EDD April 2011


Oh I also have gain less than 2kg  but heard from my friend who had give birth says it's normal now but from 3rd trimster onwards the gain will be faster.

Do u all manage to feel abit of bb movement? Sometimes I get to feel it  it's amazing feel. Yd do scanning also can see bb actively moving. After tat feel so relieved n happy.


Hi MTBs,

went for my checkup today.. Gynae said is a boy.. (99% confirmed) haha. coz we saw something in between..

anyway i gonna wait till detailed scan next mth before starting to buy clothes for the baby.. (just in case).

put on weight.. (2kgs since last checkup), gynae asked me to reduce carbo intake..

anyway, vv impt to drink milk! mummies, rem to drink more milk ya. =)


Hihi ariesgirl,

Congrats! So sad mine still can't see. Have to wait till next mth my detailed scan. I gain quite little.

Yup agreed! I almost everyday drink milk. It's impt to take more calcium.


hello huafen, we're in the same situation.. must wait till detailed scan then can confirm bb's gender. but it's okay lah, as long as bb is healthy and growing :)

ariesgirl, congrats to having a boy! ur hubby must be very happy!

have u all started buying baby's things? i bought the avent steriliser from the philip carnival sale, at $129 and quite a few freebies thrown in and i thought it was a good deal. also bought some rompers, pyjamas, milk bottles, teats etc for bb. started looking at prams and cots but wont be getting that till after CNY i guess.


thanks Huafen & Luvjoanne!

i bought the pigeon sterilzer quite long ago.. with bottles, warmer and other littles thing include. but cost me $199.. ( i tot it was a rush buy) haha.

i heard philip sales was good but din go coz din have the time.

i am looking for cots too.. maybe u can consider getting during xmas period. see got offers ant..


New Member
Hihi... :)

I haven yet to purchase any maturity wear, think is rather pricey. Still wearing my doll dress. But think will start to look out, cos colleague comment that my that my tummy so big!!!! Think is more of fat.. heehee.. Any good sale going on?

Think your may want to go and check out the exchange or buy/sell forum.Just visited, notice really got some offer.

Cos baby outgrow super fast!!

MTBs, please help to look out if your hav good recommendation for CL. Cos really worry to find last minute and yet not good...:embarrassed:

Going for my last holiday soon. so happy!! but also worry, cos is cold country where temp is between 1-10 degree.

Take ya!!


Hi bigtummy,

u can try cotton on.. (2 tights at $20), (2 tops at $30 bucks).
I bought some maternity tops and pants at Perfect mum.. nice but quite exp loh.

u can also consider uniqlo..

wah so good still gg holiday.. wher u gg? i planning to go during maternity leave.


ariesgirl, i also bought my pants from cotton on and uniqlo! haha.
tights are 2 for $20 from cotton on and pants (like jeans like that.. with rubber waistband and drawstring) $39.90 from uniqlo. i love the uniqlo pants!

bigtummy, where are u gg? hubby says wanna go for another short trip but i had a very disastrous trip last month at krabi which really frighten me that i do not dare to travel now that i'm preggy. i had to be admitted to their local hospital cos of UTI and now i got travelling phobia :\

yesterday someone gave up her seat to me on the train.. haha. guess my tummy is really obvious. oh ya, suddenly i seem to put on weight faster and faster. for the past 1 week, i put on 0.5kg-1kg. i hope the weight gain can slow down!
Hi all Mummies to be,

Went for my scan today, am 17 wks + 2. Dr say 90% is a girl... But unfortunately found out i have gestational diabetes. Also did some other blood tests. How have all of you been feeling lately? My nausea has stopped but other stuff like backaches, indigestion and fatigue come at 1 time...


Hi all,

I also going to grab somemore clothes over this weekends.

Wow bigtummy, so gd u going for holiday. I guess like ariesgirl, I will onli travel when I doing my ML :)

So far still no one gives up seat at mrt for me. 1sr is too crowded to notice mi 2nd may be I look fat rather than preggy.clothes over this weekends.

Oh applebreeze, pls take care u muz take note of ur food intake. Can't take too saltish or too sweet food. I going for my blood test 2 weeks later. Also quite sacred.


hi MTBs,

how many blood tests are you going for? i went once during the oscar check in week 12.. after that gynae never ask me go blood test..

the next one will be detailed scanning..


New Member
Hi Applebreeze, What test did you go that found out the result? Don't worry so much. Take care of the food intake :)
I’m similar to ariesgirl where we did the Oscar test in week 12. Unfortunely , my result for Oscar test not so fantastic, thus to play safe, went for the amino. Result should be out by this week.
Yeah.. i’m going Beijing. So happy!! Though slight worry that can’t walk much. Beg my hubby super long to get this trip after knowing pregnant. If not, sure to be trap for the next 1 to 2 years, if breastfeed is ongoing.
Haiz.. since last week, there are ppl letting me sit. (happy to sit, but sad that i’m so fat)heehee. But there are ppl really pretend never see me.. so bad!!


hi applebreeze, gestational diabetes is quite common. like what the rest says, probably just watch out for your diet, and reduce on sugar/starch intake and it'll go away after your pregnancy. dont worry too much!

i also did my blood test last mth during the OSCAR scan, and result was good. in fact my blood glucose was at the minimum level which i was worried before the test as i've been drinking soft drinks every alternate days (my only craving leh!).

huafen, u can try vivocity. i shopped around few weeks bk and saw there are quite a few maternity shops. =) enjoy shopping! get ur hubby to pay and carry the shopping bags hahaha.

bigtummy, have a gd trip! just be careful of what u consume there in Beijing as our stomach/digestive system tend to be very sensitive nowadays.

i can feel bb's movements already.. its like bubbles or wind in stomach and usually i feel it when i lie down quietly on the bed.. hehe. amazing feeling indeed.


Hi all,

I have signed up for a antenatalcourse at TMC.. there will be 5 lessons & 1 doc talk conducted either at building (oop TMC) or at AMK Hub.. The lessons include some basic exercises, taking care of babies, breastfeeding, coping with labour etc..

lessons will start in Jan and ends in early mar..

Mama_aki > congrats on ur pink! =) gynae told me mine is 99% blueeee.. but i just heard from my colleague she was told it was boy at 4th mth den during detailed scanning, it's a gal. hehe.. for me.. i better play safe before buying.. another 20 more days to my detailed scanning! countdown! hahaa
Hi Applebreeze, What test did you go that found out the result? dont't worry so much. Take care of the food intake :)
I’m similar to ariesgirl where we did the Oscar test in week 12. Unfortunely , my result for Oscar test not so fantastic, thus to play safe, went for the amino. Result should be out by this week.
Yeah.. i’m going Beijing. So happy!! Though slight worry that can’t walk much. Beg my hubby super long to get this trip after knowing pregnant. If not, sure to be trap for the next 1 to 2 years, if breastfeed is ongoing.
sigh.. since last week, there are ppl letting me sit. (happy to sit, but sad that i’m so fat)heehee. But there are ppl really pretend never see me.. so bad!!
Hi Bigtummy,

The test to check for gestational diabetes is call OGTT- Oral Glucose Tolerance Test. They will make you drink a bottle of really sweet water then take 1 prick there and then. 1 hr later another prick and the 2nd hour last prick. The nlood test i took yesterday includes the test to chekc for down syndrome and other tests like calcium level, iron level, Hep B, HIV and lots more. Cant remember also... Dunno why my gynae ask me to take also... He say necessary so just take lor. Oh and i did take up the antenatal package from his clinic which covers consultation and scanning and till the last visit before birth, cost me $700... I think it's consider cheap... Any mummies here take the package too?


New Member
Hello Mummies,
my edd is on 6th april.. gg to be 18 wks.I heard the heartbeat already:)
Morning sickness comes and go.. always feel like puking.Especially brushing teeth in the morning.Appetite not very gd and sometimes tummy abit cramp.


hi mummies, how have u all been? anyone gg for the detailed scan yet? mine will be next saturday and i cant wait for it. been worried for the little one inside me as i can only feel his movements on and off and sometimes not even once a day.
i've got this numbness feeling on my right, at the bottom of my rib cage. i called my gynae and he says it shouldnt be worrying as it's far away from the uterus and should be some sort of muscle ache. i think its probably due to the rib cage expanding to make space for bb?

i feel like an ever-expanding balloon now..