Did you shave your baby's head?

Did you shave your baby's head?

  • Yes

    Votes: 21 60.0%
  • No

    Votes: 11 31.4%
  • Not yet but intend to

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters


New Member
my daughter is going to be 4 months old and my mil keeps nagging me to shave my daughter's hair away once she's 4mths.
iim very reluctant bcos until now she still have very nice soft hair compared to most babies who will drop hair till almost bald.
my hubby did helped me by telling her that my mom didnt shave my hair when ii was born,only trim (which was true). and her reply was "my family different. baby's hair must shave one."
any advice on how to convince my mil not to shave my daughter's hair?


its normal for baby to drop their hair after 3months plus onwards, whether u shave their hair anot. i shave my daughter hair because we use the hair to do "mao bi" n also shave her hair for thicker hair thats what the folks believe which i got no issue on that. nowadays is normal not to shave baby hair coz i do have friends who doesnt shave their baby hair but just cut one small part of hair for safe keeping n also consider it as shave hair already. maybe u can try this method? just say ur side don't like baby shave hair so to compromise maybe just cut of one small portion of her hair