EDD Apr 2013

Hi autumnfall, tomatoning.. this is the prob bugging me too! yes I also have yellowish discharge and sometimes a bit greenish...should be vaginal infection cos I used to have it before I was pregnant. Read somewhere that pregnant ladies even more susceptible to it. I asked ny gynae he said if it's not painful then he won't give me any medication but just monitor the situation...dun think it will affect the bb just that v uncomfortable...

I try to take yakult everyday and eat less sweet things cos yeast grows on sugar

Hi alag! Welcome to this thread :) by 8 weeks shld be able to detect heartbeat!


New Member
Re: Hello! First time mummy here!

Hi gal, u shod be able to detect e heart beat at 6 weeks! Btw my edd is 27 April!


Morning all! How exciting! I can't wait.

I was skimming through the thread and I feel better to know that everyone is having their morning sickness around this stage too. It gets extreme for me. I can't keep dinner down. But I have to ask, can you all sleep through the night? I keep waking up and can't find a comfortable position. Also, I have a headache that doesn't go away. It is even there as I wake up! :(
Good morning all...it's the start of a new week..to all working mums, hope u all have a smooth sailing week.

The day didn't start out well for me, I got a seat in the mrt but suddenly felt breathlessness and then dizziness..almost wanted to puke in the train ! Anyone got dizzy spells too? Felt so terrible... :(


Good morning all!

I went my 10 weeks check up last saturday and saw baby's little hands/legs (not in full form thou.haha!). Gynae said his/her heartbeat is strong and am so happy to know that baby is growing well :)
From the first visit till now, I was prescribed with Duphaston & Folic Acid. I asked him about vitamins and calcium, was told these can only be taken after 12 weeks as these may cause nausea and vomit if taken during first trim... So I guess why some of you took and feel nausea after?

We are asked if wanna take Oscar scan when in 12-13weeks. Anyone intending to take? This is to check if baby has down syndrome or not (about 85% accuracy).. My gynae charged $220 for this.


Littlebluecinders, i get the dizzy spells too and I end up having to stop and throw up. My husband says my body always takes things to extreme.

I have started carrying a little bottle of lavender oil and "Feng you" hoping one would help with the nausea, dizziness and headaches.


Oh dear Littlebluecinders, do take care! Try not to have an empty stomach. I find that I tend to feel weak in general n nauseous when I have an empty stomach.

Yes, my gynae also mentioned that taking the prenatal suppplements during first trimester might trigger ms in some pple..

Hi Xiuxiu, congrats! Did u scan on d tummy or v scan? I will be taking d Oscar in my 12th week. No choice cos of my age.. Higher risk of ds.


Hi MrsS! What is very scan huh?
But he scanned on my tummy on every visit. :)

Oh ok.. I am still deciding whether to take the oscar scan or not.
Thanks for the tips alag and MrsS... think maybe cos I din eat anything before going out of the house this morning.. could be low blood sugar...felt much better after eating breakfast :D

Hi xiuxiu, I tink I will do the Oscar scan just to be on the safe side...


Hihi all and welcome all new mummies to be! Our little forum group is growing! :))

I had very bad ms started week 6 and it seems to subside a little now (m week 10). Despite bad ms, my gynae started me on prenatal vitamins already. He didn't mention ms will become worse after taking vitamins (maybe he thought my ms very jialat already and can't be worse so started me on the vitamins anyway? Haha.) Anyway, so far the ms didn't worsen/become better. Am still puking at least once a day n giddy spells abt twice/thrice a day.

I also have white/clear discharge, recently it seems to be heavier. Read that it becomes heavier further into the pregnancy as it's our body's way of protecting us from infection. Am not too sure abt the colour and what it means tho. But I think the strip we urine on at some clinics is to check for sugar level n not infection. Better to check with gynae on infection?

Gynae mentioned a blood test in week 12. Is that the Oscar test u ladies r referring to? :)

Xiuxiu - think Mrss meant vaginal scan when she said v scan. Mine has always been vaginal scan instead of tummy. :)


Hi MrsS! What is very scan huh?
But he scanned on my tummy on every visit. :)

Oh ok.. I am still deciding whether to take the oscar scan or not.
Opps... Sorry! My post is full of typo error hehe..
I meant v(aginal) scan....
N high risk of ds.... (down sym)
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Oscar test involves a blood test n a NT test ( measuring the amount of fluid behind the fetus' neck)
Normally done at week 12...


Haha it's the new age woes! Autocorrect to blame but not in this case tho coz the 'very' actually came from xiuxiu who assumed v=very! :p

So I suppose the blood test gynae was talking about referred to the Oscar test...thanks!

Opps... Sorry! My post is full of typo error hehe..
I meant v(aginal) scan....
N high risk of ds.... (down sym)
I don't know why the system keep changing my words... :(


Lol! Oh.. vaginal scan. No worries, sometimes my phone also auto change my words to other words. -.-

Oh, he did tummy scan.. no vaginal scan..

Yup. He did mention that if we take up Oscar scan, will take with blood test too.

Pigletbao, I'm in wk 10 too.. ms no subside too:( will puke once a day and sometimes will have sudden headache.. and tongue same thing, so tasteless.

Last night Vomited and felt something stuck in my throat after that. Till now still feel something is there but better. Not that uncomfortable already...
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Hi all I was prescribed prenatal vitamins and Calcium pills at week 7 and I'm currently week 9. I realized these medicines made me nauseous but I still take them cuz I believe it helps in baby growth. Mum says it causes constipation, I'm not constipated though...

Anyway, I realized after I have gotten used to these pills, like after Arnd 2 weeks, I feel better, not that nausea and uncomfortable anymore. So, I guess it's jus a passing phase lol...

Oh ya my tummy kinda bloated now, especially these few days... Have u ladies shown any physical change? Like even a teeny weeny bit? My boobs certainly expanded lol... Thought of buying maternity bras but is it time to invest yet? Cuz im only like 9 weeks and some of my bras Aldy can't fit... Experienced mummies, when is usually the time to invest in maternity bras and panties? I feel like buying now but afraid it's still too early...
Hi littlebluecinder, I got the light headedness yesterday night. Suddenly feel my entire head numbness, and couldn't sleep the entire night. So tiring today at work...

Hi alag, welcome. I can't sleep through the night cause I keep waking up to visit the toilet. I read somewhere that the best sleeping position is on your left hand side. It will also makes your blood flow to your heart better. And it's good for baby development.
Hi xiuxiu, I will be doing my Oscar scan in 2 weeks time, I think it's safer, perhaps my kiasu-ness. Anyway, my Oscar scan is about $470 with a blood test at TMC. Omg, I think I am being over-charged.


New Member
wow this thread is moving so fast! trying to catch up. hehe. started my job last monday. am glad and lucky to have a understanding boss. but this job quite stressful. hope i am able to survive. hehe

currently in my 9 weeks plus. another 3 more weeks before my gynae visit and oscar scan! so very long. hehe

we are moving towards 2nd tri soon! jiayou!