Did you shave your baby's head?

Did you shave your baby's head?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 60.0%
  • No

    Votes: 11 31.4%
  • Not yet but intend to

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
HEHEE let me join in the fun :

Babers foto at 5months and at 4months: (We shaved at 4m and at 5m) :p
so baber shave his hair every mth??? i going to shave my boy this coming sat.. so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha!


my galgal also has thick black hair, all ask me dun shave, juz trim off a lil at the ears there at 1mth, so it will not itch her ear..


Active Member
i envy ppl with daughters.. Can doll them up..

Yalorr..think better dunnshave, next yr cny can put hair clips etc
my galgal also has thick black hair, all ask me dont shave, just trim off a lil at the ears there at 1mth, so it will not itch her ear..


the photos of the babies are so cuteeee.... :)

thks mummies, for sharing your experiences...

i m still struggling whether to shave not, cos she got cradle cap, and it does not seems to be getting beta even with the cradle cap shampoo and olive oil... or is it this is norm???

how long will the cradle cap be here anyway??


Well-Known Member
didnt shave for pin, couldnt bear to! she had such thick, soft hair. only trim abit on n off. :)


so baber shave his hair every month??? i going to shave my boy this coming sat.. so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha!
ya when he was a baby, we actually shaved his eyebrows oso :p

now is put a comb on his head and shave lols~~~ so at least got 5mm of hair :p


my galgal also has thick black hair, all ask me dont shave, just trim off a lil at the ears there at 1mth, so it will not itch her ear..
ya i dink for baby girls beta dun shave~~

so their hair will be more fine when they grow up :001_302:

too bad i dun hab a girl :(


I brought my boy to shave off his hair at 1mth coz his head dropping, then in front have a "M" shape like old man...hahah
I find him cuter w/o hair! We shave his hair in Jul, hoping by CNY next year will grow out nicely!
Ya, his eyebrows are shaved too coz my mum say by shaving eyebrows, he will not want whatever other people have in future!


Well-Known Member
chelle mummy and cancanmum, did ur boys' eyebrow become nicer aft shaving? how ur shave their eyebrow?

wanna shave ds's eyebrow too but my mum & hubby strongly disagree... my mum said v dangerous and ds v 'ka chew jian' and hubby is afraid the eyebrow wont grow again...


chelle mummy and cancanmum, did your boys' eyebrow become nicer after shaving? how your shave their eyebrow?

wanna shave dear son's eyebrow too but my mum & hubby strongly disagree... my mum said very dangerous and dear son very 'ka chew jian' and hubby is afraid the eyebrow wont grow again...
i brought him to a hairdresser dwnstairs my hse, the lady use a small shaver to shave off the eyebrows. We were scared too, my hubby n mum was holding his head throughout but luckily the lady was very fast!

Now my boy 4 mths, can see eyebrows growing out!


I brought my boy to shave off his hair at 1mth coz his head dropping, then in front have a "M" shape like old man...hahah
I find him cuter w/o hair! We shave his hair in Jul, hoping by CNY next year will grow out nicely!
Ya, his eyebrows are shaved too coz my mum say by shaving eyebrows, he will not want whatever other people have in future!
chelle babe, can i know what does tis mean? :001_302:


chelle mummy and cancanmum, did your boys' eyebrow become nicer after shaving? how your shave their eyebrow?

wanna shave dear son's eyebrow too but my mum & hubby strongly disagree... my mum said very dangerous and dear son very 'ka chew jian' and hubby is afraid the eyebrow wont grow again...
to be frank we only shaved once during 4months, after that nebber do it anymore......and honestly speaking, it does not look any difference to me lorrrr....lols~~~

but if in photo in the bifdae ticker u can @@ his eyebrows means its quite noticable laaa....lols~~~:p


Erm, how to say, is old wives tales , means he will not see other people have what then he also want (eg Cousin have PSP or new toys, then he also want?)
oOOrrhs i seee

baber will see other toys and oso want

but his wants are not berri strong, meaning easily distracted...lols.....by FOOD :p

give him a chocolate bar, he can forget EVERYTHING lols~~~:p


Well-Known Member
I find this shaving head n eyebrow thingy quite interesting.Dont have it in my customs.It is unheard of actually..hahha.Northern indian babies have thick hair n eyebrows when they r born n they never do fall off so i am pretty lucky.I wld be mortified if someone shaves my baby's head!!Even if its a custom..this is one tht i wld definately not be following!!


Well-Known Member
i'm thinkin whether to shave my girl head too. she gt lots of hair n everyone say very nice. but she pespire a lot n keep scratchin n pullin her hair. i wonder shld i shave her head... wat do u all think??