EDD April 2013..cont

Autumnfall my 1st 1 was at 38 weeks, I consider full term Liao. I think cramp because uterus contract n expand as baby moves bah. Dilation is when hormones say baby want come out. So normal to have cramps with no dilation. Belly size don't matter. my baby is 2.3 kg for 34 weeks but I look like 40weeks due coz I previously already has a tummy. Haaa.. Baby healthy, moving (10movements every 12hrs as per my gynae) n got weigh gain most Impt.

alag, no panic, relax and rest at home since u have the hospital leave. Try to reduce walking too much. Ask hubby do all heavy things for u, u must relax then body relax then baby relax.
Thanks iceydragon, wah u sound v calm and experienced, must learn from u! I hope baby pops out anytime after 37 weeks, been working late everyday and have been soooo tired.. dont knw how to continue for the next 7 weeks so I console myself say anytime after 4 weeks... hope I dont have to wait 7 weeks to pop, so tired and stressful everyday lol...
Maybe coz I rest 3mths Liao, don't feel the anxiety of working life. Just relax n try to rest more. If can don't work so late or baby will feel stressful too. Maybe it's time to dedicate some ask yr colleagues help? Sometimes I at home get angry at my son, I also feel cramps here n there so now I feel that stress has to be manage or will affect the baby n the contractions too.


Thanks autumn and icey!

I feel like icey is the guru for us first timers hehe!

My hospitalization leave is still 21 march. By then I would be 35-36 weeks so I guess my gynae would feel more at ease if I deliver then. She explained that the tingling sensation is probably caused by the low position of baby pressing against the pelvic bone. But so far, cervix seems fine.. Sigh but I dunno how to get out of work excuse of a lot of commitments.

Do you guys know if kodomo has baby detergent? I like the baby wash scent!
Am 34 weeks now and feeling super tired! Have oedema which is swelling of hands and legs due to water retention. Hurts big time cos can't bend my left fingers and the hand feel very weak also. Really can't wait for this condition to be gone, cos I also can't sleep very well because of it. This last stretch seems quite tough for me, wanna go out of the house also can't walk too long, wanna cook for myself cos no maid but hands too painful, sometimes even too painful to wash face.

Anyone here got this problem?

later going to see Gynae, and baby thru ultrasound! Yay!

Do u ladies talk to your babies? I keep talking to him, every time I feel him move, and he responds at times! At least this gives me some joy overriding the pain from the swoon hand n fingers!!
Hi lyngoh1010, I no swollen feet n hand yet. I got it when I was 37 weeks on my feet but it was not so painful. Maybe u try to elevate yr feet especially at night to let the blood flood back?

Hi alag, not guru la, I just happen to know some qns u all post and make my comments lo. I also got very good feedback during my #1 from friendly mummies in this forum, that's why I m back onto this forum now that I am preg again. Hehehe

jia you mummies, I also vy anxious about my baby to come out but hope he stay inside as long as possible.. Hahaha..

And yesterday my hubby just asked if we should rethink the baby name, I did a double flip!! I can't tink of anymore names Liao but we don't wan go pay $$ to calculate. Now waiting for miracle to happen for us to suddenly tink of an X-factor name for #2, else I will ask him use back the name that we recently decide. Have u all thought of names? Chinese I mean..
I think theres kodomo detergent too but I bought tollyjoy... alag, dont worry lah take the time to prepare ur baby room and pack the stuffs for baby's arrival... where r u delivering? Have to check the free goodies hosp provide too...

Btw any recommendations for confinement lady or mus we really book thru agent?
Ya I thot of chinese name aldy... actually I think better dont waste money calculating... a lot of children these days have similar chinese names and similar chinese characters for their names.. think its becuz the mix and match words given by many fortune tellers are the same combinations for many babies...
I oso have swollen feet and I ask my hubby to massage for me every night... it doesnt work... doc says becuz I ate too many sweet and salty food... maybe u can change ur diet to improve the condition of ur hands and feet?


Icey,I haven't thought of Chinese names but I am getting the baby's godma to Suan Ming from Taiwan because their names usually sound quite nice.

My baby is just gonna have the Chinese characters printed on the IC but not the hanyu pinyin.

Autumn, oh... Thanks for reminding me! I'd book my maternity ward tour and find out about what hospital provides too :)


Icey,I haven't thought of Chinese names but I am getting the baby's godma to Suan Ming from Taiwan because their names usually sound quite nice.

My baby is just gonna have the Chinese characters printed on the IC but not the hanyu pinyin.

Autumn, oh... Thanks for reminding me! I'd book my maternity ward tour and find out about what hospital provides too :)
Hi autumn fall, I got the confinement lady confirmed months ago lo. Thru recommendation from previous 1. Previous 1 not free to do.

for detergents I also use tollyjoy coz nicer smell than kodomo. That's what I tink. Hehe
Ya was also recommended tollyjoy... anyone going to the babyfair... haiz still considering whethet wana go anot cuz I have basically finished buying everything... maybe only Chinese herbs for confinement I haven get... haiz actually I plan to do confinement myself, not sure if able to cope anot cuz now oso too late to book... lol


Probably not going to the baby fair as crowds really bug me! Lol.

I just hired my confinement lady last weekend. I went thru an agency because I requested for a English speaking one and thought it might be easier that way. My mom "sponsored" the herbal package that they upsell too because she thinks it is troublesome and expensive to buy them individually.
Iceydragon, I did put my legs up on pillow when I sleep, and also put them up on coffee table when I sit on sofa. The effect is so so, not very much of a help cos the past two days suddenly swell a lot.

Ya Autumnfall, my hubby also massaged for me at the legs, but it worsened hahah.

Anyway, in the end I remember I had some kinda tight compression binding cloth I got from the pharmacy for my weak knees when I run last time. So I quickly searched drawers for it and used it to bind my left arm which hurts the most over the night. It feels soooooooo much better today!! No more dull ache at the arms, and fingers were able to bend a little too. Thank God lor!

Gynae says I must avoid carbo and too much salt in my food cos BABy is 2.5kg at 34weeks now and I have gained like 2.3kg the last 2 weeks, but..but I only steam my vegs and meats or put in soups the past few weeks! Sad... Must be the high sugar content in the CNY pineapple tarts and almond biscuits and stuff!!! Alamak!

gotta be more strict in my diet from now I guess ;(
Not going baby fair too coz only left baby mattress not buy. Not value for money to go there.

hi lyngoh u can drink lots of water to dilute the sugar n salt once u ate sinful food. Haaa that's what I did. I add water to my juice to dilute it, then eat snacks then I drink a lot of water during the day. Chck yr urine color. If colorless then good. Yellow means not enough water. That's how I gauge. The day before gynae check up restrict yr sugar level. After check up then eat, then day before next check up, stop again.. Haaa..
Anyone has trustworthy confinement ladies to intro? Which agencies shld I go to? Haiz very vexed... this cl I contacted asked me to give my baby formula cuz she says baby not enuf milk will tend to be hungrier and harder for them to slp. Haiz I worried she might not be supportive of breastfeeding so I rejected her service.. now im very vexed...


Hihi mummies..... I've gone missing 4 a long long time. Been njoying too much back home n didn't log in to chat. Hope every1 is doin jus fine n I can tell every1 is excited as the edd is getting nearer n nearer.....

I went to the bb fair jus now. Nothing much, jus the usual stuff. If u've got nothing much to buy can give it a miss as the parking n the amt of ppl there is horrible.... Bcos bb fair cum NATAS Fair.... N not all the stuff is cheap. I went bcos wanted to buy bb cot but end up buying other stuff. Thot mayb can still wait till Taka bb fair but not sure wen will it b. hahaaaaa.... Hopefully it'll b in Mar as it was held in Mar last year.