EDD April 2011


Hi Huafen,

blocked nose is terrible sia.. hard to breathe..

i do feel body temp higher.. but not hot. hehe.

do u all got baby bump already? heee


i feel abit breathless when i walk fast and talk at the same time. and my nose is like perpertually blocked 24/7! the haze is just making things worse...
i feel slight pain near my pelvic bone last 2 nights.. i guess my uterus stretching?

as for feeling warmer.. i dont really feel so. cos' i am always afraid of cold rather than heat. i still wear jackets n cardigans daily when everyone else is feeling warm haha.


oh my bump is up! can see quite clearly and it is getting bigger!
i think it started showing around 14 weeks. quite early i think.

i officially discard my working pants and moved on to maternity pants and tights. tights are so comfy now and cost only $10 from cotton on!


ya~ i feel breathless when walking and talking. haha. so now cant talk to much..

i got bump too.. but looks more like fat.. haha.. doest look preggy..


Yup my bottoms all can't wear le. My bump also coming out le. Like ariesgirl mentioned look more like fat than preggy. Hate taking mrt to work coz it's quite pack n sacred ppl bumped into my stomach.


gotta be careful when in crowded places. when i board crowded buses also vv scare, must be careful..

usually i tend to walk vv fast, now just slowly take my time to walk...

anyway shall go baby expo fair see see this weekend!
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Good morning!

I went to the expo baby fair last wk. Like nutin much. Just bought a bottle brush a bunny top..

anyone went for scan on week 16 onwards? able to see gender? i gg for my checkup this sat.. hope to be able to see the gender by den. =)



hi ariesgirl, yes i went for scan last saturday. was very excited cos i thought can find out bb's gender.. but turned out, same as last time!!
gynae told me should be girl.. but there's still this tiny thing sticking out between the legs, yet gynae says its too small to confirm its THAT thing or not!! so i got to wait till my detailed scan nx mth!
another month of waiting...

i went expo fair, bought quite a fair bit of clothes but all white or light blue colour cos still dont know bb's gender.. so i scolded bb.. "see lah.. if u let mummy know ur gender i can buy more.. and nicer colours.." hahaha.


wow. i guess i wont pin too much hope on my this week scan too. :(

yar agreed with the gender den can buy more things.. saw a lot of pink ones, very cute but stopped myself from buying. haha


Hi ladies, I juz came back from KK 24hr clinic coz had some pain during walking. Abit worried n went to check. Nothing bad. Onli suspect it's my muscle pull haiz. Now walk very very slow. Juz ask the doctor in charge. Gender can be more clearly seen at 20 weeks. I now is in 17 weeks. Going to see my gynae this Friday. Hope he is able to see abit. Excited. If not I have to wait another one more mth.


New Member
Dear Mummies....

Hihi.. I'm new here!!! My EDD is also early April 2011.

Just went Gynae last week to scan for the gender. There's something in between!!! My Hubby was so happy!!!!

Guess your will be able to see soon.

May i know is there anyone getting confinement lady? Any good recommendation?

Thanks thanks


hi huafen, i hope u're feeling better.. is it still painful when u walk? if so, better to rest in bed more till u feel more comfortable!
Bigtummy, welcome to the club :) congrats to u having a baby boy! i'm not getting any CL cos' my mum and my MIL will be helping me out and cooking for me.


huafen, do rest more.. ya.. must learn to walk slower and relax. hehe.must always remind ourselves to slow down.

welcome big tummy! congrats on ur baby boy! hehe.. can start looking out for baby stuff ya.

i am engaging a CL...coz dun think my mum able to take the work load..and my MIL stayiing quite far. although i dun feel comfy with a CL at home but i think she will be able to teach me how to take care of the bb also. hehe.


Thanks luvjoanne n ariesgirl. I feeling much better now. Luckily my work dun require me to walk alot. :)

Bigtummy congrats to u! It's a boy. So envy that u able to see the gender. Hope I can see mine this Friday too. :)
now u can shop around for clothes. :)


Hi mommies, I m now in my 16wks, my 1st EDD is on 08 Apr 2011, 2nd EDD on 04 Apr, latest EDD on 14 Apr...because everytime went for scan doc gave me diff EDD ...been suffering from MS since wk 5/6 but now is getting better....Planning to deliver at Mt A..... I cant wait to see my lil baby ..... :)


Hi MTBs, I'm also in my 16-17wks~ Finally the next check-up is here tomorrow. Excited yet nervous since this is quite some time since my last gynae visit. And during this gap I have been coping better with MS and eating less carefully and sleeping late. Somehow get very restless and don't want to sleep early :embarrassed:

Hope to see gender, most impt baby is healthy but also hope hubby will see the gender he is hoping for ~

Also, I have been getting round ligament pains and cramps now and then.. think my work requires me to walk around too much =( How much weight have you all gained so far?

Want to ask if you all are starting to wear maternity clothes, maternity belt and maternity lingerie? Any brands or shops to recommend to buy them from?

Thanks much!!


hi mama_aki, i hope u get to see your bb's gender! same goes to Huafen who is gg for her checkup too :p too bad i have to wait till 5 months detailed scan then i'll know.

i bought only 1 pair of maternity pants, and was very happy when i bought it cos' i can finally have a comfortable pair of working pants. turned out to be, the pants too loose for me as tummy still small, and although there is this adjustable hook there, and i have adjusted till the smallest size, my pants still so loose when i walked! so i guess i have to wait awhile more before i can fit nicely into it. meanwhile, my fav wear is tights and babydoll tops (which i have plenty). i got my pants from Spring maternity.

i have gained less than 2 kg till now.. what abt u? i am happy with my weight gain, hope it goes up slowly.. cos i am afraid that it might shoot up at last trimester.


kchiah > hehe my EDD is one day later den you. although the last checkup i went, gynae said the EDD should be ard 12th Apr. but she said plus minus 5 days is okie.. =)

mama_aki > i am going for my checkup tml also.. hope to see the gender also. coz i cant wait to buy some stuff for the baby. hehe.

i have started wearing maternity bottoms (adjust to the smallest). coz it makes me feels more comfy. as for bras, i am putting on extension 1st. btw, can consider buying tights like what luvjoanne mentioned. =) can get from cotton on (2 for $20).

from the last checkup i did not put on weight. but this time i tink sure shoot up.. gotta check with gynae what is the recommended weight gain.. haha..


Hihi I juz went for my check up yd but little disappointment as I still can't see the gender. Same as luvjoanne have to wait till my 5 mths detailed check. Ai yo still need to wait another 3 weeks more.

I also have some pains around my tummy. Asked my gynae abt it, he asked me not to worry as our tummy is expanding for space for our growing bb. Buy if u all have more concerns on the pain u can get advise from ur gynae.

I started to wear maternity pants. More comfortable. :) I bought from OIO maternity. Now still got sales going on.