I also found it from NTUC fair price. May be you can try it too.
Mamil® Mama Maternal Milk (For Pregnant & Lactating Mothers) which includes Immunoforce™, a proven prebiotic blend (GOS & lcFOS) which promotes the growth of good bifidus bacteria to help maintain a healthy digestive system.
Maternal Milk

hi Julia, does the milk help with nausea?


hi Julia, does the milk help with nausea?
Hi Felicity,

No. Not exactly.
But for me, I got nausea and vomit when I'm hungry. So I would eat cracker and drink small amount of milk instead of gulping... It helps from not vomitting.
For relieving the nausea , try to eat before you get hungry, eat some fruits or drink fruit juices, take vitmines B-6 (need to check with your gynae if she already given you or if you need more), take more rest :)


There are some conflicting comments about eating grapes during pregnancy, which I read online. Anyone knows if it is safe to consume grapes during pregnancy?
I do eat a variety of fruits like apple, oranges, grapes, bananas, dragon fruits, durians depend on my craving. -) I believe moderation is the KEY.


my mum also told me not to eat so much grapes, oranges, banana cos these will cause phlegm to me and the baby in future.. since I'm pregnant for 26 weeks, I kept away from grapes, banana, water melon and pineapple..

however, I do eat red apples, pear, honeydew, dragon fruit, payaya and rockmelon..I only had mild constipation in my 1st trimester.. so far until now everything's still okay (touchwood!).. for juices, I only drink red apple juice and some times Pink Guava juice (Marigold) and Orange juice (Sunkist)..