EDD April 2013..cont

Ya cuz I try to control and I didnt gain weight until 20 weeks and suddenly there was a massibe weight gain and no matter how I try to control, it doesnt stop especially this two mths... now I worry if I gonna give birth at week 40, wouldnt I be gaining far too much...

And we are all 33/34 weeks, how come baby movements still so vigorous? Haiz my ribcage pained so much too and sometimes really wana mc but I try not to lol...


Alag, I'm staying in pasir ris. You? By the way Just FYI i saw maternity sanitary napkins in watsons just now when I was searching for overnight/heavy flows ones. They only carry Kotex brand. 10 pc for $6. More expensive than the Pureen Madame brand one. Not sure whether is it better quality.

Belz, I'm interested too! Your cousin say her service is good ? And does she use any strong scented jamu massage oil too?

Just seen my gynae today and he instruct me to eat more as my baby is a bit too small at w35. Feel so worried and stressed :'( I have already put on 13kg since conceiving. Baby had gained 900g from w29 to w32. But w32 to w35 put on less than 200g. Had thought there will be sharp weight gain due to CNY. The only thing that cheer me up a little is that baby's head has already turn down. Had low lying placenta and was worried must c-sect.. Now just hope baby will absorb more food from me in the next 2 weeks.

Autumn fall, I suddenly started feeling pain low in my pelvic area near birth canal everyday since last Thursday. I highlighted this to my gynae n he checked and said its because my baby had turned her head down, so I will feel a bit discomfort, especially after walking. But it's normal and nothing to worry about. I think your baby's head probably turned down already too? My legs also hurt easily after walking a while. Don't think it's labour symptom ba. Should be our legs tired from all the extra weight and baby position..?

So envious that you have only put on 8kg to date!!! Me already 13kg still need to eat more... :(


Alag me too have put on a ridiculous 13kg. Have never been so heavy before. :( Hopefully can shed at least 10kg after delivery. Which week are you at now ?

Autumnfall, I'm at my w35 but baby movements more vigorous than before. Everyday she kicks till my rib cafe hurts too. Especially at night until i cant sleep. But its such a magical feeling isn't it ? :)) sometimes i am sleepy already but will still stay awake to feel her. I am going to miss this feeling after she's out.


Hey Yasumi, I stay in Pasir Ris too (Flora Drive).... OMG...... wonder how many East side mummies do we have in this thread? Now we have Yasumi, Alag n myself in EAst.... Who else?
Mayb we can arrange to mt up 1 day or even have a playgroup formed. Tink it will b fun.

Yasumi attached is a photo of the Eu Yan Sang Bak Foong Pill I bought. The auntie says if no time to boil nourishing soup to drink can jus take the pill. I used to take this monthly aft my menses monthly last time. N I took it more regularly when I was trying to conceive.



I have put on bout 13-14KGs too..... So sad. N my family all have big butt. Aft being pregnant my butt began to grow even bigger.... Sob sob. Now it's no longer big, it's humongous...... My boy is very active whenever I lie down, macam like doin all sorts of stunts inside. I luv pulling up my shirt n watch him exercise inside as my stomach will have vigorous movement. His daddy sometimes will laugh looking at the movement wondering what is he up to inside. N mummy here will b ouching away.... Tink I will miz all this wen bb is out.

My massage lady was recommended by my gf who gave birth in Oct last year. She does pre/post natal massage. Each session $50 incl binding. Each session last 4 bout 1hr n it's a malay lady. N if u ladies have not book ur massage lady pls do so as u actually have to pre book in advance. Sometimes if u book too late they might not have slots 4 u.


Yasumi, I stay around Marine Vista. We should definitely have a meet up! :)

I am only 32 weeks guys and I have 13-14 kg weight gain. I feel depressed a little at times because I have always been an exercise freak.. Never been skinny but fit, so it's hard to accept the crazy weight gain!

I can feel you girls, my baby is engaged in the right position (i was worried it may be breached). And because the baby is low, I am on hospital leave now till march 21. But I definitely have the shortness of breath and can't laugh as much as it hurts.

I will check out reviews on maternity sanitary napkins. I am not used to pads and am afraid of chaffing :(


Sherlee, its a good idea! i think it will be loads of fun! Probably we can organize some mummy coffee session while waiting to deliver. :)) play group I can't though. Cos actually my hubby posted to indonesia for work, I only come back for delivery, will be flying off with baby after confinement.

Thanks for the photo on the pill! Looks good. But its alright to take this pill even when we are breast feeding ?

My butt grew big too :( my mum says it will shrink back after birth. Hope it's true!

It seems like everyone booking the massage in advance. What if we book already then gynae advise must c-sect? I heard cannot do jamu massage n binding in the case of c-sect..?


Alag , did doctor explain why baby is low? Is it similar to low-lying placenta? Its not good for baby to be low?
Hi Sheree, the bai fong bills are to take during confinement? Safe even if im breastfeeding?

Hey Yasumi, I stay in Pasir Ris too (Flora Drive).... OMG...... wonder how many East side mummies do we have in this thread? Now we have Yasumi, Alag n myself in EAst.... Who else?
Mayb we can arrange to mt up 1 day or even have a playgroup formed. Tink it will b fun.

Yasumi attached is a photo of the Eu Yan Sang Bak Foong Pill I bought. The auntie says if no time to boil nourishing soup to drink can just take the pill. I used to take this monthly after my menses monthly last time. N I took it more regularly when I was trying to conceive.



Well my doctor didn't say my placenta is low lying but that the baby is ready to pop out earlier than she hoped.
She attributes it to me being a tad too active :(


Yasumi so u'll b staying in Indonesia for how long? We can organize coffee session b4 we pop...

As advised by my massage auntie, I will call her to tell her tat I've delivered. 1 week aft normal delivery can start massage. C-sect can oni start 3weeks Lata.

The Bai Foong pill can take during confinement. If BF, aft taking Bai Foong pill no BF 4 2hrs (as advised by EYS auntie) actually got other brands of Bai Foong pills in da market but so far review, EYS still the best. 1 of my mums frens daughter tried very long to conceive but not successful. She ate this Bai Foong pill few times a week n tried n voila..... She's a mother now. Well not sure if it works, but no harm in consuming herbs to strengthen our body rite? Hahaaaa.....


Wa.. I had heard that its better to be more active during last trimester in order to have an easier delivery. Now hear too active also not good for baby. :S so difficult. Do take care n don't exert yourself too much alag!

Sherlee, my hubby says most likely another 2 more years. Hope can transfer back soon though. Indonesia is boring !

Can I have your massage auntie's contact? May consider taking up her service if she's still available. And thanks for the Pill advice. Will drop by EYS soon. :)


Well, Indonesia is not too far away. Can always come back. Hahaaa....

Yati is my massage auntie HP no 91126241. Can WA her if u have any queries, she's pretty helpful.
Hi ladies, when do you all start your maternity leave? Do u all have swollen hands and feet? My hands get numb very often... and there's nothing I can do abt it. Sigh...

Thanks to SherLee for explaining abt the product. :))


Oh great! Thanks Sherlee for the heads up. Will you be going to the Mothercare fair yourself?

Yasumi, yeah... Being active is good only if you desperately need to induce your labor I guess. My friend was also too active and was 2 cm dilated at 33 weeks and was ordered complete bedrest. I am only praying the little bugger can make it till 36 weeks before he or she pops out! :)

sw33tvanilla, I am gonna try to work till end of March. Feet and hands are so majorly swollen... It does help when I go for massages though! :)


i have gain abt 8-9kg also.. theres not much weight gain for me during the 31-33w... like 200g-500g per mth only.. thank god i dont have swollen legs...:) been walking alot now... so that i can have easy labour ...whahaha...imagine 10hrs of pain..can KILL!!! i hope mine is a short one...


Alag, have you dilated too? My gynae did not check for dilation despite me being at w35, he only did a group B strep test. Hope I dilated abit already!

Have you all booked your hospital already? Where do you all intend to deliver at? I still can't decide between Thomson Medical & Mt Alvernia.

I hope my labour will be a short one too!!! Can't imagine 10h of labour! Else very tempting to give in to epidural.
How many of u ur baby has turned down aldy? I dont knw if mine has turned but I think not yet becuz I still feel his head everywhere... heard that some will turn only during labor... originally I planned to work till I give birth but recently its getting more n more difficult, so I planned to work till end of march and probably just take lotsa mc in march lol...

Im so tired, woke up so many times to pee and cant sleep thereafter and sometimes the contractions really hurt big time... it doesnt help that my boss isnt very understanding lol..

So many east mummies! I stay in west though lol...

I kept telling baby to come out at end of march, will they hear u and come out alightly earlier? By end of march I shld be 38 weeks aldy, just nice? Heard that majority of babies pop out before 40 weeks, usually during 38 or 39 weeks... but hard to say, my friend's baby was overdue lol...

Does walking a lot help? Im gonna walk and walk lol... hopefully baby is early!!!


Belz, all you girls make me feel like a beached whale with your tiny weight gain. Lol! My baby is 2kg now so at least she/he seems to be growing well. :)

Yasumi, I haven't booked yet but I will stick to KKH because I am consulting with my gynae at TPS there and will be going for the maternity ward tour this week.
At the moment, she checked bu I am not dilated yet but she fears it will be soon so I am seeing her even less than 2 weeks apart. Praying the little one stays in a bit more as I haven't gotten the nursery ready!!